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My Last Meeting With Father Paul


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I had my last meeting with my spiritual director, Father Paul, today. Tomorrow I leave for Southern California in the car. I will drop off documents, photo albums, car etc to my brother in Orange County and then leave from LA on Tuesday for Singapore to help my brother there for a few months. Father Paul gave me a blessing and also gave me a book he had written. I know he is going to be a saint someday so I had him inscribe the book for me. Anyone who wants to read the book...
"[url="http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0809122170/ref=olp_product_details/103-5801916-7747815?ie=UTF8&seller="]Don't You Belong to Me?[/url]A Basic Introduction to the Spiritual Life"
by A Monk of New Clairvaux (Paul Konkler)

The link will only work until that particular copy is sold, but a google should find another copy. I want to buy a copy for the Mother Prioress of Wolverhampton since she asked about his book in her last email. Mother has started sending me emails from the other nuns of the community, and they are all as loving as she is! One of the older nuns is going to write me an airmail leter and send it to Singapore. Mother talks just as if I am already a member of their community, and it is so sweet. I just can't wait until I can finally enter!

My Singapore brother has already bought me a return ticket to the US so I can come back in July, but I might just go straight to England from Singapore if I can get everything done without coming back. My brother in Orange County is going to have my power of attorney so I should be able to do everything through him that needs doing. He is buying my car for what I owe on it - and giving it to his 19 year old daughter. Things are just starting to move into place for me.

I just to post today because I am starting to feel excited, as if it all might actually happen! I know there might still be obstacles to overcome, but I feel the Holy Spirit so strongly and know that God can do anything!

Praise God. :bigpray:

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I hope that you have a lovely time in Singapore..........you are having some wonderful support from your family and also your new fsmily in Wolverhampton. :biglol: :bigpray: :bigpray:

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[quote name='nunsense' post='1214234' date='Mar 15 2007, 05:20 PM']I had my last meeting with my spiritual director, Father Paul, today. Tomorrow I leave for Southern California in the car. I will drop off documents, photo albums, car etc to my brother in Orange County and then leave from LA on Tuesday for Singapore to help my brother there for a few months. Father Paul gave me a blessing and also gave me a book he had written. I know he is going to be a saint someday so I had him inscribe the book for me. Anyone who wants to read the book...
"[url="http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0809122170/ref=olp_product_details/103-5801916-7747815?ie=UTF8&seller="]Don't You Belong to Me?[/url]A Basic Introduction to the Spiritual Life"
by A Monk of New Clairvaux (Paul Konkler)

The link will only work until that particular copy is sold, but a google should find another copy. I want to buy a copy for the Mother Prioress of Wolverhampton since she asked about his book in her last email. Mother has started sending me emails from the other nuns of the community, and they are all as loving as she is! One of the older nuns is going to write me an airmail leter and send it to Singapore. Mother talks just as if I am already a member of their community, and it is so sweet. I just can't wait until I can finally enter!

My Singapore brother has already bought me a return ticket to the US so I can come back in July, but I might just go straight to England from Singapore if I can get everything done without coming back. My brother in Orange County is going to have my power of attorney so I should be able to do everything through him that needs doing. He is buying my car for what I owe on it - and giving it to his 19 year old daughter. Things are just starting to move into place for me.

I just to post today because I am starting to feel excited, as if it all might actually happen! I know there might still be obstacles to overcome, but I feel the Holy Spirit so strongly and know that God can do anything!

Praise God. :bigpray:[/quote]

Your S.D. is a Cistercian? Cistercian reading is some of the best spiritual reading out there, imo :) You're blessed!

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[quote name='Totus Tuus' post='1215142' date='Mar 17 2007, 03:44 PM']Your S.D. is a Cistercian? Cistercian reading is some of the best spiritual reading out there, imo :) You're blessed![/quote]

Father Paul was a Christian Brother, then a Cistercian monk, then a hermit. He still lives in a hermitage at the monastery but his superior asked him to give spiritual direction (after 10 years of solitude), so he says he isn't much of a hermit these days! I adore him. I will miss him like anything.

I just hope I can find someone to give me direction while I am in Singapore. I leave LA tomorrow for Singapore and am excited to see my brother and nephew again after a long time.

And the Mother Prioress at Wolverhampton has been wonderful to me, sending me letters from all the sisters at the convent. I feel like they are already my family, and I am ready to move in! I have to wait until June to pay off some debts, but as soon as July comes, I am going to ask for an entrance date!

Keep me in your prayers everyone - and thank you. I will keep you all in mine too!

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That is awesome Annie. Be assured of our heartfelt prayers. Personally I entrust you to Saint Joseph on this, his solemnity.

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I am praying for you to St Rafka, a saint whom I had never heard of until five minutes ago. She needs to be broken in. ;) Your friendship with Fr Paul can go even deeper now - you will be able to pray for him in such a complete way.

Enjoy this trip to Singapore and may God bless you as you prepare for entrance into Carmel.

Edited by Cathoholic Anonymous
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Now I know that God wanted me to come here and I am so happy. While my brother might have asked me to come here to help with his son, God wanted me to come here to help with my brother's soul. I arrived two days ago and my brother needed to talk a lot about his problems and his life, and he told me that he wasn't sure that he was a Catholic any more, and he was doubting that God was personal. He said he thought he might make a better Buddhist.

Well, today I asked him to take me to the parish church so I could see where to go for Mass, and ask for a spiritual director. We sat in the church for a little while before going to see the parish secretary, and we talked about God. I didn't have to say anything to him at all really, just sat with him in the church and let God speak to his soul. He talked a lot about his RCIA and his baptism and I saw that he really is a son of the Church - he just fell away and needed reminding of why he became a Catholic in the first place. Then he said that he felt bad that he wasn't being a better spiritual example for his son and perhaps he needed to go to reconciliation. We talked about reconciliation for awhile and walked around the church and found the Reconciliation Center so that we would know where to go. Then he said that he really should start going to Mass regularly with his son again too, so he said would go with me once a week! I am so happy for him. I know that God will give him the strength to deal with whatever happens in his life now. Hopefully, once I am gone, he will continue to attend Mass and let God help him.

We then went to see the parish secretary and she took us to the Retreat Center next door to the church. The Jesuits run the Center and I met the Center's secretary and asked to have a spiritual director appointed to me. I was also shown where the Adoration Chapel is, so I am all set up now! I have to wait for the priest to get back to me on my new spiritual director, but from tomorrow I will be able to go to Mass and the Adoration Chapel. My brother has been so supportive of my vocation and I am so happy to know that God is using my vocation to bring others closer to Him!

I asked God to take away my "free will". I don't know if that is allowed or not, but I really just want Him to guide my life. I think that free will is a great gift, but I want to offer it back to Him as a gift for all He has done for me. I trust Him to know much better than I do, what is right for my soul, and how best to use my life in service to Him. I pray every day that He chooses to let me realize my vocation to enter Carmel, but I know it is His Will and His timing, not mine.

Praise God for His infinite mercy and compassion!

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Guest phatdaddy


Beautifully spoken. By your words and spiritual insight you reflect Jesus quite well even with my poor "vision". You seem to be doing the right thing and you are a blessing to your brother and his child. I pray that you fix your will (which I would say is God's will by all the detectable signs) on entering where you feel called. Sister, you know He won't take away your free will, for that would also take away your love which you know is a free act of your will. I know you only won't what God wills and for heaven's sake tell Him so. He will more than likely reveal His will to you through the desires of your heart (so follow them) and the circumstances that surround you. May our Beloved and His dear Mother bless you abundantly. I also am a big fan of Carmel.
Mr. Ray

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