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Jesus Promises His Real Presence In The Eucharist


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[quote name='KnightofChrist' post='1211547' date='Mar 10 2007, 05:15 PM']Perhaps its too much to handle at once, lets start with...
Could any protestant or non-catholic please explain this?[/quote]

Maybe you should ask the question of "could anyone that doesn't believe the Eucharist to be the real presence of Jesus Christ to please explain this?" because alot of Protestants do believe that it's a literal sacrament [such as Lutherans], Episcopalians [if I remember correctly] also believe that it's a literal sacrament, as Orthodox believe it to be a literal sacrament.

That would be more respectful of people of every Christian background.


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I apologize if I offend anyone but I would like to actually discuss Scriptural proof of Christ real presence other than who is offended by unintentional offense comments. Protestants typically do not believe in the real presence, even some Lutherans do not believe in the real presence. And some Protestants do not consider them selves Protestants so non-catholic is the word I chose to use.

My intent was to move on and actually discuss the issue, it was not my intent to offend. May we please now move on...

[quote]John 6:63 - Protestants often argue that Jesus' use of the phrase "the spirit gives life" shows that Jesus was only speaking symbolically. [b]However, Protestants must explain why there is not one place in Scripture where "spirit" means "symbolic."[/b] As we have seen, the use of "spirit" relates to supernatural faith. What words are spirit and life? The words that we must eat Jesus' flesh and drink His blood, or we have no life in us.[/quote]

So could anyone that doesn't believe the Eucharist to be the real presence of Jesus Christ to please explain this?

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[quote name='desertwoman' post='1211598' date='Mar 10 2007, 06:37 PM']I'm Protestant and believe in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist.[/quote]
Praise God.

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The Catholic Church teaches that when a valid Priest ([b]Holy Orders[/b]) at the words of consecration the whole substance of the bread is converted into our Lord’s body and the whole substance of the wine is converted into our Lord’s blood whole and entire only leaving the appearances of bread and wine. This conversion the Catholic calls Transubstantiation. That either species contains the "Total Christ", in either both the body and blood is received, and is truly a Sacrament.

Other communities of belief profess a similar belief of the "True Presence" although it either diverges from Catholic belief or the Sacred Scriptures. Moreover, those communities that still have valid apostolic succession still truly have the presence of our Blessed Lord. But it is wonderful that such a fundamental tenant of Christian belief is kept in some communities of belief outside of the Catholic Church.

I think most of the immediate communities of belief founded at the Reformation (Deformation) retained this belief somehow. Such as the Lutherans, Anglicans, and so on but as time went on and the splits continued this belief degraded.

Edited by Mr.CatholicCat
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