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King Or Friend?


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So I was wondering... which way do you talk to Jesus? As a friend or as a King? Which way is expected?

Edited by iggyjoan
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so lemme get this straight... i can be all 'yo god whats happenin' like i'm talking to my best friend and then come to him like a stray dog looking for a home? somehow that just doesn't seem right

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Well Christ said we are His friends, and there is no doubt He is The King of kings so...

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[quote name='iggyjoan' post='1210619' date='Mar 8 2007, 09:17 PM']so lemme get this straight... i can be all 'yo god whats happenin' like i'm talking to my best friend and then come to him like a stray dog looking for a home? somehow that just doesn't seem right[/quote]
I found that funny in a good way. I don't think God would ever look at such a prayer as disrespectful, if you are doing it in reverance. I have, on many occassions, said, "Jesus, I can call you no higher title than friend. I love your friendship. So what are we going to do today Jesus?"

Sometimes I talk to Jesus in total submission.

Other times I'm just laying in bed 'pillowing talking' with him.

Other times it's, Hey Jesus, what are we going to do today. Oh, by the way, I want to thank you for (whatever blessing he has lead me into).

Other times it is, God, I love you so much. I love your name, because it means salvation. I love your name because it means you are my provider. I love your name, because your name is my saving cry. I love your name because it says you are my counsellor, my prince of peace, my mighty god, my everlasting father. I love your name. . .

I know everybody looks at the great I AM, and says it means God is self-existing. But at the same time, it is such a message to humanity. I AM your provider. I AM your salvation. I AM your counsellor. I AM your prince of peace. I AM your mighty God. I AM your everlasting father. I AM your saving cry. It is all in YHWH, who is father, son and holy ghost, and these three are one - YHWH the self-existent one.

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That's really cool, FullTruth. What do you think about Conformation? I mean, what does it mean to you? I'm being confirmed soon, but I really don't know what it's all about. I feel so lost sometimes, and then 5 minutes later I'll get it, but then I'll be lost again...

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[quote name='iggyjoan' post='1210644' date='Mar 8 2007, 10:45 PM']That's really cool, FullTruth. What do you think about Conformation? I mean, what does it mean to you? I'm being confirmed soon, but I really don't know what it's all about. I feel so lost sometimes, and then 5 minutes later I'll get it, but then I'll be lost again...[/quote]
Thank you for the compliment. I'm not really the cool one though, Jesus Christ is the 'cool' one, and who he is to me.

I'm not Catholic. I've never been confirmed. If confirmation allows you to come closer to God, than go for it. I'm not one who says you need to do this, that and the other thing for salvation, other than repentance, baptism and the infilling of the holy ghost, which isn't what pentecostals say it is.

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Confirmation to me is just another step in being fulfilled through my faith. It makes us soldiers of Christ, it strengthens our will to do God's will, it helps us profess our faith more strongly, the Holy Spirit comes down on us through the Sacrament. Confirmation is a very important outward sign, instituted by Christ, to give grace.

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[quote name='uruviel' post='1210720' date='Mar 8 2007, 11:48 PM']Confirmation to me is just another step in being fulfilled through my faith. It makes us soldiers of Christ, it strengthens our will to do God's will, it helps us profess our faith more strongly, the Holy Spirit comes down on us through the Sacrament. Confirmation is a very important outward sign, instituted by Christ, to give grace.[/quote]
Not to argue you out of the sake of arguement, but show me where Christ instituted confirmation, and I will gratefully accept it!

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Acts 8:14-17 - the people of Samaria were baptized in Christ, but did not receive the fullness of the Spirit until they were confirmed by the elders. Confirmation is a sacrament that Jesus Christ instituted within His Catholic Church to further strengthen those who have reached adulthood.

Acts 19:5-6 - the people of Ephesus were baptized in Christ, but Paul laid hands on them to seal them with the Holy Spirit. This sealing refers to the sacrament of confirmation.

Eph. 1:13 - Paul writes that the baptized Ephesians were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, in reference to confirmation.

Eph. 4:30 - Paul says the Ephesians were sealed in the Holy Spirit of God, in reference to the sealing of confirmation.

Heb. 6:2 - Paul gives instruction to the Hebrews about the laying on of hands, in reference to confirmation, not ordination. The early Church laid hands upon the confirmand to administer the sacrament of confirmation.

Heb. 6:2 - this verse also refers to the cycle of life and its relationship to the sacraments - baptism, confirmation, death and judgment - which apply to all people.

John 6:27 - Jesus says the Father has set His seal on Him. As the Father sets His seal on Jesus, so Jesus sets His seal on us on the sacrament of baptism, and later, in the sacrament of confirmation.

Rev. 9:4 - the locusts could not harm those with the seal of God upon their foreheads. See also Rev. 14:1 and 22:4.


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[quote name='KnightofChrist' post='1210726' date='Mar 9 2007, 12:07 AM']Scripture

Acts 8:14-17 - the people of Samaria were baptized in Christ, but did not receive the fullness of the Spirit until they were confirmed by the elders. Confirmation is a sacrament that Jesus Christ instituted within His Catholic Church to further strengthen those who have reached adulthood.

[quote name='8:14-17' date=' KJV']Now when the apostles which were at Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the word of God, they sent unto them Peter and John: Who, when they were come down, prayed for them, that they might receive the Holy Ghost: (For as yet he was fallen upon none of them: only they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.) Then laid they their hands on them, and they received the Holy Ghost.[/quote]

I've laid my hands on people, in prayer, and read the 10 commandments with them, and as we said which commandments we broke, tears welled up in our eyes. And when they got baptized and were prayed for after, they knew they were clean, as I know that I was cleaned and sealed by God.

Acts 19:5-6 - the people of Ephesus were baptized in Christ, but Paul laid hands on them to seal them with the Holy Spirit. This sealing refers to the sacrament of confirmation.

[quote name='Acts 19:5-6' date=' KJV']When they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. And when Paul had laid his hands upon them, the Holy Ghost came on them; and they spake with tongues, and prophesied.[/quote]

Baptized in Christ or in the name of the Lord Jesus? Jesus Name is the name of YHWH - the self-existing one- so YHWH can become our salvation. And they spoke in tongues too. Not saying you need to speak in tongues to be saved, but it was a sign of the holy ghost, and an operation of the spirit.

I've spoken tongues and interpreted them before. . .

Eph. 1:13 - Paul writes that the baptized Ephesians were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, in reference to confirmation.

[quote name='Eph. 1:13']In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,[/quote]

Where was the word confirmation. If it was in the vocabulary of the Apostles, why isn't it mentioned in any of the texts?

Eph. 4:30 - Paul says the Ephesians were sealed in the Holy Spirit of God, in reference to the sealing of confirmation.

[quote name='Eph. 4:30']And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.[/quote]

I agree with you, the holy ghost seals us unto the day of redemption.

Heb. 6:2 - Paul gives instruction to the Hebrews about the laying on of hands, in reference to confirmation, not ordination. The early Church laid hands upon the confirmand to administer the sacrament of confirmation.

Heb. 6:2 - this verse also refers to the cycle of life and its relationship to the sacraments - baptism, confirmation, death and judgment - which apply to all people.

[quote name='Hebrews 6:2']Of the doctrine of baptisms, and of laying on of hands, and of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment.[/quote]

So repentance is not a sacrament? It is the first and essential beginning for salvation! And since when does someone baptized someone without the new believer being in the arms of the old believer as they dunk them into the water?

John 6:27 - Jesus says the Father has set His seal on Him. As the Father sets His seal on Jesus, so Jesus sets His seal on us on the sacrament of baptism, and later, in the sacrament of confirmation.

[quote]Labour not for the meat which perisheth, but for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life, which the Son of man shall give unto you: for him hath God the Father sealed.[/quote]Agreed. the Father has sealed the son. What does this have to do with confirmation?

Rev. 9:4 - the locusts could not harm those with the seal of God upon their foreheads. See also Rev. 14:1 and 22:4.

I understand the seal of God better than you my friend. God places his seal that he is One God in the hand and forehead of all believers.

[quote name='Deutronomy 6:4-8' date=' JPS']HEAR, O ISRAEL: THE LORD OUR GOD, THE LORD IS ONE. And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. And these words, which I command thee this day, [b]shall be upon thy heart[/b]; and thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thy house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. [b]And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thy hand, and they shall be for frontlets between thine eyes[/b]. And thou shalt write them upon the posts of thy house, and on thy gates.[/quote]

The seal is to know, acknowledge YHWH is the only Lord, and follow him no matter what. That is called repentance, which leads to Baptism for the remissions of sins, and you are then seal with the holy spirit, which isn't the spirit pentecostals preach, and you're saved and sealed from death and hell.

I repented, and was baptized and filled the holy ghost and sealed by God in a different church than the RC church. Does that make my witness null a void? Does that make my salvation null and void? Am I just another Protestant who is Anti-Catholic, even though I am non-denominational now, and I am not Anti-Catholic, I'm pro God.

Edited by FullTruth
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[quote]Where was the word confirmation. If it was in the vocabulary of the Apostles, why isn't it mentioned in any of the texts?[/quote]

Each text describes the sacrament of Confirmation. It is possible to describe something without writing a common word for it.. Ie That big ball of fire up in the sky in the day time that makes it warm, and all bright is really nice to have around.

Now we all know what I've just described because I don't write the common name that is given for it does not mean I did not explain it, or that it doesn't exist.

Same goes for Confirmation, just because the common name for it is not used does not mean it does not exist or is not biblical. The act of confirmation is described in the bible. Believe it or don't believe the bible.

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Biblical Example
[quote]1 In the beginning God created heaven, and earth. 2 And the earth was void and empty, and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the spirit of God moved over the waters. 3 And God said: Be light made. And light was made. 4 And God saw the light that it was good; and he divided the light from the darkness. 5 And he called the light Day, and the darkness Night; and there was evening and morning one day.[/quote]

No where here is the word "sun" used but it is described.

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