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Here is what I propose... The next time somebody posts an absurdly ridiculous anti-Catholic conspiracy theory or gross misunderstanding, we respond with "whatever :rolleyes: " or "that's a lie" and just blow these sowers of dissention off, and only engage if somebody actually believes that garbage.

I do not think a conspiracy theory proposing that trapezoidal coffins prove satanic connections to the Vatican deserves a reasoned response, and we are starting to look like schoolchildren for taking these taunts so seriously. Just a thought.

Edited by theculturewarrior
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On another form I go to their rules forbids users to call other users liars, hypocrites, or to lecture other users in ridiculing disagreement. They state we may friendly disagree and give a response or respectfully disagree. I personally think that a little roughness is necessary the reason why I don’t like Catholic Community Forms, their moderators couldn’t figure out Catholic theology if their life depended on it and give more privileges to non-Catholics than to Catholics.

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Can I continue my Budge/Me dialogue? We are averaging 6-12pages on word with repsonses

oh bloody el, I'll do it anyway. Im bigger than y'all

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I am not saying don't reply. I am saying don't get emotionally involved with non-arguments that are essentially ridiculous.

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Don't just say whatever or else they'll think you're ignoring them. Try to debate them and when they don't say you clearly have no desire to partake in contructive debate as you're ignoring the issues and explain how they are then shake the dust from your shoes and leave.

I think Budge will learn eventually.

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The way I see it, everyone's goal - be they Catholic, Protestant, or whatever - is to change hearts. Saying things like "The Pope is the Whore of Babylon!" and "Fundies are ahistorical morons!"* doesn't change anyone's hearts, it hardens them.

Look at Paul. When he went out onto the Areopagus, he didn't say "Stop worshipping all these idols, you dolts! Jesus is Lord and you're a bunch of stupid evil pagans who follow a wicked and false god! God is love, jerks!" No, Paul knew that apologetics is not a bludgeoning weapon.

Instead, he gave [url="http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Acts%2017:22-31;&version=49;"]an elegant sermon[/url] praising the pagans for their religious faith while gently redirecting their worship toward a higher truth. And even though some rejected him, others had their hearts turned to flesh and were willing to listen.

How often is it that a Protestant gets a praise from Catholics here like "Hey, you worship the Lord Jesus Christ and you should be commended for it" without an additional backhanded comment? Same goes for Protestant to Catholic comments, too.

I think Mark Shea said it best:
[quote]I don't think of apologetics as "defending the Faith" because I don't think God needs defending. Indeed, I think one of the many ills troubling the Church is that God has too many defenders and not enough believers: people who fear that God will crumble and fall under the assaults of various foes if they do not ride into battle and protect him. Me: I think He's generally able to hold his own without my coming to his aid. I think of apologetics as a help, not for God, but for people who are seeking God and who just can't find their way because of various problems that seem to suggest the truth about God (i.e, the Catholic Faith) is incompatible with Reason. Some people would *like* to make an approach to God but do not feel they can do so honestly because this or that seeming obstacle to reason is standing in their way. Apologetics does the work of clearing the obstacle out of the way so they can walk down the road toward God. It cannot and must not try to push or drag them down that road though. That has to be up to them.[/quote]

My point: Don't try and use scripture, history, Church teachings, or anything of the sort as a weapon to prove Why That Guy Is Wrong. Instead, consider them talking points and open hands to a brave new world of truth, whichever side you think it's on.

*I know that both of these are extremes and rarely seen, but shades of such are all over this board.

Edited by Paladin
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[quote name='Didymus' post='1210935' date='Mar 9 2007, 03:40 PM']sounds good.

This is a debate table, not the DaVinci Debunking Phorum[/quote]

:lol_roll: Good one Didymus. I think the main problem is the fact that we're jumping on stupid little conspiracies with so much passion. Just sorta let them roll off you and give a small rebuttal opposed to going all "you stupid non-coherent half-wit reasonless excuse of a heretic!". We don't want any of that. If the fundies start trying to bible thump us as well as throw anti-Catholic material at us, just ignore. They are probably trying to bully more than help.

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i like table turning and defying convention. i think it'd be effective if catholics, at least the zeolous ones learned of their faith, to become known as bible thumpers. i understand the faith is more than bible, but you can still be a thumper, especially against prots. that way, if the ones who choose to read become known for their knowledge, they'll be a major paradigm shift that could cause conversion. if that's your goal. not that thumping is necessarily good. but then it's not necessarily bad. use tact.

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I am a thumper, I have a degree in biblical theology from a protestant bible college. If you get in a scripture vs scripture often times it does not work as a primary weapon because the autonomistic or denominational understanding of hermeutics.

But in proper theology, not the kind you get on the debate table mind you, a biblical context must be reconciled in everything. That does not mean that the bible must be the only foundational development, which is the problem you find in protestant debates, but it must at least be reconciled to it.


love the last quote btw

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