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Anyone Discerned With The....


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Has anyone here discerned with the Community of St. John...the active Sisters OR the contemplative Sisters. If you have could you post your experience there and what you thought?



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I have not discerned with them as such, but I'm very familiar with the contemplative sisters - one of my good friends is seriously considering them and I know one of the nuns. I first encountered the community at Walsingham ("England's Nazareth") when their founder, Pere Marie Dominique Philippe, came to give a series of talks about Mary. He brought the English members of the community with him. I had a long conversation with one of the contemplatives after that and was fascinated and repulsed at the same time. The revulsion has since gone away - I think I was just shocked by the fact that any right-thinking person would leave England to join a French contemplative community and go for six years without seeing her parents. That sort of thing was new to me.

A lot of young people from England go on retreat to the French community over summer. They get a lot of vocations and, according to people who have been, the place is very vibrant and alive. Pere Marie Dominique Philippe himself was a very gentle person who seemed to exude this aura of prayer. If he has left his stamp on that community, I don't see how it can be anything but a good place. :)

My one remaining uneasiness stems from the fact that there is no mention of the sisters on the website, apart from a few photos. It's all about the brothers, even though the nuns were very well established when the website was made. Are the sisters not important enough or something?

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Is the priest who does the "mountain retreats" for young people (I think he's French) a member of the Community of St. John?

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The contemplative sisters in the Netherlands, currently in Enschede, will be establishing a new house in Den Haag (The Hague). The link to the story is [url="http://stjan.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=189&Itemid=67"]here[/url].

For those who don't read Dutch, a rough and ready translation:
[quote]The time is here: two and half years after the brothers' foundation, the contemplative sisters are coming to the Hofstad (a nickname for The Hague). At the request (lit. insistence) of the brothers, Bishop van Luyn asked the sisters to come and support the diocese and the work of their brothers with their prayerful presence. Through their prayer and intense life in community, they wish to bear witness to God's absolute Love for all people in the Randstad (the area roughly bounded by Amsterdam, The Hague and Utrecht). The first two sisters, Sr. Marie-Nadia and Sr. Thérèse-Joseph, will take up residence in part of the Willibrordus House at Oude Molstraat 35.[/quote]

It's a little :offtopic: but just thought people here would like to know nonetheless.


Edit: click on "Foto's en video's" near the top of the page and you can see some photos of Sr. Elia's profession.

Edited by puellapaschalis
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Father Joseph Mary is with the Community of St. John. He has been at some local Youth 2000s. He is awesome! He radiates with holiness. That is my only experience with that religious order. A couple brothers have been with him. They are so prayerful. They are from the Peoria, IL home. I'd like to visit them one day!

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[quote name='Cathoholic Anonymous' post='1216804' date='Mar 21 2007, 04:49 AM']I have not discerned with them as such, but I'm very familiar with the contemplative sisters - one of my good friends is seriously considering them and I know one of the nuns. I first encountered the community at Walsingham ("England's Nazareth") when their founder, Pere Marie Dominique Philippe, came to give a series of talks about Mary. He brought the English members of the community with him. I had a long conversation with one of the contemplatives after that and was fascinated and repulsed at the same time. The revulsion has since gone away - I think I was just shocked by the fact that any right-thinking person would leave England to join a French contemplative community and go for six years without seeing her parents. That sort of thing was new to me.

A lot of young people from England go on retreat to the French community over summer. They get a lot of vocations and, according to people who have been, the place is very vibrant and alive. Pere Marie Dominique Philippe himself was a very gentle person who seemed to exude this aura of prayer. If he has left his stamp on that community, I don't see how it can be anything but a good place. :)

My one remaining uneasiness stems from the fact that there is no mention of the sisters on the website, apart from a few photos. It's all about the brothers, even though the nuns were very well established when the website was made. Are the sisters not important enough or something?[/quote]

as a Former Brother of St John, and Bi-lingual, please PM me if you have specific Questions..Gods Peace
oh, i highly recommend the Sisters if you are a Contemplative Tradtional,Continental (the Brits will understand that one),with a Dominican-Theresian Spirit
The Contemplative Sisters
Particularly "hidden in God" by Mary and in her, the contemplative sisters are, in the heart of the family of Saint John, guardians of its contemplative fervor. Living the Father's attraction in an ultimate way requires of them a silent, but joyful fraternal charity that bears wittness to the victory of love given by Jesus to all men.
Website with mention of Sisters below
[url="http://www.stjean.com/EN/Communaute2b.htm"]Sisters of St John Contemplative[/url]
The Apostolic Sisters are not in any english speaking country as far as i know.

The apostolic sisters are especially witnesses to the link between the fervor of fraternal charity and apostolic presence. They seek to realize a liturgical life that, with a certain beauty, may help the faithful to pray and to discover the presence of Mary in their midst. They cooperate in the apostolic life of the brothers, serving the Community and the Church.
[url="http://www.stjean.com/EN/Communaute2c.htm"]and Active Sisters[/url]

Glory to Jesus Christ..in the desert!

Gravesite of Founder Fr marie-Dominique Phillipe
and Mother Superior of the Sisters of St John front left pew

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the lords sheep

Do you know what kind of apostalate the active sisters have?? They seem like a really beautiful community. Also, what countries are the Sisters, especially the active Sisters, in?

In Jesus and Mary,

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[quote name='the lords sheep' post='1217773' date='Mar 23 2007, 11:31 AM']EJ-
Do you know what kind of apostalate the active sisters have?? They seem like a really beautiful community. Also, what countries are the Sisters, especially the active Sisters, in?

In Jesus and Mary,
Glory to Jesus Christ!
Dear 'Sheep of The Lord', first of all here is a old. little .swf video of the Brothers of St John Mission in Philippines,you can tell its hot, cause they are wearing summer habits.

AND here is a WindowsMedia of the Ordinations of the Community of St John,2005..if you look close you can see some sisters..it may take a while to download or 2 or 3 good restarts
you can purchase a video of the Priory and life in Laredo, Texas from the USA website.
here is the Typical Prayer Schedule of the Brothers and Apostolic Sisters
[url="http://laredo.communityofstjohn.com/index2.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=42&pop=1&page=0&Itemid=90"]Horarium St John USA[/url]
though much of the community is is tri-lingual,everyone, even those who start in the USA MUST learn French,(their founder only knew French) because you Must, for now, spend some time in Formation in France, usually after one year initial formation in your home culture/country..so even those desiring to be a Apostolic Sisters, would most likely have to learn French and get basic formation at the Contemplative Sisters in Princeville, Illinois.
and The Apostolic Sisters have an English Mission on an Island in the Philippines....The Apostolic Sisters are basically like the Brothers, there main 'ministry' is catachesis to young people..and Adoration with/for youth,But it depends on needs where they are located.they for sure have the 2 hours of meditation/adoration daily.They also follow the same Philosophy/metaphysics formation, and some Theology with the Brothers .\'They seek to realize a liturgical life that, with a certain beauty, may help the faithful to pray and to discover the presence of Mary in their midst. They cooperate in the apostolic life of the brothers, serving the Community and the Church.'
[url="http://catholique-lepuy.cef.fr/actualites/reportages/report-0404.htm"] here is a article/report about the Apostolic Sisters[/url]
There Novitiate- Mother House is near Paray-le -Monial, and a very great set up.

Prioress -Sr. Claire Theophane
Sisters -Sr. Angel Mary, Sr. Anna, Sr. Isaac, Sr. Joahna and Sr. Martha
Novices -Emma, Nora and Rhodora
Final Vows of Contemplative Sisters, at St. Jodard.
ANd the 150,Apostolic Sisters are in 8 houses in France, one in Belgium, and in Phillipines 3 in Africa....one in Romania
The 438,Contemplative Sisters are 8 houses in France and are in 16 other Countries, next to Brothers Priories praying for there Mission.
Apostolic Sisters of St. John
St Therese of the Child Jesus Priory
Banawa Hills, P.O. Box 1160
Cebu City 6000 (Philippines)
Soeurs Apostoliques
Prieure Saint Hugues
(Maison-mère)MOTHER House
Semur en Brionnais
Tél : 03 85 25 15 64
Fax : 03 85 25 24 96
Mail : sr.semur@stjean.com
Soeurs Apostoliques
Prieuré Notre-Dame de la Sagesse
(Maison d'études philosophiques)(philosphy)
Route de la gare
42590 Saint Jodard
Tél/fax : 04 77 63 48 86
Mail :
Soeurs Apostoliques
Prieuré Saint Joseph
(Maison d'études théologiques)(Theology studies)
Rimont -
71390 Fley,
Tél : 03 85 98 11 55
Fax : 03 85 98 18 52
Mail : sr.ap.rimont@stjean.com
GODs PEACE, have a joyful,grace filled Holy Week..!

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Thank you so very much for sharing this information.
What tremendous research. Thank you hunting down this information.
We are blessed by your diligent assistance.

FaithfulRoseofMary :)

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EJames, I am very grateful for the time you have taken to post this information. I hope to get a few minutes later in the week to read through all of it. God reward you!

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I just got back from a visit there with the contemplative Sisters...in Princeville, Illinois....I will post a bunch of information about the contemplative sisters here when I have time...and just a few pictures that I took.

God Bless,


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