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Pia In Transition


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Hi Pham. Please pray for me as I finish at work and leave my apartment. It's a valuable experience but not exactly easy: joy-filled and painful at the same time. This is my last full week at work. I'm truly going to miss seeing these faces on a regular basis. I guess you can't not get close to folks you spend so much time with. I'm walking around with a big lump in my throat. Also my cat, Aria, is now living with my best friend; she's doing well but I'm a little lonely. I think the Lord must just shake His head over me. :rolleyes: Because at the same time that all this saying good-bye is hard..my heart is beating with eagerness and excitement as each Sunday of Lent brings me closer to entering. I will be spending the triduum at a retreat house and then going to visit with family after Easter. On Friday I'm flying to Pittsburg and will rent a car to drive to Steubenville on Saturday. Most of my stuff is already there so I'll just have a bag for travel. Divine Mercy Sunday is the Day. Please pray for me.

Eventually the pictures will be on the web-site so you can see how I manage my "hair trauma." :lol_roll:

I am offerring all this transition stuff to the Lord especially for my fellow discerners.

love and prayers,

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You are truly living Lent this year, emptying yourself totally. God go with you dear! How excited we are all for you.

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I understand what you're going through -- I just got rid of the majority of my stuff in preparation for my own entrance. I leave my apartment at the end of April ... now whether I enter another apartment that's 1/2 the rent on a month-by-month or whether I shortly thereafter go to Argentina I don't know yet.

Praying for you.

-- Carmen

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[quote name='cmariadiaz' post='1210010' date='Mar 7 2007, 05:07 PM']Piamaria:

I understand what you're going through -- I just got rid of the majority of my stuff in preparation for my own entrance. I leave my apartment at the end of April ... now whether I enter another apartment that's 1/2 the rent on a month-by-month or whether I shortly thereafter go to Argentina I don't know yet.

Praying for you.

-- Carmen[/quote]

You are in my prayers in a special way. :blowkiss:

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[quote name='Pia' post='1213154' date='Mar 13 2007, 04:13 PM']Tomorrow is my last day at work. There is a "farewell lunch" :sadder: planned. Please pray that it goes well.[/quote]

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I'm officially unemployed. It feels a little weird not going to work today. Everyone was so kind yesterday and they gave me a check -very nice- and a lovely bouquet of flowers. I'm not doing anything much until after the Feast of St. Joseph. :breakdance: :breakdance: :breakdance: Then the "lasts" begin again. <_<

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aw, I know that must be hard. But just remember who you are giving this all to, for whom you are giving it up for :) Despite the sacrifices, I believe it will all pay off in the end, when you are pleasing God and fulfilling your vocation. God Bless you! I will keep you in my prayers.

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