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Would You..."take -communion-" Elsewhere?

Bruce S

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The Priest is KEY here. Without a MAN interposed between the bread and wine, according to Catholic belief, the "event" is corrupted. Thus, the priest is the ACTIVATING AGENT, and...according to MY belief, it is a human element, not a divine element that was substituted and done so for the express reason of allowing a priestly class to have control over populations and establish themselves as overlords and ensure corporal power.

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Dynamic Presence:

Known as dynamic or spiritual presence, this view stands somewhere between the positions of Luther and Zwingli. Calvin agreed with Zwingli that the bread adn wine are to be understood symbolically. Christ is not physically present in the elements, because His risen, glorified body is in heaven (Heb. 10:12). Still, He is dynamcially and spiritually present in the Lord's Supper through the Holy Spirit. Christ gives spiritual nourishment at the Lord's Supper - from Nelsons New Illustrated Bible Dictionary.

Good Morning Br Adam;

... and thank you for taking the time. "Dynamic Presence" sounds very much as the position of the Anglican Church from what I understand from a friend of mine at St Barnabas. Mind you I know Anglicans at home here who believe and accept the full presence of Christ as does the Catholic Church. This Church has been refered to as the High Anglican Church, when they moved to new facilitys last year the name out front now reads "Anglican Catholic Church".

I just found that interesting, ... but for you then, the Eucharist is more than "symbolic alone"? and is this shared by others and your Pastor at your local Baptist Church you attend?

thanks again for your time on this.

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This Church has been refered to as the High Anglican Church, when they moved to new facilitys last year the name out front now reads "Anglican Catholic Church".

Are you sure they didn't join the Catholic Church? I have attended mass at a local church that use to be Anglican, but joined teh Catholic church a few years ago, and are now "Anglican Rite Catholics", and recognize the authority of the pope.

It was a valid, beautiful mass.

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The Priest is KEY here. Without a MAN interposed between the ...


... lets interject Peter and Paul here when they healed the sick etc, was it them as men healing the sick or the Christ within them by the power of the Holy Spirit who does the healing? I think think they just supplied the body on earth to get to the sick in the first place, the Lord works through His people.

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I just found that interesting, ... but for you then, the Eucharist is more than "symbolic alone"? and is this shared by others and your Pastor at your local Baptist Church you attend?

That's correct. I've never bought the whole "oh its just a symbol that Christ asked us to do" thing. The difference with the Catholic church is, i don't believe the elements are physically changed whereas the bread and wine are no longer bread and wine.

There may be come congragents who agree with me, but the church leadership does not. I've been waiting and praying on it though, being faithful to the church I belong to.

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Mornin' Dust;

I don't believe so unless they are associated with St Pats Parish, ... I met the Priest briefly (quite some time ago) when they were still in the old Church and it was he that told me they were High Anglican and believe in the full presence of Christ as well as all the Sacrements.

Intersting point and I'll look into it??

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...reason of allowing a priestly class to have control over populations and establish themselves as overlords and ensure corporal power.

what the...????

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Same, we just view it symbolically, not literally.

And we do it once a month, that allows for more time for the Sermon/Homily, Protestants believe more in preaching, less in ritual.

like Flannery O'Connor says and I will quote her again

"Well, if it's symbolic then to hell with it."

it's worth nothing if it's symbolic...why partake in it if it's just a symbol????

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And we do it once a month, that allows for more time for the Sermon/Homily, Protestants believe more in preaching, less in ritual.

But in the Acts of the Apostles, when references were made to gatherings on the Lord's Day, what was the common activity in those references, preaching or "breaking of the bread" (which is another term for Eucharist)?

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reason of allowing a priestly class to have control over populations and establish themselves as overlords and ensure corporal power.

where do these wild tangents come from? you are romanticising the situation way too much. a priest's activities don't differ that much from the daily activities of many protestant pastors. they organize bakesales and visit people in the hospital. you are reading way too much john cornwell and living in the 13th century.

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There may be come congragents who agree with me, but the church leadership does not.


... i don't believe the elements are physically changed whereas the bread and wine are no longer bread and wine.

Yeah, this had me going for awhile just after I came into the Church, perhaps not on the same thought line as yourself but one day the thought came to me, ... I've changed yet I still look the same, my voice still sounds the same as it did, yet I was not the person I was before. My "ex" one day said that I didn't even look the same, "you do but you don't" she couldn't explain it, but she said there's something different, ... gotta tell ya this made me very gratefull to God and made me happy as well, I wasn't a very nice person.

... just babbleing, ... and have to go to work now, good talking with you and say hi to Mrs. Br.Adam

Edited by KennC
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My spin is you believe in the Priest more than the elements.


n 1: a swift whirling motion (usually of a missile)

2: the act of rotating rapidly; "he gave the crank a spin"; "it

broke off after much twisting" [syn: twirl, twist, twisting,


3: rapid descent of an aircraft in a steep spiral spin [syn: tailspin]

v 1: revolve quickly and repeatedly around one's own axis; "The

dervishes whirl around and around without getting dizzy"

[syn: spin around, whirl, reel, gyrate]

2: stream in jets, of liquids: "The creek spun its course

through the woods"

3: cause to spin; "spin a coin" [syn: whirl, birl, twirl]

4: make up a story, as in "spin a yarn"

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I think you miss the point.

Catholics believe that the bread and wine turn into Christ's body and blood, literally. It is the focal point of every mass. It is our duty as faithful Christians to defend His body. The Church has been defending this holy sacrament for 2000 years.

It's not a question, for us, of what "denomination" you are talking about. It's a matter of acknowledging what is actually happening during the consecration of the Eucharist. And yes--we believe that only ordained members of the Holy Apostolic Catholic Church have been given the power to make this happen--as it is the only way that we can assure that His body remain protected.

You guys keep working that 2000 years. If you drove Hwy I20 to get Arkansas for 2000 years you would never make it. If you took Hwy I30 east you would make it in 3 hours. It more about the direction than the time. I have this in my kitchen to remind me of the truth.

Will the road your are on get you to my place? signed God.....

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