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Would You..."take -communion-" Elsewhere?

Bruce S

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By taking communion in a Protestant church, it would show a false sense of approval and acceptance of what they are doing. I believe that Christ's instructions for us were literal when he told us to eat his body and drink his blood. Protestantism has taken this command--this holy sacrament--and cheapened it. By participating in such a direct violation of Christ's instructions would cause scandal and a false sense of unity, which doesn't exist.

Christ spoke using parallel, metaphorically and parabels, so why would the meaning be literal.

This where you all miss out on understanding. The Word is spirit, you had to sent by the Father. It was not until after Christ we all could receive the Holy Spirit.

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Christ spoke using parallel, metaphorically and parabels, so why would the meaning be literal.

You're implying Christ never spoke literally?

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REMEMBERENCE in this context doesn't mean just to remember... this is a CMOM post:


from like august... u see, if it's not truly making present something which took place in the past, it's a mockery of Jesus' command. and protestants don't believe it's actually making that present the way we do. ;):P

This is a spirital rememberence, because it is of the spirit he (Christ) speak. You make complex what is simple and simple what is complex. Chirst put it like this, God make foolish the wise and wise the foolish. You don't respond to spirit with reason, because until you receive the Holy Spirit that is all you have. The Apostles didn't not understand it until they received the Holy Spirit. In Laymen terms before you take commuion you must repent. So you check yourself before you wreck yourself.

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in His analagies, he never once had something present and said this is that. like, with the good shepherd, He didn't find a sheperd, put His hands on the shepherd, and say, THIS IS ME. when He said He was the door, He wasn't touching a door saying THIS IS ME. but when He took bread in His sacred and venerable Hands, He said "THIS IS MY BODY." and when He took the Chalice He said "THIS IS MY BLOOD" clearly it's in a different league than all His parables ;) :cool:

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I'm sick of being told I don't have the Holy Spirit. The anti-Catholicism you express is out of hand. Stop.

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You're implying Christ never spoke literally?

Never would imply from birth to the cross. I wouldn't imply that. When he spoke to the Apostles and other it was not literal. I will look for the scripture where one of the Apostles said now you speak plainly to note he had not been speaking plainly in the past.

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I wish I didn't have to see the same Catholic positions attacked and defended over and over. The stubborn haters who come here think that they have some new revelation that proves Catholicism wrong, like the issue they argue hasn't come up in apologetics before... At least the non-haters are interested in learning about us.

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This is a spirital rememberence, because it is of the spirit he (Christ) speak. You make complex what is simple and simple what is complex. Chirst put it like this, God make foolish the wise and wise the foolish. You don't respond to spirit with reason, because until you receive the Holy Spirit that is all you have. The Apostles didn't not understand it until they received the Holy Spirit. In Laymen terms before you take commuion you must repent. So you check yourself before you wreck yourself.


I pray that God softens your heart for your mind is weak in Catholic knowledge. We repent our sins at the begining of our mass. Our Bread remains sacred in its rightful place in the Tabernacle. Even if you hold the Bread to be "Symbolic" to he that is infinately the most high, why is it just chunked in the trash after it gets stale. Thats really Very holy spirited of you.

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Actaully, Truth, if you knew what Catholicism preaches, you would know that Confession is encouraged before Communion.

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in His analagies, he never once had something present and said this is that. like, with the good shepherd, He didn't find a sheperd, put His hands on the shepherd, and say, THIS IS ME. when He said He was the door, He wasn't touching a door saying THIS IS ME. but when He took bread in His sacred and venerable Hands, He said "THIS IS MY BODY." and when He took the Chalice He said "THIS IS MY BLOOD" clearly it's in a different league than all His parables ;):cool:

That was not a parable it was a metaphor. Its to sub something for somthing esle as if it was. See try this one he was the Lamb for the blood sacifice, for the passover because he took its place once and for all. I was the last one.

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I'm sick of being told I don't have the Holy Spirit. The anti-Catholicism you express is out of hand. Stop.

If you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen. (metaphor here don't hurt youself) Don't be so quick to anger! If you don't agree with me I'm not upset with you. Say what you want but don't tell me not to voice my view.

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Never would imply from birth to the cross. I wouldn't imply that. When he spoke to the Apostles and other it was not literal. I will look for the scripture where one of the Apostles said now you speak plainly to note he had not been speaking plainly in the past.

The apostles said that as they finally understood what it all meant. Its to bad you havent. Stop being those in John 6:66 and come home. Ill even pray you here. And yes I am found. "so seek and ye shall find" the truth.

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Christ spoke using parallel, metaphorically and parabels, so why would the meaning be literal.

This where you all miss out on understanding. The Word is spirit, you had to sent by the Father. It was not until after Christ we all could receive the Holy Spirit.

actually, the Word became FLESH. meaning Jesus Christ is THE WORD.

let me ask you this "truth", if Jesus Christ was speaking in parables, metaphorically, or symbolically then why in John Chapter 6 when He was speaking about eating His sarx (which means bloody flesh...nothing symbolic about that) why would he allow for some of those who had been following Him to leave. if they misunderstood Him and thought he was speaking literally instead of symbolically, why did he let them go instead of clarifying His words?

Jesus spoke literally...the Word became flesh, "I am the living bread that came down from heaven; whoever eats this bread will live forever; and the bread that I will give is my FLESH for the life of the world." John 6:51

"Amen, Amen, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you do not have life within you. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him on the last day. For my flesh is True food, and my blood is True drink. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in him." John 6:53-56


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