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The Vote Was Yes!


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I got home from Palm Sunday Vigil Mass tonight and the email waiting for me from Mother Prioress said that the community voted unanimously at Chapter to allow me to enter the [url="http://www.wolvercarmvocations.org.uk/"]Wolverhamption Carmlelite Monastery[/url]!!! Yayyy.... I can't tell you how happy I am. Or how blessed I feel. :yahoo:

I have asked if I can enter on the feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, and am waiting for her to confirm this date (July 16th).

If all goes well, I can start my countdown... 30 days in April, 31 in May, 30 in June, then 16 until I enter = 107 days!!!!! It sounds so far away, but now that I know I am really going to enter, I am sure the days will just fly by! :rolleyes:

Thank all of you so much for all of your prayers for me. I will keep praying for all phatmass discerners that you find where God is calling you, and that you are accepted.

+All praise and glory to you, Lord Jesus Christ+

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Ditto!! ^^^

Praise GOD! We are so happy for you!!! This is such a gift from Our Lord and Our Lady.

Prayers of thanksgiving are in order!

Ave Maria....

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You have my prayers - doubly so, as you're first the Phatmasser to enter an English monastery during my time on Phatmass. You've got good taste...

One question: can I wheedle an invitation to the ceremony of your profession? (Assuming that I'm not in Carmel myself by that point, of course.)
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Praise God! Wonderful! God bless you!
Be assured of my continued prayers for your entrance preparations.

How good is the good God!

Blessings to you,

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[quote name='Cathoholic Anonymous' post='1224306' date='Apr 1 2007, 05:59 AM']:cloud9:

You have my prayers - doubly so, as you're first the Phatmasser to enter an English monastery during my time on Phatmass. You've got good taste...

One question: can I wheedle an invitation to the ceremony of your profession? (Assuming that I'm not in Carmel myself by that point, of course.)[/quote]

If you are not in Carmel, I will be very surprised! But of course you are welcome to come and visit any time Mother allows, and to be there are my Profession. Since my family is scattered all over the globe with children (Australia, Singapore, USA), I doubt any of them will be able to make it, so having a friend and fellow phatmasser there would be wonderful!

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I've got one year left of my undergraduate degree. After Cambridge, I don't know where I will go. I'm actually enjoying the sensation of 'not-knowingness' and being able to trust so completely in God. By the time I graduate I may be pounding on the door of Carmel and demanding to enter, but it could be that God is asking me to do something else first. My spiritual director, a Dominican sister, wants me to spend a year as a catechist and youth worker at the St Thomas Aquinas retreat centre that she's setting up. I'm seriously considering her request. The centre will be in Stone, which is extremely close to Wolverhampton, so the parlour of that Carmel will be one of the first places I visit on weekends off if I accept my SD's offer. :)

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P.S. Plane tickets are quite cheap if they're bought far enough in advance, you know. ;) Perhaps your family could be persuaded to take a holiday in the English Midlands as your Profession approaches.

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