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Ways To Tell What Denominations, Are Actually Free Masons.

White Knight

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White Knight

Hello, everyone, I'm very curious to know about how some Protestant Demonations are actually Free Masons, and how can we as people indenify the traces of Free Masonry, how can we avoid Free Mason teachings? what demonations are and are not Free Masons?

Also as Catholics how can we know more about them, and how can we stay away from them?

[b]Thanks and God Bless, Pax Christi, Have a Blessed Lenten Season everyone. :)[/b]

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This post is for people who don't know the history of Freemasonry. :idontknow:

[color="#000080"][size=3][b]History of Freemasonry

In Europe from the 13th to 15th centuries most people lived simple lives as serfs and worked on the land of their lords rarely traveling outside of the village or the nearest town. The Masons were different. They worked in stone, and very few buildings were made of stone then. Only the King's castles and those noblemen who had permission built castles, cathedrals and churches, all of which were built of stone.
"Masons" traveled all over the country building cathedrals in the county towns, castles at strategic points..." (Ridley, Jasper - [i] The Freemasons p. 2[/i]
The King, his nobles, and the Church were the masons' only employers. There were 2 kinds of Masons, the hard hewers or rough Masons who laid the ordinary hard stone that the cathedrals were built from, and the more highly-skilled Masons who carved the softer which made up the cathedral face. This kind of stone was called Freestone, and the Masons who worked with it were called [b]Freestone Masons, often shortened to Freemasons.[/b]

These Freestone Masons were known for their skills and were the workers who were employed by Bishops to build cathedrals and monuments. For their protection, credibility, and to increase their knowledge of construction, these people formed primitive trade unions and conducted their meetings in secret.

"Between about 1550 and 1700, the Freemasons changed. They ceased to be an illegal trade union of working Masons who accepted the doctrines of all the Catholic Church, and became an organization of intellectual gentlemen who favored religious toleration and friendship between men of different religions, and thought that a simple belief in God should replace controversial theological doctrines." (Ridley, Jasper - [i]The Freemasons p. 17[/i])


"Whereas in Great Britain all the English lodges are under English Grand Lodge, with separate Grand Lodges for Scotland and Ireland, in the United States every state has its own Grand Lodge. They are, however, linked by a system that [b]Albert Pike[/b] created at the end of the 19th century." (Ridley, Jasper - [i]The Freemasons p. 267[/i])
"By the middle of the twentieth century, Freemasonry had become more firmly established in the United States than in any other country." ([i]The Freemasons p.246[/i])
By 1903 - 12 years after Pike's death - the number of Freemasons in the United States had risen from 66,142 in 1850 to 869,128. And by the 1930s there were over two million Freemasons in the United States. ([i]The Freemasons p. 269[/i])
[b]America's first President, George Washington, had been a Mason, along with many other Founding Fathers, including Ethan Allen, John Paul Jones, Paul Revere, John Hancock, and Benjamin Franklin. Eight of the 56 signatures on the Declaration of Independence were Masons, as well as nine on the Constitution. [/b]
Lists of who is a Freemason are not always accurate. Men have sometimes claimed that distinguished individuals were Masons when in fact they were not, and of course anti-Masons have accused people of being Masons when they were not.

Some believe Freemasonry was founded by Godfrey de Bouillon, the Knight Templar who led the First Crusade which captured Jerusalem. The Knights Templar is also a degree within Freemasonry, and most researchers trace the origins and secrecy of the Freemasons back to these warrior priests of the Crusades.
The starting point of Freemasonry is also said to be "The construction of the Rosslyn Chapel in the mid 15th century. Rosslyn, near Edinburgh, Scotland, was built by the Saint-Clair family. The Saint-Clairs were close to the original Knights Templar and William Saint-Clair of Rosslyn became the first grand master of Scottish Freemasonry. Catherine de Saint-Clair was married to the first grand master of the Knights Templar." (Marrs, Jim - [i]Rule by Secrecy p. 245[/i])

[color="#000080"][b][size=3]Becoming a Freemason

People generally become Freemasons by recommendation of a sponsor, and Lodges vote on accepting new members once an individual is recommended. The Worshipful Master appoints three investigators who draft reports about the candidate.
These 3 reports are done independently and are read out loud to the entire lodge prior to acceptance. The candidate's picture is posted with their name, address and other personal information on a board and displayed in the lodge.
After members are briefed on the person's profile, the candidate is brought into the room while wearing a blindfold and questioned by the current members. Then the lodge votes on acceptance or denial.

[b][color="#000080"][size=3]Initiation Ceremony

The Chamber of Reflection, used in particular Masonic rites, symbolizes a re-birth for the member as in the initiation into the Skull & Bones (a secrety society at Yale University).
In Freemasonry the initiate is left alone in a dark room for a period of time before the ceremony begins with a table which has various items set up on top. [b]A human skull and crossbones, bread, a flask of water, an hourglass, salt, and sulfur.[/b] (Beresniac, Daniel - [i]Symbols of Freemasonry p. 22[/i])
All of these symbols are derived from alchemy, and have occult meanings attached. "A candidate posing to enter Freemasonry has seldom formed any definite idea of the nature of what he is engaging in." (Wilmschurst, W.L. 1922-1999 - [i]The Meaning of Masonry p. 19[/i])
"Stated in the simplest terms possible, the theory of Masonic progress is that every member admitted to the Order enters in a state of darkness and ignorance as to what Masonry teaches, and that later on he is supposed to be brought to light and knowledge." (Wilmschurst, W.L. - [i]The Meaning of Masonry p. 55[/i])
The initiate then comes out from darkness a new person. Not a new person in Christ, but a new person in the light of Freemasonry. Lucifer's Light. A full explanation of Freemasonry and their rituals is lengthy, and can be found in many published works.

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In the Bible it says that no amount of good works will get a man into Heaven, but the Freemasons believe, "all men are brothers and must be judged according to their good works." A second prominent belief is that, "the human species can be redeemed only through knowledge." (Beresniak, Daniel - [i]Symbols of Freemasonry p. 28[/i])
The [b]root of evil is mere ignorance of knowledge[/b] in Freemasonry and has nothing to do with sin. During the Enlightenment era in the 18th century, many philosophic and mystic teachings believed that human beings could become perfect. We know that Jesus Christ was the only perfect human being to ever walk the planet. Their beliefs get even more disturbing the closer you look.
Masons call themselves "widow's children" believing that without a father sets them apart from other people as "Creators." Numerous Masons are also called sons of virgins for this same reason. (Beresniak, Daniel - [i]Symbols of Freemasonry p. 36[/i]) This distortion of the Virgin Mary is heretic to say the least.
References to the East are repeatedly made, and illustrated in the name of the women's branch of Freemasonry, titled [i]Eastern Star[/i], who symbol is a satanic pentragram pointing downward.
In the Old Testament, the Bible tells the story about how Cain kills Abel as being the first murder in Creation. Genesis 4:16 explains that "East of Eden" where the sun rises, is where the first murderer became the first builder. T[b]ubal Cain, a descendent of Cain, became known as the blacksmith of the Universe. In Freemasonry a blacksmith is a person who has the knowledge to master the four elements of Earth. [/b]
The blacksmith using his knowledge of the elements creates everything in the physical world that he wants or needs, "to become a king." (Beresniak, Daniel p. 34). It gets worse.
The common pillars in Masonry from the entrance to Solomon's Temple are decorated with pomegranates, lilies, and spheres. While an apple has come to symbolize the fruit of knowledge of good and evil in the Garden of Eden, the pomegranate is a viable substitute. Really, pomegranates are more common in the Middle East than apples.
The pomegranates in Freemasonry basically symbolize the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, and of course in Freemasonry, Mormonism, and satanism, taking this fruit was a good thing, not a mistake causing the Fall of Man.


33rd degree Mason Manly P. Hall writes, "When the Mason learns that the key to the warrior on the block is the proper application of the dynamo of living power, he has learned the mystery of his Craft. The seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands and before he may step onward and upward, he must prove his ability to properly handle energy." (Hall, Manly P. - [i]The Lost Keys to Freemasonry p. 124[/i])
"Masons who achieve the 33 degree are given a jewel decorated with the sign of three, interlocked triangles, representing both the unholy trinity and the number 666. The jewel is also inscribed with the Latin inscription "Ordo Ab Chao," meaning "Order Out of Chaos." (Marrs, Texe - [i]Circle of Intrigue p. 94[/i]


[size=3][b][color="#000080"]Lucifieran Beliefs[/color][/b][/size]

Freemasonry must be described in detail for one to grasp a full understanding of how it works successfully to project a facade believed by lower level members and nonmembers alike, hiding a Luciferian agenda and belief system. Constant references to the Mysteries and the Craft are made, and ring with occult overtones.
It must be acknowledged that Masonry has been largely responsible for many advances in civilization. Many former Presidents of the United States have been respected Masons. George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Patrick Henry, James Monroe, and Alexander Hamilton to name a few. More than a dozen Presidents have been Master Masons. This sounds impressive until one learns that a Master Mason is only the 3rd level of 33 known degrees.
[b]The names involved would be endless to begin to list. Charitable, respectable, and productive describe Masons and Masonry on the surface. Their contributions to communities and individuals are well acknowledged. It is knowing these facts which make it difficult to comprehend how such as organization could possibly harbor ill motives. This is where a cognitive dissonance occurs with the majority, understandably. [/b]
Unmasking the truth behind Masonry is lengthy and complex. That is not said it can't be fully understood quickly with focus and determination. An understanding of Albert Pike's contributions to Freemasonry must be acknowledged and the impact of his book [i]Morals and Dogma[/i], which is largely considered the Bible of Freemasonry.
The institutional lies that are being perpetuated throughout the hierarchy of Freemasons can be equated, although perversely, to the intentional deception of parents to their children about Santa Clause. In this case, parents mislead their children with "lies" and "deception" until they are old enough to understand the truth. These "white lies" are harmless to children, and help facilitate an abundant Christmas spirit.
The same rationale has been employed by the leadership of the Masons, with regards to intentionally misleading the lower level members, until they are ready for the so called "truth." As members deemed honorable and acceptable rise up the hierarchy, their level of knowledge is increased incrementally. It becomes apparent by analyzing the writings and beliefs of the higher level Masons, that these intended distortions of meanings of the symbols and language within the cult have fueled the rhetoric claiming any contrary views are false and absurd.


"Satan is not a black god, but negation of God...this is not a Person, but a Force, created for good, but which may represent evil. It is the instrument of Liberty or Free Will. They represent this Force...under the mythologic and horned form and the god Pan; thence came the he-goat of the Sabbat, brother of the Ancient Serpent, and the Ligh-Bearer..." (Pike, Albert - [i]Morals and Dogma p. 322[/i])

Pike goes on to write in the 19th degree of Grand Pontiff, "Lucifer, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable, blinds feeble, sensual, or selfish souls? Doubt it not!" (Pike, Albert - [i]Morals and Dogma p. 322[/i])

In Freemasonry and Skull and Bones at Yale, members are "born again" into the Order. This is quite different from the rebirth in Christianity. It is clear that the beliefs of Freemasonry are not compatible with Christianity. The unique Deity of Jesus is never mentioned. Masonic writer J.D. Buck writes, "It is far more important that men should strive to become Christ's than they should believe that Jesus was Christ." (Buck, J.D. - [i]Mystic Masonry p. 138[/i])

The Resistance Manifesto

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[quote name='xTrishaxLynnx' post='1212471' date='Mar 12 2007, 03:50 AM']Did you mean [b]Demon[/b]ations or [b]Denom[/b]inations? :unsure:[/quote]

The sects that broke off of the Holy Catholic Church are, in fact, demonations in that their schisms and heresies were led by the Devil.

Edited by StThomasMore
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The initiation ceremony thing you posted is wrong... There have been several documentaries about it, wait, not on *bends knee* google video but the history channel

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[quote name='StThomasMore' post='1212825' date='Mar 12 2007, 11:07 PM']The sects that broke off of the Holy Catholic Church are, in fact, demonations in that their schisms and heresies were led by the Devil.[/quote]
What about someone who is non-denominational, and just a bible believing Christian?

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Is thier church organized? That is a great sign of Free Masonry and the Illuminati is involved in it. Nuff Said!

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[quote name='Fixxxer' post='1212832' date='Mar 12 2007, 07:17 PM']The initiation ceremony thing you posted is wrong... There have been several documentaries about it, wait, not on *bends knee* google video but the history channel[/quote]

Hey, Fixxxer. The initiation ceremony I posted is 100% correct. This may come to a surprise to you, but the History Channel is part of the Illuminati and they control what they want the public to know. Do you think the History Channel would actually tell you the truth about Freemasonry? No way man. The information I posted is stuff they don't want anyone to know about, although it has already been leaked by former Masons who have gone public.

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Look out! They're tunnelling under your house!

If the Freemasons/Illuminati were the highly organized secret evil ninja society you claim they are, you probably would be dead now.

Edited by Paladin
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I'd like to read that really really really long post about what freemason stuff is, but I don't think I have the patience, and I have to go work on my sister's birthday present >_<

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