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[quote name='hot stuff' post='1215195' date='Mar 17 2007, 09:08 PM']1/2 of Americans cannot name Canada on a map. 1/3 of Americans wonder why Gilligan was never able to get off the island with so much media coverage.

So no its not that surprising.[/quote]
I think Americans should be suspicious of its government. It is the actual foundation of Democracy. You stand in the way of a corrupt politician and make him straighten his way.

hot stuff,

Can I ask you something-

Do you think our entire world is living in prosperity? Do you believe you are living in prosperity?

If you believe No and Yes, you have been lied too. You don't live in prosperity. You and/or your parents are probably eye deep in debt, working at thankless jobs trying to put food on the table and pay bills. If you think that is progress and liberity and the pursuit of happiness, you're kidding yourself.

But you watch MTV and hollywood movies and you get medicated from how bad the world really is. You don't notice, and don't want to notice how bad the world. You have been brainwashed by Desperate Housewives, Metalica, Smashing Pumpkins, and the Terminator.

I don't live in the same world. I have come out of it, because I know how evil and drugging that world is. To paraphrase a Communist Quote about all religions - TV is the opium of the people. It is a poison because it medicates a person so they don't try to achieve their personal best, and hence it is against society.

The world is bad, but what can I do about it? I'm just a single person.

I've had enough scriptural transformations that I don't ask that question anymore, because it is not I who is changing the world, it is my Lord Jesus Christ who has changed, is changing, and will continue to change the world. I'm just glad he is my lord and he gets to work through me to bring the current world order to its knees.

The Illuminati has a stranglehold over humanity, and they are squeezing the life out of the human race with finanical debt, false religions, and TV that people will flock to recieve their dose of medication, so they don't fight back.

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Much as I like you guys, I think anyone who takes these 9/11 conspiracy theories seriously has serious mental issues, and needs to see a shrink. I cannot put it more politely than that.

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[quote]QUOTE(hot stuff @ Mar 17 2007, 09:08 PM) *

hot stuff,

Can I ask you something-

Do you think our entire world is living in prosperity? Do you believe you are living in prosperity?[/quote]

No the world is not living in prosperity

Yes I am living in tremendous prosperity. And no I'm not fooling myself. I'm not rich by society's standards but I have a ridiculous amount of wealth by global standards. I own my own home, I drive a nice car and I foolishly gripe when my satellite tv goes out.

And not that its any of your business but I am far from being in debt up to my eyeballs. My money is managed well and if my job stopped tomorrow, I'd be fine for several months while I went out looking for a new gig.

But let me ask you something FullTruth. Have you experienced any other part of the world? Have you lived with the poor in a developing country? I'm gonna guess "no". You see that kind of gift gives a whole new perception on events both here and abroad. It puts things into perspective. There isn't a day that goes by that my time in Guatemala doesn't factor in somehow. (Mostly to remind me exactly why I have absolutely no reason to gripe)

I would respectfully suggest that you try truly serving your brethren for a while by helping the poor somewhere. It will put perspective on these conspiracies and on your life. Its clear you want to help people. Please think about doing that in a more hands on sense.

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' post='1215227' date='Mar 17 2007, 08:50 PM']Much as I like you guys, I think anyone who takes these 9/11 conspiracy theories seriously has serious mental issues, and needs to see a shrink. I cannot put it more politely than that.[/quote]

Quick hijack. I want to repeat that I'm a skeptic of all conspiracy theories, including this one. I just thought FullTruth (GodSeeker) did a decent job of keeping the hysteria to a minimum. Thanks.

Back on topic.

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[quote name='hot stuff' post='1215229' date='Mar 17 2007, 10:20 PM']No the world is not living in prosperity

Yes I am living in tremendous prosperity. And no I'm not fooling myself. I'm not rich by society's standards but I have a ridiculous amount of wealth by global standards. I own my own home, I drive a nice car and I foolishly gripe when my satellite tv goes out.

And not that its any of your business but I am far from being in debt up to my eyeballs. My money is managed well and if my job stopped tomorrow, I'd be fine for several months while I went out looking for a new gig.

But let me ask you something FullTruth. Have you experienced any other part of the world? Have you lived with the poor in a developing country? I'm gonna guess "no". You see that kind of gift gives a whole new perception on events both here and abroad. It puts things into perspective. There isn't a day that goes by that my time in Guatemala doesn't factor in somehow. (Mostly to remind me exactly why I have absolutely no reason to gripe)

I would respectfully suggest that you try truly serving your brethren for a while by helping the poor somewhere. It will put perspective on these conspiracies and on your life. Its clear you want to help people. Please think about doing that in a more hands on sense.[/quote]
I respect that.

I don't have any experience in other parts of the world, but I do have a desire to do help them. I've always wanted to be a part of some relief effort as an E-Journalist.

My Plans, as of right now are,

1.) Go to College and get a degree which will help me get into the video gaming field.
2.) Take the next 6 months after that to do relief work.

The current conditions in the third world really wont make me see what is going on in the entire planet differently, because I know the Elite is putting the stranglehold on the poor countries more to make them desperate enough to commit acts such as 9/11 so they can clamp down on humanity more. In 10 years, I don't think there will be much of a distinction between the First World and the Third World.

An interesting statistic is being found. Bee populations have disappered in 22 states across the U.S. Without bee populations, crops will not be polyinated, and that will be the start of the opening of the third seal of the Book of Revelation, because when crops don't get polyinated crops fail. Food prices sky rocket, and we will see third world conditions here in Canada and the U. S.

The comfortable living you are enjoying right now will not last very long. Time is closing in on itself.

[url="http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2007/02/13/eveningnews/main2471672.shtml"]CBS News -The Case Of The Vanishing Bees[/url]

[url="http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/02/11/AR2007021100650.html"]Washington Post - Mystery Ailment Strikes Honeybees[/url]

Two highly credited News Outlets are warning us this is happening, and when it happens, there will be drought and famine here in the first world, such that we will be in the same conditions as the third world.

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[quote name='hot stuff' post='1215195' date='Mar 17 2007, 09:08 PM']1/2 of Americans cannot name Canada on a map. 1/3 of Americans wonder why Gilligan was never able to get off the island with so much media coverage.

So no its not that surprising.[/quote]


[quote name='FullTruth' post='1215209' date='Mar 17 2007, 09:25 PM']I think Americans should be suspicious of its government. It is the actual foundation of Democracy. You stand in the way of a corrupt politician and make him straighten his way.

hot stuff,

Can I ask you something-

Do you think our entire world is living in prosperity? Do you believe you are living in prosperity?

If you believe No and Yes, you have been lied too. You don't live in prosperity. You and/or your parents are probably eye deep in debt, working at thankless jobs trying to put food on the table and pay bills. If you think that is progress and liberity and the pursuit of happiness, you're kidding yourself.

But you watch MTV and hollywood movies and you get medicated from how bad the world really is. You don't notice, and don't want to notice how bad the world. You have been brainwashed by Desperate Housewives, Metalica, Smashing Pumpkins, and the Terminator.

I don't live in the same world. I have come out of it, because I know how evil and drugging that world is. To paraphrase a Communist Quote about all religions - TV is the opium of the people. It is a poison because it medicates a person so they don't try to achieve their personal best, and hence it is against society.

The world is bad, but what can I do about it? I'm just a single person.

I've had enough scriptural transformations that I don't ask that question anymore, because it is not I who is changing the world, it is my Lord Jesus Christ who has changed, is changing, and will continue to change the world. I'm just glad he is my lord and he gets to work through me to bring the current world order to its knees.

The Illuminati has a stranglehold over humanity, and they are squeezing the life out of the human race with finanical debt, false religions, and TV that people will flock to recieve their dose of medication, so they don't fight back.[/quote]

I don't think hot stuff is the kind who watches a lot of TV... he seems to counter-cultural for that. Correct me if I'm wrong. Personally, I don't watch TV most of the time but busy myself with the work of Christ and learning about His Church, His teaching through the Majesterium and The Word.

Gloria in Excelsis Deo!

[PS if my Latin is bad I would humbly accept a correctino :blush: ]

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I must stand corrected on my previous post. Because of the fact the Server for the Forum likes to take its time for loading, and sometimes not load at all, this post came after hot stuff's reply. To clarify, I do read all of the posts most of the time, especially when there are only two pages.

Now, back to our regular skeptical programing. :disguise:

Edited by Sacred Music Man
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I think its rediculious to say that we do not live in prosperity, becuase even with debt, and everything we are prosperous we have money, maybe mismannage it, but its there.

Plus, the poorest in the US are FAR better off than many in foreign countries. If its a life or death emergency they have a hospital they can go to. We have law and order, there are shelters (while many are mentally disturbed and do not chose to utalize them its a different story) Many are in poverty in the US but their children don't have to work and can go to school for free. There is ALWAYS a way, although for many its difficult and can harldy make ends meet, the fact is they are still better off than those elseware in the world.

Finally to say that TV is drugging people into thinking they have it good is SILLY. It more likely induces feelings of inadequacy and shortcoming. I KNOW because I'm in marketing. Its supposed to do that. TV does not say that you are good enough. The TV DOES say the rest of the world is horrible, every night on the evening news they focus on all the countries blowing eachother to bits. The overwhelming blood, gore and poverty flashed before our eyes to illicit sympathy and to create a hopelessness at the world and the idea we cannot fix it. Therefore, focus on ourselves. Mass over-consumerism.

I do believe in generational curses not of learned or given behavior. Its written about in many church teachings, which I've had to learn about. I don't know them now, but I can post the prayer to break generatial curses if anyone's intrested.

I do NOT believe that 9/11 is a conspirsy any more than Perl harbor was a conspirisy or that the Battle of Bull Run was a conspirisy. I DO believe that Abarham Lincolin was the Bush of his time, and if anyone reads "The Real Lincolin" the parallels are amazing and uncontable.

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[quote name='Megz' post='1215287' date='Mar 18 2007, 12:07 AM']I think its rediculious to say that we do not live in prosperity, becuase even with debt, and everything we are prosperous we have money, maybe mismannage it, but its there.

Plus, the poorest in the US are FAR better off than many in foreign countries. If its a life or death emergency they have a hospital they can go to. We have law and order, there are shelters (while many are mentally disturbed and do not chose to utalize them its a different story) Many are in poverty in the US but their children don't have to work and can go to school for free. There is ALWAYS a way, although for many its difficult and can harldy make ends meet, the fact is they are still better off than those elseware in the world.

Finally to say that TV is drugging people into thinking they have it good is SILLY. It more likely induces feelings of inadequacy and shortcoming. I KNOW because I'm in marketing. Its supposed to do that. TV does not say that you are good enough. The TV DOES say the rest of the world is horrible, every night on the evening news they focus on all the countries blowing eachother to bits. The overwhelming blood, gore and poverty flashed before our eyes to illicit sympathy and to create a hopelessness at the world and the idea we cannot fix it. Therefore, focus on ourselves. Mass over-consumerism.

I do believe in generational curses not of learned or given behavior. Its written about in many church teachings, which I've had to learn about. I don't know them now, but I can post the prayer to break generatial curses if anyone's intrested.

I do NOT believe that 9/11 is a conspirsy any more than Perl harbor was a conspirisy or that the Battle of Bull Run was a conspirisy. I DO believe that Abarham Lincolin was the Bush of his time, and if anyone reads "The Real Lincolin" the parallels are amazing and uncontable.[/quote]
I've got one really simple prayer to break a Generational Curse.

"Lord Jesus Christ, I am a sinner. I have looked at each of the 10 commandments and I have broken each of them, even murder because even the smallest lie I said murdered you so you could forgive my sins. Please forgive me, I didn't know what I was doing. Please become my lord and saviour, and guide me in this life so I will live a life of praise before you. I pray this in the holy and exalted name of Jesus Christ, Amen."

That will break a generational curse.

On our prosperity - wait till all our crops fail due to bees disappearing. Then we'll be in the same position as the third world, because there will be massive riots, massive starvation and massive death all around us, because we can't feed ourselves.

The Elite have already planned for this, because they want to get rid of as many people as possible, so they can create a slave race for themselves. Fortunately, there are enough of us how know of this, and we're going into a spiritual battleground to destroy the Spiritual Power of the Elite.

TV does medicate you. It takes up your time, and it drives your imagination, stealing your ability to think and feel independantely. You get homogonized into thinking and feeling the same way that everybody else does.

One of the things I admired about UPC people who really stood up for Holiness Standards as it came to movies and TV, was quotes like this,

[quote name=' From a United Pentecostal Preacher during a Youth Convention']I was talking to this woman on the flight to Ontario. She started to talk about the movie Titanic. I told her I never watched the movie. She looked at me and said, everybody in the world has watched that movie. I told her I wasn't of this world.[/quote]

TV and movies are a medication because you don't think about anything else but the Next Ally McFeel, Terminator movie, and Desperate Housewives. And didn't you just see that latest Deal or No Deal. And that Janelle from Big Brother is . . .

So we go around in an endless cycle talking about really stupid stuff, instead of learning and sharing what we are learning about God, and fighting the Elite.

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Despite what you learn in history Lincolin was not very liked in his time. He wanted a central government, and although he launched a "war on slavery" it was really all about making the USA more like one country than a union of states. Think about it. We are the united STATES of America. Each state was ment to fall uner the rule of a de-centralized govenment, with "ten commandment" like princibles that couldn't be infringed upon. Each state was free to make its own constitiution, to create its own laws, and to deem what was right within them. Each state carried its own identity, its own rules and its own mindset. States were already working on aboloshing slavery within themselves. The hate created from the civil war (the idealation of evil plantation owners) still has affects today. Not all slaves were beaten and mistreated, and in actuality it was a small portion. Not that I condone slavery, but I do think that how its presented, as beaten and starved children, represents as much a whole of ameriaca as the terriorsts do islam. I'ts importatn also to look at how the people of the time lived, including pioneers and factory workers when examining these issues.
He made many people suffer at the hands of a hyped up war becuase of this. The north had everything, factories, money, people, cities 5 or 6 times as much as the south...if you look at the demographics of all the north had when they went to war...its ridiculious to picuture why it happened. Yet, becuase of one man's agenda and his "war against slavery" it occured.

In 150 years Bush could be just as hailed as Lincoln. Now that would be intresting wouldn't it?

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What I learned in History class is that the South [i]seceded from the Union[/i]. Lincoln acted to restore the country and in light of that fact, the rest of what you say about Lincoln just falls away. It wasn't "his agenda" . As opposed to Iraq which was completely Bush's agenda.

The rest of the differences between Lincoln and Bush are staggering. Lincoln was an amazing orator. Bush likes to make up words.

And Lincoln wore a hat

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[quote name='Megz' post='1215407' date='Mar 18 2007, 10:21 AM']Despite what you learn in history Lincolin was not very liked in his time. He wanted a central government, and although he launched a "war on slavery" it was really all about making the USA more like one country than a union of states. Think about it. We are the united STATES of America. Each state was ment to fall uner the rule of a de-centralized govenment, with "ten commandment" like princibles that couldn't be infringed upon. Each state was free to make its own constitiution, to create its own laws, and to deem what was right within them. Each state carried its own identity, its own rules and its own mindset. States were already working on aboloshing slavery within themselves. The hate created from the civil war (the idealation of evil plantation owners) still has affects today. Not all slaves were beaten and mistreated, and in actuality it was a small portion. Not that I condone slavery, but I do think that how its presented, as beaten and starved children, represents as much a whole of ameriaca as the terriorsts do islam. I'ts importatn also to look at how the people of the time lived, including pioneers and factory workers when examining these issues.
He made many people suffer at the hands of a hyped up war becuase of this. The north had everything, factories, money, people, cities 5 or 6 times as much as the south...if you look at the demographics of all the north had when they went to war...its ridiculious to picuture why it happened. Yet, becuase of one man's agenda and his "war against slavery" it occured.

In 150 years Bush could be just as hailed as Lincoln. Now that would be intresting wouldn't it?[/quote]

It's true that Lincoln was not nearly as universally admired as he is now. However, most historians consider him the best president of the United States in history simply because of the [i]magnitude[/i] of his accomplishments, not taking into account the right and wrong of them. His actions were in many respects very constitutionally murky to say the least.

But I really don't think anybody is still bitter about the Civil War. Except for maybe old-line plantation families in the South? There is so much migration in the United States that I imagine a large part of the Southern population is now Northern transplants.

I also have to say that I think the war was justified on the abolition of slavery alone. Although you are correct in that many slave owners did not mistreat their human "property," nevertheless the mere act of buying, selling and owning another human being is itself an act of incredible violence. Slavery was the foundation of the Southern economy, and it needed to go, period. If the South was not willing to adapt its social and economic structure on its own, then I think the North was perfectly justified in using force.

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Archaeology cat

[quote name='hot stuff' post='1215412' date='Mar 18 2007, 02:35 PM']What I learned in History class is that the South [i]seceded from the Union[/i]. Lincoln acted to restore the country and in light of that fact, the rest of what you say about Lincoln just falls away. It wasn't "his agenda" . As opposed to Iraq which was completely Bush's agenda.

The rest of the differences between Lincoln and Bush are staggering. Lincoln was an amazing orator. Bush likes to make up words.

And Lincoln wore a hat[/quote]

Yeah, same here. And I'm from a part of the US that taught it as the "War of Northern Aggression", so it would be surprising for them to leave that out. I'll have to do more research.

A lot of it was about the issue of state's rights versus federal rights, and it didn't start with Lincoln, really. It was also about the economy, and it's quite true that very few people owned slaves.

I personally think Lincoln was an amazing tactition, both in the military and politics. I don't see where he went looking for a war, but had it put upon him when SC started the wave of secession. He wanted unity, because, as he quoted from Scripture, "a house divided against itself cannot stand". And that helped make him unpopular as well. Of course, the war wouldn't have been as much of a contest had Lee joined Lincoln, instead of Lincoln having to put with McClellan for so long. But that's another story :)

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the south started separating from the union BECAUSE Lincoln wouldn't let them do their work.

[quote]It's true that Lincoln was not nearly as universally admired as he is now. However, most historians consider him the best president of the United States in history simply because of the magnitude of his accomplishments, not taking into account the right and wrong of them. His actions were in many respects very constitutionally murky to say the least.[/quote]

This sais it ALL. Think about 100 years from now and put Bush's name.

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