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I joined Phatmass after you had left for OLAM, Lauren. After a while I found myself really wishing that I had discovered the Vocation Station when you were still around - your past posts were so gentle and helpful and so full of charity. Then OLAM Dad posted the address of the monastery in case any of us wanted to write to you. I considered that for ages, but as I'm very shy about contacting strangers I didn't go through with it.

Then you came back! I have to confess that I was secretly pleased to meet you. It reminds me of the time when I was trying to get out of Nepal. I'd been teaching English in a very rural place for over two months and I was desperate to get home and have a hot shower. After a nine-hour bus journey in the sweltering heat, I reached the airport and found that my exit papers were incorrect and the officials would not let me board the flight. I dissolved into tears. Not knowing what else to do, I caught the bus to the Kathmandu branch of the family of schools where I had been volunteering. A plump, beaming teacher who always reminded me of a particularly joyous elephant lumbered into the courtyard and trilled out, "Viccccckkkyyyy Miss, how nice to see you again!" (Uncontrollable giggles.) "I had been missing you and wondering when you would come back to Nepal, and now you are here!" (More uncontrollable giggles.) His name was Ganeshyan. If you asked him how he was, the reply was always, "Verrrryyy, verrrry happpyyyy." (Giggles.) Nothing was ever allowed to go wrong with Ganeshyan.

So my reaction to your departure from OLAM was very Ganeshyan-like. :)

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I love the pcpas every thing about them is joy and beauty.
Lord Protect and bless all Pcpas and keep them faithfull to the Order.

Sr.Augustine Marie is leaving Olam and going to move to Olsm this week
so keep her in your prayers as she travles.

God bless all

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Speaking of PCPAs, according to the OLAM site, they are going to add another monesstary to there 'other PCPAs' list, does anyone know if this is a new one, or they just took a while getting it up?

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[quote name='Cathoholic Anonymous' post='1217223' date='Mar 22 2007, 09:02 AM']I joined Phatmass after you had left for OLAM, Lauren. After a while I found myself really wishing that I had discovered the Vocation Station when you were still around - your past posts were so gentle and helpful and so full of charity. Then OLAM Dad posted the address of the monastery in case any of us wanted to write to you. I considered that for ages, but as I'm very shy about contacting strangers I didn't go through with it.

Then you came back! I have to confess that I was secretly pleased to meet you. It reminds me of the time when I was trying to get out of Nepal. I'd been teaching English in a very rural place for over two months and I was desperate to get home and have a hot shower. After a nine-hour bus journey in the sweltering heat, I reached the airport and found that my exit papers were incorrect and the officials would not let me board the flight. I dissolved into tears. Not knowing what else to do, I caught the bus to the Kathmandu branch of the family of schools where I had been volunteering. A plump, beaming teacher who always reminded me of a particularly joyous elephant lumbered into the courtyard and trilled out, "Viccccckkkyyyy Miss, how nice to see you again!" (Uncontrollable giggles.) "I had been missing you and wondering when you would come back to Nepal, and now you are here!" (More uncontrollable giggles.) His name was Ganeshyan. If you asked him how he was, the reply was always, "Verrrryyy, verrrry happpyyyy." (Giggles.) Nothing was ever allowed to go wrong with Ganeshyan.

So my reaction to your departure from OLAM was very Ganeshyan-like. :)[/quote]

That is such a sweet thing to share, CA! Thank you very much ^_^

Speaking of Nepal, my father visiting Kathmandu when he was going to high school in Singapore. He had to wait for an extremely long period of time (like hours and hours on end) for his plane to arrive (it couldn't land due to the snow or something). He was sitting in the side of a snow-covered mountain with his class, and my grandmother swears that ever since he arrived home from that trip he's had a cough :)

Thanks again for your encouragement and support. I wish you the best, too, and hope that your discernment continues on such a good path.

In Jesus Crucified,

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[quote name='HeavenlyCalling' post='1218253' date='Mar 24 2007, 11:01 AM']Speaking of PCPAs, according to the OLAM site, they are going to add another monesstary to there 'other PCPAs' list, does anyone know if this is a new one, or they just took a while getting it up?[/quote]

The Canton monastery (which I assume is the one you're referring to) has been around for a long time. It was the monastery Mother Angelica originally entered when she began her religious life. The sisters are very kind, although the customs there are different from OLAM. I might say they are more comparable to the Cleveland and Washington, D.C. monasteries. :)

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[quote name='Totus Tuus' post='1218956' date='Mar 24 2007, 09:03 PM']The Canton monastery (which I assume is the one you're referring to) has been around for a long time. It was the monastery Mother Angelica originally entered when she began her religious life. The sisters are very kind, although the customs there are different from OLAM. I might say they are more comparable to the Cleveland and Washington, D.C. monasteries. :)[/quote]

Thank you!! I was just wondering.

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Hello! I'm new but I have two friends at OLAM. I just visited there to see Sr. Jill's Investiture, she is now Sr. Mary Cecilia of Jesus, Crown of Virgins! It is a beautiful placeand I already miss it.

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Actually she was invested on the 26th because the 25 was a Sunday. I can't wait until they post the pictures, we really couldn't see the ceremony.

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Ora et Labora

[quote name='sunnysideup' post='1221550' date='Mar 28 2007, 08:15 PM']Hello! I'm new but I have two friends at OLAM. I just visited there to see Sr. Jill's Investiture, she is now Sr. Mary Cecilia of Jesus, Crown of Virgins! It is a beautiful placeand I already miss it.[/quote]

oohhh coolness! what are your friends names?! I have friends there too! :D: I can tell you miss it, hence your avatar picture. ;) I miss it too. It's such a beautiful place. :love:

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[quote name='Ora et Labora' post='1222416' date='Mar 29 2007, 07:03 PM']oohhh coolness! what are your friends names?! I have friends there too! :D: I can tell you miss it, hence your avatar picture. ;) I miss it too. It's such a beautiful place. :love:[/quote]
Her friends are Sr. Jill (Sr. Cecilia) and Sr. Andrea.

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YAY!!!!!!!! New pictures of Sr. Mary Cecilia are up!!!!!! I found them today at school!!!!!
:lol_roll: :topsy: :D: :)
:clap: :biglol: :bigclap:
:saint: :clapping: :hehehe:
:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
:twist: :twist: :twist:
:thumbsup: :lol_grin: :hehe: :hehehe:
:grouphug: :grouphug:


go to highlights, 2007 ceremonies, investitures

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[quote name='sunnysideup' post='1223248' date='Mar 30 2007, 05:43 PM']I have my own pictures too but I don't know how to post them. Can someone help me?[/quote]

Use these tags:

"img" in brackets, then "/img" in brackets (I can't show you because the phorum thinks I'm trying to post an invalid picture :P:)

At the OLAM website, you need to right-click on the picture and select "copy image location". That will put the URL on your clipboard, so to speak. When you come to the Phatmass thread and post the picture, you just need to put the tags in and hit "paste" to get the URL in between them.

like this:


For your [b]own[/b] pictures, you need to put them online, on a website like photobucket ([url="http://photobucket.com"]photobucket.com[/url]). Then copy them onto the website in the same manner.

Edited by Totus Tuus
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Ora et Labora

[quote name='Totus Tuus' post='1222421' date='Mar 29 2007, 07:10 PM']Her friends are Sr. Jill (Sr. Cecilia) and Sr. Andrea.[/quote]

ohhh their nuns! :lol: ok

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