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I Can See This Happening


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[quote name='RezaLemmyng' post='1216563' date='Mar 20 2007, 03:34 PM']Not to mention we removed the citizens rights to chose with vaccines [9 year old girls subject to STD Vaccines][/quote]

No citizen is ever forced into a vaccine. On my college campus I know kids who've never been vacinnated, some for religions beliefs, some for health reasons. Its easy to thwart vaccines.

[quote name='RezaLemmyng' post='1216563' date='Mar 20 2007, 03:34 PM']we used to even have laws making it illegal to homeschool children.[/quote]

I don't believe free reign homeschooling (all homeschooling legal) is the best answer either. Its WAY too easy for already crappy parents to mess up their kid, over indulgent parents to over indulge and the parents don't even have to have a high school education. Atleast in public school they have to pass some sort of test.

[quote name='RezaLemmyng' post='1216563' date='Mar 20 2007, 03:34 PM']You'd be surprised what previous laws this country has had and what laws we're willing to put into affect.[/quote]

We had prohibition. In some states its illegal to do handstands (because it'd scare horses). There are many odd laws.

My note, like many things ACLU it ignores things that Americans are very possessive, like keeping your medical records secret.

And about the delivery surcharge. In my town it wasn't uncommon for certian pizza places to refuse to deliver to certian neighborhoods. A fancy neighborhood even became notorious for "you're late" and stiffing the pizza delivers, so they required credit cards. Getting pizza delivered is not a human right!!!!!

Make your own pizza :annoyed:

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I give it, mm, 50 years or so. Gradually, each generation will find privacy less and less a necessary right. Eventually, the idea that there are things you do that aren't part of the public record will be completely alien.

Think: 50 years ago, the idea that people could connect to nearly anyone else in the world via computer was infathomable. The idea that, via a telephone without a wire, people could contact you wherever you are was unthinkable. And any electronics or industrial parts from Japan were expected to be vastly inferior.

It only takes a couple generations to change the way people think and live.

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how we communicate and what information we choose to reaveal about ourselvs, has not changed all too much, infact, there are MORE protections of medical information than there ever were in history.

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I manage a pizza place and I can guarantee that the pizza business is not profitable enough to have such high-tech software.

That said, while humorous, this is far from impossible. We share personal information all the time--full names, telephone numbers, addresses, cities of birth, mother's maiden names, credit card numbers, [b]social security numbers,[/b] etc. 50 years ago, this practice would've been unthinkable--my grandfather refuses to tell [i]his daughter[/i], my mom, his SSN for fear that it will be used against him! But our society, which is so preoccupied and obsessed with convenience, puts itself at risk when it communicates this personal info all the time...

Be afraid...be very afraid...

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[quote name='kujo' post='1220192' date='Mar 27 2007, 12:26 AM']I manage a pizza place and I can guarantee that the pizza business is not profitable enough to have such high-tech software.

That said, while humorous, this is far from impossible. We share personal information all the time--full names, telephone numbers, addresses, cities of birth, mother's maiden names, credit card numbers, [b]social security numbers,[/b] etc. 50 years ago, this practice would've been unthinkable--my grandfather refuses to tell [i]his daughter[/i], my mom, his SSN for fear that it will be used against him! But our society, which is so preoccupied and obsessed with convenience, puts itself at risk when it communicates this personal info all the time...

Be afraid...be very afraid...[/quote]
My thoughts exactly. And the security issues will continue to be pressed on us, until one day, in the future, for convience and security we will be forced to have a chip in our hands or in our heads. We will do this because we have already choosen sides, weither we realize it or not.

I've made my choice. I will continue to praise my lord Jesus Christ, for he has written my name in heaven, and I can't wait to see his face, and fall before his feet and worship him for his grace and his love for me! I get excited just thinking about it! Jesus has my name in the book of life!

I just get pumped thinking about heaven! It is going to be so marvelous and so beautiful. AND NO SECURITY MESSURES NEEDED THERE. If you have made Jesus Christ your Lord, God, and Saviour than you're in. If you haven't, than you're not going to be with him.

No need for security!

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Guest T-Bone

If the charlatans at the ACLU actually believed the tripe they spewed, they would be afraid to say anything about the government.

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[quote name='T-Bone' post='1220211' date='Mar 27 2007, 01:04 AM']If the charlatans at the ACLU actually believed the tripe they spewed, they would be afraid to say anything about the government.[/quote]
I believe the 'tripe' I spew T-Bone, and I'm not afraid of the Government.

There should come a time in every Christian's life that we understand our life is but dust, and our life is meaningless. So then we make the decision, God's will needs to be done, and if I die proclaiming it, then I die. I get to be before the throne of Jesus Christ and he gets to say, well done, thou good and faithful servant. I can't wait.

So we decide to take risks to tell everybody the truth.

Every single time I say, the people who want to create the NWO are a bunch of retarded idiots who think they are going to win a war against God, a being they live, and move, and have thier being in, I am taking a risk. They hate a person who will openly ridicule them, since many of them feel superior to other human beings. So they get angry at me and start sending their pitiful occult attacks at me, which God returns back on them because of the word of my testimony and my trust in the holy and exalted name of Jesus Christ/Yeshua.

So T-Bone, you just tried to remove the smote in the eye of the people from ACLU, while you have a huge beam in your own.

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