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Global Warming Is Not A Crisis


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[quote name='Budge' post='1213231' date='Mar 13 2007, 09:59 PM']Global warming is a lie meant to get people joining up with global elites who simply want control of the world's resources.

I am old enough to remember when they warned of the next ice age.


There is absolutely no question that the climate is changing, do you really think all the glaciers melting isn't real? Do you think the fact that the Canadian and Alaskan permafrost is disappearing fake??

The only real question is why, and how have we contributed to it by our actions.

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[quote name='Budge' post='1213244' date='Mar 13 2007, 10:17 PM'][url="http://www.thestar.com/News/article/188324"]FEB. WAS COLDEST IN 28 YEARS[/url][/quote]

That depends on what state you were in February. 50 years ago here it snowed in October and it stayed cold and snowy until April. Now its cold here two weeks in January and the month of February and that is the extent of winter. For the last 5 years or so I have picked roses til almost Christmas.

The overall temperature of the earth has gone up, and has been going up.
The idea that the world is a static place and what is will always be is a fallacy. Normal is a variable concept in weather.

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[quote name='Fixxxer' post='1212822' date='Mar 12 2007, 10:05 PM']Well its not a crisis yet.[/quote]

Only people from Texas deny the crisis.

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[b][size=2]Climate change blamed for cockroach migration

Climate change is being blamed for a changing of the guard among Sydney's cockroach population.

Researchers say the most common sub-species in city households was the german cockroach, until it disappeared about seven years ago.

Martyn Robinson from the Australian Museum says the Australian house cockroach, methana marginalus, which likes warmer climates, has begun moving in.

"It's most likely to be the...warmer climate," he said.

"They certainly have appeared for many many years just on little spot occurrences where somebody will find this funny little cockroach that's probably come in on their suitcase from a trip up to Queensland.

"Quite likely these ones have also arrived down the same way but they are now breeding."


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[quote name='catholicinsd' post='1213356' date='Mar 14 2007, 12:12 AM']Only people from Texas deny the crisis.[/quote]

:P: if the earth ever does become really messed up, we wouldnt notice, its so beaver dam hot here anyway!

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[quote name='Urib2007' post='1213377' date='Mar 14 2007, 03:18 AM'][b][size=2]Climate change blamed for cockroach migration

Climate change is being blamed for a changing of the guard among Sydney's cockroach population.

Researchers say the most common sub-species in city households was the german cockroach, until it disappeared about seven years ago.

Martyn Robinson from the Australian Museum says the Australian house cockroach, methana marginalus, which likes warmer climates, has begun moving in.

"It's most likely to be the...warmer climate," he said.

"They certainly have appeared for many many years just on little spot occurrences where somebody will find this funny little cockroach that's probably come in on their suitcase from a trip up to Queensland.

"Quite likely these ones have also arrived down the same way but they are now breeding."

Nobody is denynig the earth is changing.

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[color="#000000"][size=3]Danish scientist: Global warming is a myth[/size][/color]

COPENHAGEN, Denmark, March 15 (UPI) -- A Danish scientist said the idea of a "global temperature" and global warming is more political than scientific.
University of Copenhagen Professor Bjarne Andresen has analyzed the topic in collaboration with Canadian Professors Christopher Essex from the University of Western Ontario and Ross McKitrick of the University of Guelph.

It is generally assumed the Earth's atmosphere and oceans have grown warmer during the recent 50 years because of an upward trend in the so-called global temperature, which is the result of complex calculations and averaging of air temperature measurements taken around the world.

"It is impossible to talk about a single temperature for something as complicated as the climate of Earth," said Andresen, an expert on thermodynamics. "A temperature can be defined only for a homogeneous system. Furthermore, the climate is not governed by a single temperature. Rather, differences of temperatures drive the processes and create the storms, sea currents, thunder, etc. which make up the climate".

He says the currently used method of determining the global temperature -- and any conclusion drawn from it -- is more political than scientific.

The argument is presented in the Journal of Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics.

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My opinion in all of this is why not cut down OUR consumption of fossil fuels? Even if it doesn't change the environment, why pollute? Why continue to run on this stuff when apparently, electric cars can be cheeper. But the oil companies and the car companies seem to have some kind of deal made up... just as long as the vehicles consume gas... I don't know... I've been taught that this CO2 emissions caused ozone depletion or something like that. I am neither a scientist nor environmentalist. I just want to steward God's earth accordingly and live a good lifestyle. Do we really need cars and things (unless commuting to places an hour away) and especially do we need new cars because they are 'cool'? There are a lot of mixed ideas out there and none of them should be taken lightly. I have not seen the 'Inconvenient Truth' YET but apparently my high school is going to see in the next week or two... Just before I go on with my babble, I need to ask if this thread is just about global warming? Could there be another message underneath all of this? By the way I do not advocate this lie, or religion or whatever you want to call it... I just want answers. I don't want to fall to propaganda... there are too many radical voices out there and I am glad at least you Phatmassers are taking this on the middle ground... I know there are others who would say 'there is no crisis so lets keep burning oil and coal and dumping toxic waste and get on with making money', and 'those environmentalist freaks just don't want to see us making money. they want to cause the end of our society...' and any imaginable radical comment... anywho I am done... :starwars: :blush:

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[quote name='Sacred Music Man' post='1214706' date='Mar 16 2007, 06:39 PM']My opinion in all of this is why not cut down OUR consumption of fossil fuels? Even if it doesn't change the environment, why pollute? Why continue to run on this stuff when apparently, electric cars can be cheeper. But the oil companies and the car companies seem to have some kind of deal made up... just as long as the vehicles consume gas... I don't know... I've been taught that this CO2 emissions caused ozone depletion or something like that. I am neither a scientist nor environmentalist. I just want to steward God's earth accordingly and live a good lifestyle. Do we really need cars and things (unless commuting to places an hour away) and especially do we need new cars because they are 'cool'? There are a lot of mixed ideas out there and none of them should be taken lightly. I have not seen the 'Inconvenient Truth' YET but apparently my high school is going to see in the next week or two... Just before I go on with my babble, I need to ask if this thread is just about global warming? Could there be another message underneath all of this? By the way I do not advocate this lie, or religion or whatever you want to call it... I just want answers. I don't want to fall to propaganda... there are too many radical voices out there and I am glad at least you Phatmassers are taking this on the middle ground... I know there are others who would say 'there is no crisis so lets keep burning oil and coal and dumping toxic waste and get on with making money', and 'those environmentalist freaks just don't want to see us making money. they want to cause the end of our society...' and any imaginable radical comment... anywho I am done... :starwars: :blush:[/quote]
The inconvenient truth is that the relation between fossil fuels and global warming is not so well documented and understood as claimed, and not all "environmentalist" "solutions" are actually sound.
Electric cars need to be charged from another energy source (usually run by fossil fuels) so they are not in reality the great fix to the environment they are touted to be. (The pollution would just come from a factory somewhere, rather than the car itself.)

And if you are against cars, don't buy one! (Unfortunately, this is not a practical option for many people). Yet, I see far too many wannabe environmentalists preaching against global warming and such while driving around everywhere in SUVs.

And the thing about getting new cars is something of a non-sequitor, as newer cars pollute less than older models.

The bottom line is environmental policy should be based on sound science and realistic solutions, not rhetoric and ideology.

Edited by Socrates
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The New York Times (of all papers!) ran a story a couple days ago about how while scientists are grateful to Mr. Gore for really publicizing the issue of global warming, a lot of the same scientists feel it's becoming over-hyped to the point of hysteria. Many of the things Mr. Gore says in his film, for instance, are exaggerations, embellishments and big stretchers, although his overall message of "the earth is warming" is solid... or so the scientists quoted in the story said.

I don't want to come off as slamming him, because I haven't seen the movie. And I agree that good stewardship of the earth is necessary and definitely lacking!

Edited by Maggie
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What I find disturbing is the article in the Florida Catholic that discusses the Catholic Committee discussing Global Warming, how it will mostly affect the poor, that it is true and inevitable, that it is caused by Humanity, etc., etc. The typical mass media bull of acting as if theory was proven Dogma and developing Regional Church Policy on that.

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[quote name='catholicinsd' post='1213356' date='Mar 14 2007, 01:12 AM']Only people from Texas deny the crisis.[/quote]

Don't forget those of us in Minnesota that believe it is not a crisis.

If it is, here is my solution:

Build approximately 35 to 40 new nuclear power stations in the U.S.
Shut down all the coal/oil/whatever else that we can with the plethora of new power added by the nuclear stations.
Push hard for electric cars that can get 500 miles per charge
Use fossil fuel only for home heating (ie natural gas becasue it is up to 95& effecient in home heating)


No more polluting power stations and cars.

We can control nuclear waste and limit exposure to the enivironment, unlike fossil fuels.
We can reprocess spent nucear fuel
There are plant designs that actually use the waste other plants create as a fuel source


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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='cmotherofpirl' post='1212654' date='Mar 12 2007, 04:25 PM']Global warming represents the latest doom-laden "crisis," one demanding sacrifice to Gaia for our wicked fossil-fuel-driven ways.[/quote]
Ah yes, Gaia, another pagan goddess (titan, actually) revived by a children's cartoon series. I wonder if all our global warming alarmists were fans of Captain Planet. I didn't realize as a kid that they all reported to Gaia. Maybe this is the cause of the rise of Wicca-style religion in modern society.



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I find it hard to believe, that in all this, the planet's orbit has remained the same, and that our calander is completely accuate. A hundrend thousand ball hurling through space at terrific speeds and would stay in the EXACT same path as it always has since time began.

Why dosn't anyone talk about that? Isn't whats going on ON the planet as important as whats going on OUTSIDE the planet?

Doctors don't treat diseases by looking inside the body or poking around on the skin all the time. They look for environmental factors, and I believe we should do just the same for the earth.

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