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Pia In Transition


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Hang in there -- it might feel strange now, but soon you will be where you belong! Prayers.... :bigpray:

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[quote name='nunsense' post='1214395' date='Mar 15 2007, 08:20 PM']Hang in there -- it might feel strange now, but soon you will be where you belong! Prayers.... :bigpray:[/quote]

Thanks. I sure hope that phatmassers in Steubenville will occasionally attend Mass there so I can see you all. Of course you'll have to wear a pin or something :rolleyes: so I could recognize you.

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Hi. I talked with Mother M. Wendy on the phone today. SHe told me the Sisters have put "your things by your bed." See how good the Lord is. Even as I close up my home, I have a bed in my new home. Happy feast of St. Joseph. More from me later.

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[quote name='Pia' post='1216156' date='Mar 19 2007, 07:43 PM']Hi. I talked with Mother M. Wendy on the phone today. SHe told me the Sisters have put "your things by your bed." See how good the Lord is. Even as I close up my home, I have a bed in my new home. Happy feast of St. Joseph. More from me later.[/quote]

They sound so wonderful - I am so happy for you!!

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So it's 3 weeks until I'm driving in to Steubenville and it's beginnng to feel like "countdown." Although I am entering on Sunday, I'm moving in on Saturday and then we're using the rental car to run errands before returning it. :lol_roll:
I'm out of the apartment and staying with a friend until the Triduum. Tomorrow we're visiting Queen of Peace Monastery in Langley, B.C. We will pray for all the pham.

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the lords sheep

thanks for the prayers! Be assured of ours as well!

Tell me again, what order are you entering??

May God be with you as you close up everything and keep moving towards your next home!

In Jesus and Mary,

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[quote name='the lords sheep' post='1218712' date='Mar 24 2007, 12:59 PM']thanks for the prayers! Be assured of ours as well!

Tell me again, what order are you entering??

May God be with you as you close up everything and keep moving towards your next home!

In Jesus and Mary,

Sisters of Reparation to the Most Sacred heart of Jesus
Here's the link. :topsy:
[url="http://www.sistersofreparation.org"]Sisters of Reparation[/url]

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[quote name='Pia' post='1218799' date='Mar 24 2007, 06:12 PM']Sisters of Reparation to the Most Sacred heart of Jesus
Here's the link. :topsy:
[url="http://www.sistersofreparation.org"]Sisters of Reparation[/url][/quote]

They look like a wonderful community! (I'll keep praying for your entrance).

-- Carmen

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So I'm on the plane to Chicago to visit my older sister and her family for a couple days. Since my bro-in-law is Jewish they will be involved with his family for Passover so they asked me to come out before they go to his folks. Please pray that our time together will be good. My Mom has made it clear that my parents are supporting my "right to make her own decision" but it's touchy.

I've done some intensives at Northwestern so there are also friends to see ... and a long walk along the lake shore in Evanston.


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I'm praying that you have a wonderful time visitng with your family and friends. Prayers also for your parents (my parents are the [i]exact[/i] same way so I know how hard it is)! :bigpray:


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Hi again. :topsy: Just got back from Chicago about 7 hours late. :rolleyes: I'm so glad to be driving to the retreat house with only one more flight in my immediate future. Thank you for your prayers. The visit with my sister etc went pretty well.
I'm a reader at our Palm Sunday Liturgy so it's off to rehearsal soon. You are all im my prayers this Great Holy Week.:sign:


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Hi Phriends,

I'm about to take off for the Retreat House and just want to wish you all a Blessed Triduum. Time is moving quickly now. Yesterday I was surprised by a "Bachelorette" Party and the pictures were sent this morning to my gmail address. If anyone can tell me how to post them, I'd be grateful. Then you can compare before and after :lol_roll: I'll be in touch after Easter.

Love and prayers,

p.s. Laura my former employers are a little slow processing that paperwork but I spoke with them on Monday so they should get it together. It is in process but not completed.

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[quote name='Pia' post='1229681' date='Apr 5 2007, 02:26 AM']Hi Phriends,

I'm about to take off for the Retreat House and just want to wish you all a Blessed Triduum. Time is moving quickly now. Yesterday I was surprised by a "Bachelorette" Party and the pictures were sent this morning to my gmail address. If anyone can tell me how to post them, I'd be grateful. Then you can compare before and after :lol_roll: I'll be in touch after Easter.

Love and prayers,

p.s. Laura my former employers are a little slow processing that paperwork but I spoke with them on Monday so they should get it together. It is in process but not completed.[/quote]

Put your pictures on a website like geocities or tripod and then copy the url of the photo you want to put here, and put that url into the "insert picture" dialogue box. Pics would be great.

Blessings on you for Easter!

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Sr Mary Catharine OP

[quote name='Pia' post='1229681' date='Apr 4 2007, 02:26 PM']Hi Phriends,

I'm about to take off for the Retreat House and just want to wish you all a Blessed Triduum. Time is moving quickly now. Yesterday I was surprised by a "Bachelorette" Party and the pictures were sent this morning to my gmail address. If anyone can tell me how to post them, I'd be grateful. Then you can compare before and after :lol_roll: I'll be in touch after Easter.

Love and prayers,

p.s. Laura my former employers are a little slow processing that paperwork but I spoke with them on Monday so they should get it together. It is in process but not completed.[/quote]

Make life easy and use photobucket.

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