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Catholic Fanatic

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Catholic Fanatic

Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One, have mercy on us and on the whole world. For the sake of His sorrowful Passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world. For the sake of His sorrowful Passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world. For the sake of His sorrowful Passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world. For the sake of His sorrowful Passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world. For the sake of His sorrowful Passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world. For the sake of His sorrowful Passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world.

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I know there is always room for the DMC, but just to let you know, there is always an ongoing one being prayed in Open Mic if you would like to join :)

There is also an ongoing rosary. :thumbsup:

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I am always cautious with private revelation. Its a proto thing

Edited by Revprodeji
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[quote name='Revprodeji' post='1212168' date='Mar 11 2007, 03:51 PM']I am always cautious with private revelation. Its a proto thing[/quote]

So is the Church. You are not the only one.

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Ok, Im even more so. Like, I almost put no weight into it at all.

Honestly, since it is the debate board it would be a good place for this..hehe,

I dont ask saints to pray for me either. (Besides the Hail Mary, if that counts)
I dont like alot of the objective "graces" talk either, almost as if prayer is a currency. Im having problems explaining it, but I know it bugs me

Indulgances still bother me alot also.

hmm, besides the weird theology stuff, I think that is all. :D

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[quote name='Revprodeji' post='1212286' date='Mar 11 2007, 07:00 PM']Ok, Im even more so. Like, I almost put no weight into it at all.

Honestly, since it is the debate board it would be a good place for this..hehe,

I dont ask saints to pray for me either. (Besides the Hail Mary, if that counts)
I dont like alot of the objective "graces" talk either, almost as if prayer is a currency. Im having problems explaining it, but I know it bugs me

Indulgances still bother me alot also.

hmm, besides the weird theology stuff, I think that is all. :D[/quote]
I also struggle with private revelation ... coming to terms with the authority of the church was a big enough deal all on its own. Although, after I re-examined the Protestant idea of personal interpretation that got a little easier to swallow (you need an infallible interpreter of an infallible book).

The idea of praying to saints was not that big a problem intellectually, although in practice I still feel kinda awkward doing it. But ... I've had a few really amazing experiences praying the rosary, so that's gotten a little easier. I guess the reason the idea of praying to saints is that I've always loved the book of Hebrews, and the description of the "cloud of witnesses" surrounding us has long been a very vivid image in my head.

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Church authority was actually one of the reasons I started my conversion. It can be argued from patristically, it makes logical sense and I cant stand the theological anarchy that is ripping apart the evangelical community.

I can argue the theology for asking the saints to pray for you. And I often will pray the prayers of the saints, but it just feels weird and I dont know.

But I do often pray the rosary.

good hebrews reference btw

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yeah ... I suppose I first started questioning the Protestant model of "authority" when I was a teenager. I can remember asking my dad why it is that churches didn't come together in councils to hammer out theological differences, and he hemmed and hawed and didn't provide a satisfactory answer. That question bumped around in my head for maybe a decade before it was finally answered in the Catholic Church.

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I don't attach much importance to "private revelation" either, although I don't have a problem with it :) I was praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet for a long time before I ever heard of St. Faustina. It's a really good prayer all by itself!

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I think praying to saints was an easy thing for me to get a hold of after my conversion... the only thing is conversing with them... but basically, I see it as them offering my request up in a perfect manner, because they are perfect in heaven. I am not so my requests can tend to be blemished. I try my best to be frank and not cling to worldy things. I think Mary is the best for intercession because she knows much and above all, what Son would deny her Mother's request? :)

The divine mercy Chaplet is great. I have a couple of teachers (who are brothers) who were told by their mother when she was in the hospital for some ailment that she wanted someone to pray The Divine Mercy over her on her death bed. Later, when she was well, she went out walking as part of a daily routine and she was struck down by a vehicle. A Catholic family had just moved into a house by where she was struck down and they saw this and rushed out with their rosary beads to pray. She passed away... It is a sad story but a miraculous one: God tends His faithful servants.

Edited by Sacred Music Man
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Intersting thread. I wonder why Fanatic posted it here in the debate board.

Do you not find it difficult (for me it's insurmountable) to place the amount of 'infallible athority' in the papacy that Roman Catholics do? I can accept (and expect) Church athority in matters of Faith, but given our human foibles, I only can be assured of God's participation within the actions of a complete Church Council. Yes, a Pope can lead and direct the Church, but autonomous rule and decree that is infallible is unreasonable, impractical, and impossible. Even the R Catholics will say the Pope must remain within the boundaries of Tradition. But Catholic argue endlessly about which decree meets the criteria of Papal Infallibility. Logic would say only a Papal statement that has been approved by the MAJORITY of the Bishops, AFTER a full and complete council has met. Without validation that the Statement is within Tradition, Papal opinion is just that. Opinion, not infallible declaration.

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The answer to that is the keys. Christ gave Peter the keys to "bind and loose" and promised the gates of hell will not prevail against the Church. Basically, the Pope is infallible by the Holy Spirit and is guaranteed not to mess up because chaos is the fruit of evil. Therefore there are definite points where the Pope is infallible. It's not just councils either. Don't go by what 'Catholics' argue endlessly about. Go by the documents of the Church and the Bishops themselves. Please see the thread on the scriptural evidence of Papal institution... or whatever it is called...

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I dont agree with what you Anomaly, said above, but instead of answering your objections I will ask. How is personal revelation better? You have no assurance, and you are limited. And the fruit that comes from it is division.

Edited by Revprodeji
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