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Check Out These Christian Frauds


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[color="#000000"][b][size=3]Word Faith Movement

The Word faith Movement started out but denying God is sovereign in healing only whom he wills. See James 4:14-16 If you were not healed you were lacking in faith or did not have the right formula.
This leads to the prosperity gospel. With the right formula you can be guaranteed health & wealth.
This leads to commanding God to do these things, instead of asking.
Then faith was redefined as no longer trusting in God, but it was a magic force you could tap into. (We no longer need God, we do it ourselves.)
This leads to the teaching that through this power of faith we can become little gods.
This leads to the heresy that Jesus was transformed in to a demon possessed mortal in hell so we can be transformed into Gods on earth.
Finally this broke out into numerous myths and false teachings.

[color="#8B0000"][b]Presented here are audio clips of various word faith teachers and their false doctrines:[/b][/color]

[b]Comments about William Branham:[/b]
[url="http://www.biblefacts.org/cult/mp3/hin-branum.mp3"]Benny Hinn[/url]

[b]Denying the Trinity:[/b]
[url="http://www.biblefacts.org/cult/mp3/branham.mp3"]William Branham[/url]
[url="http://www.biblefacts.org/cult/mp3/jgood.mp3"]Joseph Good[/url]

[b]Jesus May NOT be God:[/b]
[url="http://www.biblefacts.org/cult/mp3/jesusnotgod.mp3"]Paul Crouch and Kenneth Copeland[/url]

[b]The UPC cult are good Christians:[/b]
[url="http://www.biblefacts.org/cult/mp3/upc.mp3"]Paul Crouch[/url]

[b]Redefining the Trinity:[/b]
[url="http://www.biblefacts.org/cult/mp3/trinity9.mp3"]Benny Hinn (9 of them)[/url]
[url="http://www.biblefacts.org/cult/mp3/trinity9b.mp3"]Benny Hinn (Father has a Body) (Crouch - Trinity unimportant)[/url]

[b]Faith is a Force[/b]
[url="http://www.biblefacts.org/cult/mp3/force.mp3"]Kenneth Copeland[/url]
[url="http://www.biblefacts.org/cult/mp3/thywill.mp3"]Fred Price[/url]
[url="http://www.biblefacts.org/cult/mp3/jms4.mp3"]Crouch, Price, Tilton, Hagin[/url]

[b]Astral Projection:[/b]
[url="http://www.biblefacts.org/cult/mp3/astral.mp3"]Kenneth Copeland[/url]

[b]Jesus suffers in hell:[/b]
[url="http://www.biblefacts.org/cult/mp3/pricehell.mp3"]Fred Price[/url]
[url="http://www.biblefacts.org/cult/mp3/copworm.mp3"]Kenneth Copeland[/url]
[url="http://www.biblefacts.org/cult/mp3/naturesin.mp3"]Kenneth Hagin[/url]
[url="http://www.biblefacts.org/cult/mp3/hafbronagain.mp3"]Kenneth Hagin[/url]

[b]Christians evolve into gods:[/b]
[url="http://www.biblefacts.org/cult/mp3/copland-god-man.mp3"]Kenneth Copeland[/url]
[url="http://www.biblefacts.org/cult/mp3/bennywegod.mp3"]Benny Hinn[/url]
[url="http://www.biblefacts.org/cult/mp3/hinlilgod2.mp3"]Benny Hinn[/url]
[url="http://www.biblefacts.org/cult/mp3/messiah.mp3"]Benny Hinn[/url]
[url="http://www.biblefacts.org/cult/mp3/duplacate.mp3"]John Avanzini and Morris Cerullo[/url]
[url="http://www.biblefacts.org/cult/mp3/crouchgod.mp3"]Paul Crouch[/url]

[b]God the Father is a Man:[/b]
[url="http://www.biblefacts.org/cult/mp3/6ftman.mp3"]Kenneth Copeland (6ft)[/url]
[url="http://www.biblefacts.org/cult/mp3/copland-god-man.mp3"]Kenneth Copeland (Adam is God)[/url]

[b]God the Father is from another planet:[/b]
[url="http://www.biblefacts.org/cult/mp3/motherplanet.mp3"]Kenneth Copeland[/url]
[url="http://www.biblefacts.org/cult/mp3/cop-hev.mp3"]Kenneth Copeland[/url]

[b]True Christians are Rich:[/b]
[url="http://www.biblefacts.org/cult/mp3/pricerr.mp3"]Fred Price[/url]
[url="http://www.biblefacts.org/cult/mp3/til-poor.mp3"]Robert Tilton[/url]
[url="http://www.biblefacts.org/cult/mp3/sham5000.mp3"]R.W. Shambach[/url]

[b]True Christians do not get Sick:[/b]
[url="http://www.biblefacts.org/cult/mp3/hinngodsick.mp3"]Benny Hinn[/url]
[url="http://www.biblefacts.org/cult/mp3/hobart.mp3"]Hobart Freeman[/url]
[url="http://www.biblefacts.org/cult/mp3/price-sick4.mp3"]Fred Price[/url]
[url="http://www.biblefacts.org/cult/mp3/cop-health.mp3"]Kenneth Copeland[/url]

[b]Adam was God/Super being:[/b]
[url="http://www.biblefacts.org/cult/mp3/adammoon.mp3"]Benny Hinn (fly to the moon)[/url]
[url="http://www.biblefacts.org/cult/mp3/adamgod.mp3"]Kenneth Copeland [/url]

[url="http://www.biblefacts.org/cult/mp3/cop-health2.mp3"]Kenneth Copeland [/url] admits that several have tried to claim healing because of his teaching and are dead because of it.

Even after all of this, they still hold to these doctrines to the point that they appear to actually [url="http://www.biblefacts.org/cult/mp3/attack.mp3"]threaten[/url] those who expose this false doctrine. Sometimes even mentioning that their children will suffer.

[i]Clips taken from the audio version of Christianity in Crisis, by Hank Hanegraaff and other various sources. To obtain a copy of this or other related material please visit the Christian Research Institute.

Edited by Urib2007
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Yup, there's no shortage of medicine men and faith swindlers out there. The way they can control such huge swathes of humanity is quite shocking, really. I know Hinn has been ousted several times on national television, but its tough to break the hold con men like these have over people.

Pray for the freedom of the religiously oppressed and the poor in spirit!

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I came out of the 'UPC cult', and there are good Christians there.

I'm going to PM you about this post Uribe, something about it just doesn't sit right with me.

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[quote name='Revprodeji' post='1212929' date='Mar 13 2007, 10:56 AM']Dont pm..

do it here.[/quote]
No. With further research, I found the exact website this stuff came from.

The person seems extremely prejudiced about a lot of things, including something Uribe is passionate about. I PM Uribe about it.

I don't like reprimending someone in public. Debate, yes, repremend, no.

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I was flipping channels last night and stopped on one channel in particular: God TV. Anyway, they have been busy asking people for money all week. I think they are up to 10 million dollars so far. They've had Benny Hinn and others on there preaching to people to give their money to God TV. Anyway, I have always been skeptical with that channel and the founders: Rory and Alec. Last night I started surfing the net to see what I could find about those two people. What I found was that they teach the Word of Faith Movement deal. I then came across that site where the video clips are. Last night was the first time I ever saw that site. I don't know much about that site, but what I posted is pretty interesting to me.

I only wanted you guys to hear the clips because that's hardcore evidence that those preachers are a bunch of sewer rats.
I haven't seen anything else on that site, so I'm not promoting anything else on there; I'm only promoting those clips.

Full Truth, I only recommend the clips on there because you can hear it from their own mouths that they are talking a bunch of nonsense. I didn't sit there and research the entire site because I was only interested in the clips.

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[quote name='Urib2007' post='1213024' date='Mar 13 2007, 01:06 PM']I was flipping channels last night and stopped on one channel in particular: God TV. Anyway, they have been busy asking people for money all week. I think they are up to 10 million dollars so far. They've had Benny Hinn and others on there preaching to people to give their money to God TV. Anyway, I have always been skeptical with that channel and the founders: Rory and Alec. Last night I started surfing the net to see what I could find about those two people. What I found was that they teach the Word of Faith Movement deal. I then came across that site where the video clips are. Last night was the first time I ever saw that site. I don't know much about that site, but what I posted is pretty interesting to me.

I only wanted you guys to hear the clips because that's hardcore evidence that those preachers are a bunch of sewer rats.
I haven't seen anything else on that site, so I'm not promoting anything else on there; I'm only promoting those clips.

Full Truth, I only recommend the clips on there because you can hear it from their own mouths talking a bunch of nonsense. I didn't sit there and research the entire site because I was only interested in the clips.[/quote]
Jesus said a lot of people out there would be saying " Lord, Lord" and at judgement day He will be saying " I never knew you".

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Good post, I agree with you about all of them.

One thing that concerns me about Catholics is they do not expose their frauds but at least on message boards online, they seem to defend them.

Add Brian McLaren, Rick Warren, Creflo Dollar, Robert Schuller, all the Emergents, Pat Robertson, John Hagee--teaches false Dominionism, James Robison, and James Dobson to that list.

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[quote name='Urib2007' post='1213024' date='Mar 13 2007, 01:06 PM']I was flipping channels last night and stopped on one channel in particular: God TV. Anyway, they have been busy asking people for money all week. I think they are up to 10 million dollars so far. They've had Benny Hinn and others on there preaching to people to give their money to God TV. Anyway, I have always been skeptical with that channel and the founders: Rory and Alec. Last night I started surfing the net to see what I could find about those two people. What I found was that they teach the Word of Faith Movement deal. I then came across that site where the video clips are. Last night was the first time I ever saw that site. I don't know much about that site, but what I posted is pretty interesting to me.

I only wanted you guys to hear the clips because that's hardcore evidence that those preachers are a bunch of sewer rats.
I haven't seen anything else on that site, so I'm not promoting anything else on there; I'm only promoting those clips.

Full Truth, I only recommend the clips on there because you can hear it from their own mouths that they are talking a bunch of nonsense. I didn't sit there and research the entire site because I was only interested in the clips.[/quote]
Not a Problem.

I did my own digging.

I do agree that they are decieving people, but the person posting the clip had certain preduices that I found really unfounded. I'm not part of the KJV only club, but I wouldn't be against anybody who uses just the KJV and advocates it. He obviously prejudiced against a great many things on his website, and admitted to using the NIV translation for all scripture references on his site, unless noted, which I agree is horrible translation and shouldn't be used, except a few new converts just coming into the faith, before they get mentored into reading the KJV - which I think is an excellent translation, especially for New Testament.

Hinn is just foolish, and I kinda laughted at the whole 9 spirit thing. At first I figured he was going to say something about the seven spirits of the seven churches being 7 different holy ghosts when I saw the link, which would have been a gross misinterpretation of that scripture, but when I heard his 'preaching' I started to laugh. Definitely a deciever.

MHO on oneness believers is this. The only requirement for someone to be dead to their sins, in scripture, is to believe Jesus Christ is the great I AM! Oneness believers believe that in spades. So I wouldn't outwardly post up that UPC believers are not good christians just because I don't believe what they believe.

Almost half my friends are UPC church goers, and I wouldn't ever tell them not to attend the church they attend, so they can grow in the grace of God. I'm not going to the UPC church simply because Charles Pharam was a Free Mason and possibly a sodomite. That's enough for me.

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[quote]MHO on oneness believers is this. The only requirement for someone to be dead to their sins, in scripture, is to believe Jesus Christ is the great I AM! Oneness believers believe that in spades. So I wouldn't outwardly post up that UPC believers are not good christians just because I don't believe what others believe.[/quote]

Any group that denies the divinity of Christ, [denies Christ as God come in the flesh] is a cult.

The poor deceived oneness Pentecostals dont realize they are in the same boat as Jehovah Witneses and others who have been lied to.

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Mateo el Feo

[quote name='Budge' post='1213235' date='Mar 13 2007, 10:05 PM']One thing that concerns me about Catholics is they do not expose their frauds but at least on message boards online, they seem to defend them.[/quote]Hmmm...gotta take the swipe at Catholics. Especially interesting that you didn't cite a single instance of a Catholic "fraud" who we defend. Keep up with your tried and true hit-and-run tactics. We're all quite persuaded by such contributions.

[quote name='Budge' post='1213235' date='Mar 13 2007, 10:05 PM']Add Brian McLaren, Rick Warren, Creflo Dollar, Robert Schuller, all the Emergents, Pat Robertson, John Hagee--teaches false Dominionism, James Robison, and James Dobson to that list.[/quote]So speaketh Pope Budge. I'm sure that they and their followers are acting with much the same sincerity as you pastor and your when you hold to your pecular system of religious beliefs. Would you mind explaining how you could prove that your own Biblical interpretations are superior to theirs?

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[quote]So speaketh Pope Budge. I'm sure that they and their followers are acting with much the same sincerity as you pastor and your when you hold to your pecular system of religious beliefs. Would you mind explaining how you could prove that your own Biblical interpretations are superior to theirs?[/quote]

Anyone who has joined with Rome and interfaithism is teaching against the Christian gospel.

Some may be sincere but they are wrong. The ones who are living in 8 million dollar mansions show what they are in it for.

I test preachers via the Bible not by my own standards.

You are told to accept whatever they teach you.

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[quote name='Budge' post='1213242' date='Mar 13 2007, 10:16 PM']Any group that denies the divinity of Christ, [denies Christ as God come in the flesh] is a cult.

The poor deceived oneness Pentecostals dont realize they are in the same boat as Jehovah Witneses and others who have been lied to.[/quote]
That is exactly what Oneness Believers believe, that the father, son and holy ghost is all in Jesus Christ. They take Jesus Christ is the great I AM to the extreme.

They believe the fulness of the godhead bodily exists only in Jesus Christ.

So they don't reject the divinity of the christ, they totally embrace it until it gets distorted.

That, of course, is what I meant by Oneness Believers believing that Jesus Christ is the great I AM in spades. They definitely see the divine christ.

Of course, Budge, I think you post up stuff before you have any kind of understanding, just to get kicks out of people.

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