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What Is Exactly The New World Order?


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[quote name='Truthseeker777' post='1213742' date='Mar 14 2007, 05:47 PM']Yes true...just look how the government[b] 'cared[/b]' after huricane Katrina.
Do you support that?
If not, what have you done to let your government know that the way they treated that humans
is disgusting?
Many people know, what you think is a conspiricy theory,is 100% true and is unfolding right before the blind masses.
Why do you talk for the [b]whole forum[/b],way to go pearly mother:)[/quote]

The goverment did care after hurricane katrina. I live right by the astrodome where thousands of refugees were. I'm sure thats a conspiracy too right? They werent really there...they are robots the elites made up to look like they are doing something good.

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Quite frankly Urib, I have heard these interesting theories on the NWO, I have even heard G.W. Bush Sr. speak about it. However, it is a very confusing and sometimes, some of the theories are that of swiss coagulated milk.

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[quote name='Truthseeker777' post='1213748' date='Mar 14 2007, 06:53 PM']You won't know the difference between the NWO and a DOORKNOB with your descernment.
Maybe you should come out of your dark corner into the l[b]ight [/b]of truth.[/quote]

Great response.

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You people are crazy. Come on! Do any of you prods get sleep? Cause it sounds like a bunch of insane, sleepless babble about how the world is goona end and there is going to be no freedom! Give me a flippin' break! We have gun laws in Canada, and frankly, deaths due to firearms are pretty much down... the only time someone would be killed is if someone took "daddy's hunting rifle" fired it off... anywho I'm not going to rant. I am just going to trust in Christ and not listen to this fundamental insanity. Read the Scriptures! It says to trust in God. Stop refering to the same few verses every time. It's time to sit down and read THE WHOLE THING. As for your baloney about Revelations, the book is not a Ouija Board! Gah...

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The NWO is a reality, pure and simple.
It is not a Wrestling team.

The NWO is an order meant to do one thing, create a slave race for the Nephilim. It is every single human being's duty to come against them in the holy name of Jesus Christ.

On the matters of sleep. I sleep pretty soundly at night, because the NWO has lost, is losing, and will continue to lose against YHWH, pure and simple. I think of the elite as a bunch of really retarded individuals, because you can't win a war against a being you live and move and have your being in.

I'm more interested in living a life of victory against them, where I enjoy the simple pleasures of life - praying to Jesus, getting to know him, and letting him know me, reading my bible every day, working hard at my job, bringing in a good paycheck, paying my bills, and enjoying the life God has given me. Because, ultimately, this is the ideal all christians should aspire too.

[quote name='1 Timothy 6:5-7' date=' KJV']Perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth, supposing that gain is godliness: from such withdraw thyself.

[b]But godliness with contentment is great gain.[/b]

For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out.[/quote]

Hey, I just had a great thought. Those, believe it and claim it in the name of Jesus Christ bunch, those would be great scriptures to talk to them about. Hey, didn't God say you need to stay away from people who think gain is godliness like Kenneth Copeland?

I think that is what Kenneth's is always preaching about, the God Lottery.

We should just be happy with the blessings God has already given us.

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What people seem to overlook is that there have been many, many new world orders. Every time civilizations rise and fall, a new world order comes into being. For instance, Post-World War II saw a New World Order of Communist bloc and Free World nations. Following the fall of the Soviet Union, a New World Order fell into place, with the United States as the the sole super power.

There will probably be an even newer world order with the decline of Europe and the rise of China.

When the first Pres. Bush refers to a new world order he is not necessarily suggesting a world run by the UN. New world orders do not require conspiracies.

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[quote name='catholicinsd' post='1213376' date='Mar 14 2007, 03:08 AM']AAnd don't forget, the leaders of the New World Orders are lizzards.[/quote]
They're not Lizzards, and such a comment is really childish.

If Roman Catholics are so into faith and reason, let me ask you a question. Can the Kingdom of the Anti-Christ, the son of pardition, happen overnight? It just happens. . .


It takes careful planning.

I consider this just a part of the true conspiracy, coming out the the mouth of the father of all lies, Satan!

Fortunately, I have a name to put him under my feet! I love stepping on his stupid little retarted head when I proclaim the name of Jesus Christ.

The Illuminati are 'special' human beings, and we are being encourage to welcome them with movies like X-men.

I love the Quote of Magneto in the second X-men movie.

Magneto asks Pyro what he can do, and Pyro said he could only manipulate the fire.

Then Magneto said something to the effect, don't kid yourself, you are a giant amongst grasshoppers.

If that sounds somewhat familiar, than you have some spiritual discernment, because that is the testimony of the 10 false spies sent into the promise land.

"There are giants in the land, and we are as grasshoppers in their sight,"

Ultimately, the Illuminati are bringing human accpetance of individuals with special powers into our lives, so they can move about without people questioning how they can do that, while at the same time, they discredit christianity so nobody will have a name they can use to fight them.

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[quote name='Maggie' post='1213918' date='Mar 15 2007, 12:36 AM']What people seem to overlook is that there have been many, many new world orders. Every time civilizations rise and fall, a new world order comes into being. For instance, Post-World War II saw a New World Order of Communist bloc and Free World nations. Following the fall of the Soviet Union, a New World Order fell into place, with the United States as the the sole super power.

There will probably be an even newer world order with the decline of Europe and the rise of China.

When the first Pres. Bush refers to a new world order he is not necessarily suggesting a world run by the UN. New world orders do not require conspiracies.[/quote]
In a way, I agree with you, there are many 'New World Orders', even before now, like the rise of democracy and capitalism, way back when.

However, even those were orchastrated by the elite because they want to manipulate things to bring about total control over the entire planet.

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Maybe the "illuminati" are infinite human beings, who can create infinite profiles on finite human beings.

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[quote name='Apotheoun' post='1213930' date='Mar 15 2007, 12:46 AM']Maybe the "illuminati" are infinite human beings, who can create infinite profiles on finite human beings.[/quote]
I wouldn't say infinite, because only God is infinite, but they are powerful and they have only one goal, the enslavement of humanity.

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Farsight one

If it's already determined that they're going to fail in their new world order plan, then why worry about it?

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[quote name='Farsight one' post='1213940' date='Mar 15 2007, 01:09 AM']If it's already determined that they're going to fail in their new world order plan, then why worry about it?[/quote]
I don't. I just fight them, as God has commanded us to do.

The way I think of it is this. Right now, we're in Egypt, and the Illuminati is the task masters. Trust me, I know who the deliever is, and I am 100 per cent behind the deliever. But we need to go into battle and take back the world so we can claim the promise land.

So I can relax, even though the Illuminati is in control right now, because I know they lose, and WE WIN! So I live a victorious life in Jesus Christ, trusting in the prophecies of the Bible, and going forth to take back the world that the Devil stole from us.

I suggest you do that as well Farsight. Join the Army of Christian Soldiers.

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[quote name='FullTruth' post='1213932' date='Mar 14 2007, 09:50 PM']I wouldn't say infinite, because only God is infinite, but they are powerful and they have only one goal, the enslavement of humanity.[/quote]

The original post said that the "new world order" is going to create infinite profiles on people, perhaps you can explain how this is possible.

What exactly is an infinite profile? How does one create an infinite profile on a finite human being?

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[b]Mat 10:28 And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.[/b]

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[quote name='Apotheoun' post='1214041' date='Mar 15 2007, 11:40 AM']FullTruth,

The original post said that the "new world order" is going to create infinite profiles on people, perhaps you can explain how this is possible.

What exactly is an infinite profile? How does one create an infinite profile on a finite human being?[/quote]
I don't really know, and I don't really care.

From what I can reason out, it's probably through genetic/spiritual/mental/and psychic manipulation, so they can have dumb brutes to do the labour and more intelligent people in control over the brutes, who are, of course, ruled over by the Illuminati/Nephilim. It's the whole Eugentics thing that Hitler was trying to create.

Needless to say, Apotheoun, they have lost the war, are losing the war, and will continue to lose the war against God, no matter what they do.

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