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Vatican Plans New Tv Network


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Yeah I know about Salt + Light.. my cable company doesn't have it yet :(

[quote name='Proud2BCatholic139' post='1215189' date='Mar 17 2007, 08:50 PM']There is, on SkyAngel. :P:[/quote]

$10 Canadian says that it doesn't rep all of the prod churches... hahaha...

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as someone who got to be on the set for Life on the Rock two thursdays ago when they interviewed the president of our college,
i am all for new Catholic stations... particularly geared towards youth.

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all I get is TBN...UGH...and EWTN, the all Mary all the time, watch instead of taking a sleeping pill station...{I watch it for research purposes on rare occasion}

Not much good CHristian TV around here. TBN always puts Way of the Master on in the middle of the night, the only decent show they got going.

Thank God for the internet, I can get some decent stuff that way....

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[quote name='Budge' post='1216255' date='Mar 20 2007, 12:12 AM']all I get is TBN...UGH...and EWTN, the all Mary all the time, watch instead of taking a sleeping pill station...{I watch it for research purposes on rare occasion}

Not much good CHristian TV around here. TBN always puts Way of the Master on in the middle of the night, the only decent show they got going.

Thank God for the internet, I can get some decent stuff that way....[/quote]

Hey, it's not all Mary all the time, they do have the Mass on there quite a bit :)

I agree with you about TBN. Whenever I happen on their channel I always seem to get the program with shiny golden furniture in the background. At least they're trying. :idontknow:

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From a business standpoint, TBN is doing very well. They are the largest Christian television network in the world, and they generate around [b]$190 million[/b] in revenue each year. They have over 47 satellites and reach around 100 million households worldwide. It is also the 9th largest broadcaster in the United States.


I'm excited to hear that the Vatican is going through with this. I have a feeling the KofC will aid in the funding of this project, and also to maintain part of the expenses.

Edited by Paladin D
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Groo the Wanderer

[quote name='Budge' post='1216255' date='Mar 19 2007, 11:12 PM']the all Mary all the time[/quote]

..and what praytell is wrong with that (even if it were true)? Thought you believed in following the Bible? Doesn't the Gospel of Luke have Mary saying that "all generations shall call me blessed"? If you ain't doing it, you ain't following the Word of God!

...or did you rip that page out of your copy?

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What dont you like about EWTN?

Those 20 year old repeats of Mother Angelica, blathering on, dont do it for you?

She's a nice enough lady, but tends to ramble...even back then.

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[quote name='Budge' post='1216659' date='Mar 20 2007, 06:48 PM']What dont you like about EWTN?

Those 20 year old repeats of Mother Angelica, blathering on, dont do it for you?

She's a nice enough lady, but tends to ramble...even back then.[/quote]

Budgey words to live by "When you dont have anything nice or [u]intelligent[/u] to say, so what? Keep on truck'n!"

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If I remember correctly, there was a spell where the US Bishops contemplated starting a network . . . or taking over EWTN . . . I think it is in the biography by Arroyo . . . end result was the US Bishops have a handful of programs they produce/underwrite and EWTN is still independent

Notwithstanding the long period of mutual support between EWTN and the Magisterium . . . it isn't "the Vatican's network" . . . it will be interesting to see what develops

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Knight of the Holy Rosary

[quote]I just hope it doesn't smell of elderberries as bad as EWTN[/quote]

The power of Christ compels you!! :incense:

J/K :sweat:

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[quote name='Paladin D' post='1216332' date='Mar 20 2007, 12:31 AM']From a business standpoint, TBN is doing very well. They are the largest Christian television network in the world, and they generate around [b]$190 million[/b] in revenue each year. They have over 47 satellites and reach around 100 million households worldwide. It is also the 9th largest broadcaster in the United States.

I'm excited to hear that the Vatican is going through with this. I have a feeling the KofC will aid in the funding of this project, and also to maintain part of the expenses.[/quote]

In TBN Russia they allow the Russian Orthodox Church to put shows on.

I wonder if they allow Rome to do the same in Europe?

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TBN already runs a show by a catholic priest...{father Manning?}

I watched it when I was still Catholic, he's a nice guy but today I believe he is wrong about many things.
[quote]I figure we should start a new Catholic TV network every time Budge starts a new thread......[/quote]

:lol_roll: :lol_roll:

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