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The Nashville Dominicans

Ora et Labora

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Sorry to hear your friend's brother had that experience. All I can say is that they are human, too, and we all say things sometimes that we shouldn't. I have to remind myself of that sometimes, since I think people often forget that they are definitely prone to error. Society just assumes that, hey, they're holy, so therefore they must be perfect. But they are beautiful, nonetheless; I had a Sister say something to me once that wasn't very "Sisterly," in my opinion, but realized I had near-divine expectations for mere humans like me.

They usually have the presiding priest give Communion [of course] with a novice holding the communion paten as an altar server. Sometimes Sisters do give Communion, but I haven't really noticed a pattern as to if it is Sisters on Mother's council, novices only, etc. I can't really remember and tell you anything further off the top of my head, but probably some other girls on PM could tell you better.

Yes, my school actually used to be that boarding school. There were, I believe, three major periods of construction/adding on to the Motherhouse, and then most recently in 2006 the new chapel was finished and 100,000 sq. ft. were added on due to the community's rapid growth.

Since the scapulars are blessed, the Sisters are always careful not to sit down on them, but instead they first pull them to the side, as well as their rosary, and when leaving the chapel at the Motherhouse they kiss it, as you mentioned - though I have seen the Sisters do it at school when leaving the chapel there, out of habit (no pun intended), but it is primarily done at the Motherhouse.

I'm sure you knew a lot of this about the construction and all, but it brings me joy to talk about, so thank you for the opportunity. ;-)

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[quote name='DominicanPhilosophy' post='1599077' date='Jul 13 2008, 10:46 AM']Since the scapulars are blessed, the Sisters are always careful not to sit down on them, but instead they first pull them to the side....[/quote]

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, that's why people do that! I thought it was just because sitting on a scapular could be uncomfortable or get in the way... You learn something every day :)

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[quote]Sorry to hear your friend's brother had that experience. All I can say is that they are human, too, and we all say things sometimes that we shouldn't.[/quote]

Oh, I didn't mean the comment to prove the sisters were rude, but just that that was how I heard that some of them must be EMHCs. I'm sure he knew he looked strange :) My friend said it was a mischievous custom of his for St Philip Neri's Feast day.

I didn't know that either, about not sitting on scapulars. I see some monks around, and they do that too, and now I know why! I used to think it was so they didn't get caught in the chair...

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another reason they move the scapular to the side is because they wrinkle so badly. Not the main reason, but important.

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