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Would You..."take -communion-" Elsewhere?

Bruce S

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if you would be so kind as to respond to my most recent post, i would be greatful.

thank you and God Bless You in your search for Truth,


Truth I would also like responses answered. I've never had a gnostic point of view before and I'm really interested to hear one.

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what is your view? Gnosticism? The book of enoch? Come now, what is your denomination so we can share our views of yours.

I have shared my views, and none of it give a sign of denomination correct. Well, it stand to reason that I don't subscibe to denominational teaching. I have a high cause Christ not deominations. Do you seek to attack me personally.

Edited by Truth
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Sound like you are trying for Dr. Phil's job or something. Call Oprah, she may have a job for you since Dr. Phil have his own show now.

Thanks Larry. You've done a swell job of answering my question, whether you intended to or not.

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A Catholic partaking in Protestant ceremony is like a Protestant partaking in a Catholic ceremony. Bad.

Communion is a Christian ceremony, not a Catholic or Protestant ceremony. You guys do see what I'm saying.

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Truth I would also like responses answered. I've never had a gnostic point of view before and I'm really interested to hear one.

I haven't either and I to would like to hear one. Maybe it will be a little more refreshing that some of the Catholics points of view. By the way did you read the Book of Enoch? What was you last postin?

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Communion is a Christian ceremony, not a Catholic or Protestant ceremony. You guys do see what I'm saying.

No. There IS a difference.

Protestant communion is a symbolic gesture.

Catholic Holy Eucharist is the BODY and BLOOD of Jesus Christ.

I'm not sure why this is a big deal to you since you aren't of any denomination, therefore logically speaking, not a member of any particular church. If you do not subscribe to what a denom believes why would you even want to receive communion at their church.

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I have shared my views, and none of it give a sign of denomination correct. Well, it stand to reason that I don't subscibe to denominational teaching. I have a high cause Christ not deominations. Do you seek to attack me personally.

You have verbally attacked his church,members of his body, I will defend his church. Take that as a personal attack.

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What she said. The Eucharist is only valid as a Catholic ceremony because it is something that is in communion with the Pope which the Protestant churches, aren't.

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I haven't either and I to would like to hear one. Maybe it will be a little more refreshing that some of the Catholics points of view. By the way did you read the Book of Enoch? What was you last postin?

No, it the woman clothed with the Sun thread - about how the Book of Daniel predicts an end to the Roman Empire in King Nebuchanezar's Dream via the Church of Jesus Christ. There is no real defense because this isn't from any modern Church teaching, it's Biblical fact that was understood by the Jews and believed by the first Jewish converts to Christianity.

Believing in "hidden knowledge" is Gnosticism. Since you don't identify with either Protestants or Catholics, and you preach an unknown 'truth' leads people to believe that you are a gnostic. The Book of Enoch is only accepted by the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, which also believes that Christ never had two natures (the Monophysite heresy). Making gnostic statements and aligning yourself with heresy only leaves one to think your are a Gnostic.

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you seem to have skipped over my most recent post in this thread and responded to posts after mine. i am curious to read your answer to the information i provided.

God Bless You in your search for Truth,


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yes, but the pascal lamb is supposed to be eaten:

Gen. 22:9-13 - God saved Abraham's first-born son on Mount Moriah with a substitute sacrifice which had to be consumed. This foreshadowed the real sacrifice of Israel's true first-born son (Jesus) who must be consumed.

Exodus 12:5 - the paschal lamb that was sacrificed and eaten had to be without blemish. Luke 23:4,14; John 18:38 - Jesus is the true paschal Lamb without blemish.

Exodus 12:7,22-23 - the blood of the lamb had to be sprinkled on the two door posts. This paschal sacrifice foreshadows the true Lamb of sacrifice and the two posts of His cross on which His blood was sprinkled.

Exodus 12:8,11 - the paschal lamb had to be eaten by the faithful in order for God to "pass over" the house and spare their first-born sons. Jesus, the true paschal Lamb, must also be eaten by the faithful in order for God to forgive their sins.

Exodus 12:43-45; Ezek. 44:9 - no one outside the "family of God" shall eat the lamb. Non-Catholics should not partake of the Eucharist until they are in full communion with the Church.

Exodus 12:49 - no uncircumcised person shall eat of the lamb. Baptism is the new circumcision for Catholics, and thus one must be baptized in order to partake of the Lamb.

Exodus 12:47; Num. 9:12 - the paschal lamb's bones could not be broken. John 19:33 -none of Jesus' bones were broken.

Exodus 16:4-36; Neh 9:15 - God gave His people bread from heaven to sustain them on their journey to the promised land. This foreshadows the true bread from heaven which God gives to us at Mass to sustain us on our journey to heaven.

Exodus 24:9-11 - the Mosaic covenant was consummated with a meal in the presence of God. The New and eternal Covenant is consummated with the Eucharistic meal - the body and blood of Jesus Christ under the appearance of bread and wine.

Exodus 29:33 - they shall eat those things with which atonement was made. Jesus is the true Lamb of atonement and must now be eaten.

Lev. 7:15 - the Aaronic sacrifices absolutely had to be eaten in order to restore communion with God. These sacrifices all foreshadow the one eternal sacrifice which must also be eaten to restore communion with God. This is the Eucharist (from the Greek word "eukaristia" which means "thanksgiving").

Lev. 17:11,14 - in the Old Testament, we see that the life of the flesh is the blood which could never be drunk. In the New Testament, Jesus Christ's blood is the source of new life, and now must be drunk.

Gen. 9:4-5; Deut.12:16,23-24 - in these verses we see other prohibitions on drinking blood, yet Jesus commands us to drink His blood because it is the true source of life.

2 Kings 4:43 - this passage foreshadows the multiplication of the loaves and the true bread from heaven which is Jesus Christ.

2 Chron. 30:15-17; 35:1,6,11,13; Ezek. 6:20-21- the lamb was killed, roasted and eaten to atone for sin and restore communion with God. This foreshadows the true Lamb of God who was sacrificed for our sin and who must now be consumed for our salvation.

Psalm 78:24-25; 105:40 - the raining of manna and the bread from angels foreshadows the true bread from heaven, Jesus Christ.

Isaiah 53:7 - this verse foreshadows the true Lamb of God who was slain for our sins and who must be consumed.

Wis. 16:20 - this foreshadows the true bread from heaven which will be suited to every taste. All will be welcome to partake of this heavenly bread, which is Jesus Christ.

Sir. 24:21 - God says those who eat Him will hunger for more, and those who drink Him will thirst for more.

Ezek. 2:8-10; 3:1-3 - God orders Ezekiel to open his mouth and eat the scroll which is the Word of God. This foreshadows the true Word of God, Jesus Christ, who must be consumed.

Zech. 12:10 - this foreshadows the true first-born Son who was pierced for the sins of the inhabitants of the new Jerusalem.

Zech. 13:1 - on the day of piercing, a fountain (of blood and water) will cleanse the sins of those in the new House of David.

btw, there are three other threads in which i am waiting for your response......

Good Luck and God Bless You in your search for Truth,



what about that?

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I Don't hate Catholics, you have it all wrong, I'm not here to convert you. I'm here to voice my view and maybe get you to look into what you beleive, so that you know what you think you know for sure, is right or wrong.

Oh, so........like, when you say, for instance, that Our Church is the whore of Babylon from the Book of Revelations, you're just wanting our opinion on that, or you just want us to look into that to see if that is what Our Church teaches? :rolleyes:

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