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King Or Friend?


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[quote name='KnightofChrist' post='1210768' date='Mar 9 2007, 01:13 AM']Each text describes the sacrament of Confirmation. It is possible to describe something without writing a common word for it.. Ie That big ball of fire up in the sky in the day time that makes it warm, and all bright is really nice to have around.

Now we all know what I've just described because I don't write the common name that is given for it does not mean I did not explain it, or that it doesn't exist.

Same goes for Confirmation, just because the common name for it is not used does not mean it does not exist or is not biblical. The act of confirmation is described in the bible. Believe it or don't believe the bible.[/quote]
Than I have already been confirmed because I repented, was baptized, and I am now sealed with the holy ghost.

It happens the moment you make Jesus Christ lord and saviour.

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Back to the original question.

There is no wrong way to pray. Sometimes as Father, sometimes as friend. Always as my Savior.

I think we do too much limiting of God. God loves us. We are his children. I know I love my child, and I'm a flawed human. How much more than, does God love us in all of his perfection.

We can't even conceive that kind of love, and so it confuses us as to how to approach our Lord.

I don't know about everyone, but I've showed every emotion I've had to God. I've been angry, and sad, and lonely.

Yet God still loves me.

The point is not so much HOW you pray, but that you Pray. And keep praying.

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[quote name='FullTruth' post='1210827' date='Mar 9 2007, 09:32 AM']Than I have already been confirmed because I repented, was baptized, and I am now sealed with the holy ghost.

It happens the moment you make Jesus Christ lord and saviour.[/quote]

I know you're not catholic, but maybe someone else can answer-- If it happens the moment u make Jesus yoru savior, then why the heck do people make a big ceremony about it?

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[quote name='iggyjoan' post='1210854' date='Mar 9 2007, 10:42 AM']I know you're not catholic, but maybe someone else can answer-- If it happens the moment u make Jesus yoru savior, then why the heck do people make a big ceremony about it?[/quote]

Christ gave His Church the comfort of seeing His presence among us with visible signs, namely the Seven Sacraments. When you are confirmed, you will have the comfort of [b]knowing[/b] you have been sealed by the Holy Spirit and endued with its evangelical mission, because you will have seen the sign given by the Holy Spirit to the Apostles and handed down through countless generations of Christians to you.

Edited by theculturewarrior
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Mateo el Feo

[quote name='iggyjoan' post='1210854' date='Mar 9 2007, 11:42 AM']I know you're not catholic, but maybe someone else can answer-- If it happens the moment u make Jesus yoru savior, then why the heck do people make a big ceremony about it?[/quote]The simple answer is: Confirmation does not happen the moment one makes/accepts Jesus as Savior.

If you notice people making a big ceremony, it is only because they would like to show outward signs that reflect an inward truth--that the recipient of Confirmation is receiving a wonderful gift from God.

Some goodies:
[url="http://www.usccb.org/catechism/text/pt2sect2chpt1art2.htm"]http://www.usccb.org/catechism/text/pt2sect2chpt1art2.htm[/url] (Catechism)
[url="http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/04215b.htm"]http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/04215b.htm[/url] (Catholic Encyclopedia)

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I think the sealing of the holy ghost is very important for a believer. Roman Catholics call it confirmation, but it is the same. When the lord writes his name in your hand, your heart, and on your forehead you are then purchased from this world, and the devil and his seed doesn't own you anymore.

I think it is a pivitol moment for any Christian.

What I find disturbing is how lack luster some christians are about it. Just before I renounced the denomination I belonged too, someone was baptized, and I was so pumped to see someone being saved I wanted to have a 'new-birthday' party for him. He was excited, I was excited, and nobody else was. . .

Kind of disturbing, wouldn't you say?

When Angels in heaven were celebrating, seeing one more soul being saved from death and hell, and the christians on earth not too impressed, where's the passion for the lost, and to see someone lost was just saved.

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Fear and respect. Brokeness was a big thing of mine as an evangelical and it is still as a catholic, I approach the throne with fear and reference. Desiring someday to be told "well done good and faithful servant"

Im not big on the buddy-buddy talk, it is easy to lose respect in that method

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As we grow and mature, we discover our relationship with God is multifaceted.

The Trinity is God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. It depends upon the immediate circumstances of our lives. God is King, as well as our loving Father. Jesus is our Brother, as well as Lord of Lords. The Holy Spirit is the wind that opened the Sea to allow the Hebrew to escape, as well as the whispering breeze that sent (Elijah?) back into the cave with fear.

Those of you who aren't parents find may find it hard to envision. Parents love the children with a tenderness that's hard to imagine until you experience it, but parents also have to discipline and be an athority over their children. Your parent is going to have a different role if you are coming to them with a stomach ache in the middle of the night, or if you're having to explain how you cracked the car window playing auto crash on your bike.

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