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Budgey Paranoia


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[b]Eph 5:11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove [them].[/b]

I discover deep cover moles all the time on Catholic boards and Christian ones as well.

Out and out occultists, satanists, and knowing unbelievers who come to sow confusion especially in circles with low discernment.
Ive seen one known web Satanist have no problem coming on to Catholic boards presenting herself as Catholic fooling many of the undiscerning. There are still Catholics who believe she is one of them. All it would take was one simple websearch to find her praising Satan her "lover" on other message boards.
Ive seen it time and time again.

Spiritual warfare is real, and there are those who are agents of the dark side, operating as subversives.

Ive already said my piece about Fulltruth, who has basically admitted he goes chasing down after demons to send them to hell "for god". Not one Catholic dealt with that blantant show of occult and demonic involvement.

Now with this guy, while he has preached truth about the NWO and Nephilim, I noticed the subtle twists and turns thrown in...{.Satan always works in a subtil way to deceive}, that told me it wasnt a fellow Christian believer posting. Also Chritians have discernment that will tell them about certain personalities online almost right off. The Holy Spirit lets you know. I knew the first day I was here seeing these "new posters" what they were about even if I didnt say anything yet.

So what did I discover but this?

Truthseeker777 which by the way is a marker name, occultic number, with a title that denotes he is SEEKING for TRUTH, is opposed to Christianity, ie CHRISTIANS KNOW THE TRUTH, THERE IS NO SEEKING AFTER IT.

This is what I found...Truthseekers777 endless anti-christian and occult posts.

Notice the second paragraph and what I have bolded.


[quote]If man’s survival depends of his ability to reason and create, then a religious or political movement of anti-reason must be an evolutionary dead end. Christian Fundamentalism dismisses the science of Evolution out of hand.[b]It is a death cult that worships a fictional character that died on a cross to save man from the wrath of the father-god.[/b] With the rise of the fascist religious right in America, it is time to examine why Apocalyptic Fundamentalist Culture[b] is really about the Evolution of Consciousness.[/b][/quote]

Metaphysics? [not a Christian thing to pursue] and telling people NOT to resist Satan via convoluted message which is completely opposite to God's Word...[b].Jam 4:7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.


Have you heard the saying, what you resist persists? [b]That is a metaphysical teaching that if you resist something, you pull it toward you.[/b][u] If you resist Satan then you draw Satan upon oneself! [/u]So how ironic but logical that christianity is actually (yet unknowingly) worshiping the anti-god. Christians think they are following Jesus but really they are pulling themselves into the clutches of the devil, the personification of the negative force. So does this explain why christians are supporting the war?[/quote]

{lest someone try to change topic I am not a supporter of Bush or the NWO wars for profit}

I want to know why Truthseeker777 is here presenting himself as a Bible believing Christian when obviously elsewhere on the web he is NOT?

New Age lies, not rooted whatsoever in Christianity...


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So this man, calls Jesus a fictional character, and tells people NOT to resist the devil and you defend this?

GO read the links, and wake up!

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If I was you, I would've sent Truthseeker777 a private message asking him if he's the "Truthseeker777" on that other forum which you found. Many people often share similar screen names on the Internet.

For you to insinuate something of this nature is beyond cuckoo.

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Don't you think there [i]might[/i] be more than one Truthseeker777. Don't you think if this guy was going to pretend to be a Christian, he would change his screenname when he signed up here?

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Where in your sola bible does it say christians have superpowers online to know personalities?
Metaphysics is not a christian thing? Please budge.

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All you have to do is compare the writings. Truthseeker777 on Phatmass often has grammatical errors since English isn't his first language. The "Truthseeker777" on that other forum sounds like he knows how to write English pretty well.

Seriously Budge, learn how to be more tactful and diplomatic. I often post things on here that are very controversial, but I always refrain from calling people names. First, you go off on Full Truth and now you're starting a smear campaign against Truthseeker777. I personally know Truthseeker777 and believe me, he's a God fearing Christian.

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Personal Attacks
A post or comment that has nothing to do with the topic, but is specifically meant to upset or criticize another person or group of people.

THere is NO REASON for the existance of this thread. Being a christian IS NOT A REQUIREMENT TO POST AT PHATMASS.
NOBODY is required to prove their religious affiliation to ANYONE.

People are quite capable of showing their character by their behavior and that again is illustrated here.

This thread is closed and will be deleted tomorrow.

BTW you owe truthseeker an apology.

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Sorry guys had to defend myself against Budge for just assuming that i am not a Christian.


First of all i am not on the website you mentioned.
How can you as a 'Christian' just assume that its me.
Talking about demons messing with other people?
So someone got the same name as me,it is pretty common you know,the word 'TRUTH' '777',God's number.
I can tell you one thing BUDGE,if you think i'm an infiltrator and you can take it as you like.
You have a major [b]discernment[/b] absence.
You are [b]NOT[/b] led by the spirit,and i can say that with certainty, because i am 100% Christian ,were born one and always been one.
And i was in a bible following church too,and so was generations of my family.

As everyone figured out by now,even FIXXXER, english is not my first language,you must not be that intelligent too see the difference in writing style.
I realised why you attacked FULLTRUTH so badly,you have issues only Jesus can fix.
You are extremely immature in your actions and irresponsible with your words.

You give Christians a bad name and won't achieve a thing with your attitude,as a matter of fact you are having the dreaded opposite reaction of a new-born Christian
that discovered his new faith and don't know how to propperly use it.
I was quite neutral with your fiery tongue,now unfortunately you exposed yourselve as someone with very bad discernment
by accusing a follower of Christ of such nonsense

Now i understand the attitude some members have towards you,and to think i even sided with you.
With your discernment you won't know the difference between the bible and a doorknob .

Do focus on cleaning your own house before even attempting to discuss others.
You clearly are failing in your walk with Christ,and your actions make my assumption a fact.

You give CHRISTIANS A bad name AND are a good example of how NOT to behave as a Christian.

I hope you take some time out and think about your actions on this site lately:)

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This board is overtaken by occultists, and those who lack discernment ignored even direct evidence that I showed.

Well I did my duty I warned you all.

The poster Truthseeker777 uses the same pictures and more and has the same info about the Nephilim, and NWO webwide, so it is the SAME POSTER!

BTW Urib, is in with them too, though smart enough not to have posted blantantly anti-Christian things under that name.

This prayer of his only appears Christian, it is not. Demons are ejected [vanquished in Jesus's name] you do not put them in 'boxes" [occultic language]


It is interesting how one man here Fulltruth can teach the most Satanic deceptions, like going after demons to send them to hell for "god" and not one Catholic here says a word.

Looks like someone here had them figured out partially, they arent here for Spam but confusion


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Budge lets not make up lies, FullTruth's "truth" has numerous times been countered, so Catholics have said a word or two or three...

Please give links to Truthseeker777's supposed "same pictures and more and has the same info about the Nephilim" that would link Truthseeker777 of phatmass to Truthseeker777 of Armageddon online. Give proof.

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