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Pia In Transition


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Hi. If you click on the link you can see the picture. Clearly I am tech challenged. :idontknow: I can't face any more attempts. :rolleyes:

[url="http://s154.photobucket.com/albums/s267/piamaria_2007/?action=view¤t=Piamaria.jpg"]Pia[/url]It isn't working for me. I'll get someone to do it after Easter.

Edited by Pia
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[url="http://i154.photobucket.com/albums/s267/piamaria_2007/Piamaria.jpg"]http://i154.photobucket.com/albums/s267/pi...07/Piamaria.jpg[/url] This link works for the picture. Three of us couldn't get the picture up.
a blessed Good Friday to you all. How many retreatants does it take to post one picture?:)

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[quote name='puellapaschalis' post='1232475' date='Apr 6 2007, 12:34 PM'][img]http://i154.photobucket.com/albums/s267/piamaria_2007/Piamaria.jpg[/img][/quote]

Thanks Puella. :saint:

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Hi phriends. A blessed Easter to all. I hope you experienced all the gifts of the Lord during the Triduum. I am now at my parents home in Santa Barbara until Friday when I fly to Pittsburg. Other than finishing/catching up my personal correspondence (including with some of you :rolleyes: ) I am at my family's service. Please pray that I can show them how much I love them and keep my own "stuff" out of the way. I am taking Dad out to lunch later today. We need some time alone. Mother M.Wendy wrote my Mom a beautiful letter and Mom is actually talking about how she is looking forward to meeting her.

More from me later.


P.S. I'm a little scared. I think it's normal???

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Pia, it is very normal to be scared. Don't worry, just enjoy what time you have with your family and let tommorrow take care of itself.

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Hi Phriends,

Hope all is going well with you. I'm ok. Just feeling a bit overwhelmed by the good wishes and emotions of this time. I had a long, private talk with my Dad yesterday and although it left me too emotional to sleep, it was a gift and a blessing. One of the unexpected gifts of this "leaving the world" process is the [u]freedom[/u] to express my feelings without embarassment. -- It has been a joy to tell the important people in my life of my love and respect for them... a bit exhausting of course, but well worth it.

This morning after Mass the priest introduced himself and asked me if I was new. I explained that I was visiting my parents for a few days. Then he said, "Oh, you must be Pia." AFter I picked myself up off the floor (metaphorically :lol_roll: ) he explained that a friend of my Mom's had called him after the "St. Philomena" incident became news in my family, and asked for prayers for us and that we were all on the prayer list on the side altar. I checked. We are!!! How wonderful is the Communion of saints. The Church is everywhere.

This evening my parents are having an "Open House" which will mostly consist of their friends and our extended family. Several of my former teachers are coming which should be interesting :rolleyes: .

Please keep praying. I'm remembering you all in the Divine Mercy Novena. This is a very long, short week.

In He WHo Is,


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I have been remembering you as well when I pray the Divine Mercy Novena. Everything will fall into place perfectly, you'll see!!

My prayers are with you!!!


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Yep to be a bit scared is more than normal ... if you weren't I'd think something would be up!

Praying for your entrance!

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Hi again,

It's almost here; tomorrow I fly to Pittsburg. There isn't much to say. Please keep praying for me. Maybe y'all can help with the weather. :idontknow:

Love and prayers,

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Pia ... you'll be in my thoughts and prayers too! You are entering such a beautiful community!! What great work they do for God and for the Divine Mercy!!! God bless you!!

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Well, this is it. I'm in Steubenville having a "last latte" and then I'm driving over to the Convent. Thank you all for your prayers and support. Check the website in a couple of weeks and the entrance pictures should be up. I believe I'll be allowed to email family but will have little access to a computer. As soon as I strip my files off this it goes to the community.

Pray for me.

your sister,

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It's sad and happy at the same time when somebody leaves Phatmass for this reason. It's like a harbour, forever launching ships...
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Yes, it is sad to think she won't be posting regularly, but we can't be selfish - she must be so happy now!

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