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Faith, Reason And Science


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Ok, so this bugs me. Why (in some minds) do having faith in God, in all his infinite Glory, mean that you cannot believe in Science, or even theoretical scientific possiblities?

In my own realm, Science provides a "possiblity" of how God "may" have done something. Bottom line is that we will never really know while we exist on the Earthly plane. I think its perfectly plausible, and takes away none of God's glory to believe that he may have taken more than 6 actual twenty four hour days to create the Earth.

The most important part is not the HOW but that HE DID.

If we extend this further, why should anyone partake of any Science, if Science in and of itself is contradictory to God. I, mean, we don't (well, not all of us) extend the same consideration to Doctors or Biologists. Not one of us (again, broadly speaking) would turn down a drug that would save our lives because it was not "OF GOD".

God gave us Brains. It does him an incredible disservice not to use them.

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[b]I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use.[/b]Galileo Galilei

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='Anomaly' post='1209191' date='Mar 6 2007, 04:21 PM']Amen.

[b]I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use.[/b]Galileo Galilei[/quote]
Mr. Galilei would have done well to ask his friend St. Charles Borromeo if the Church condemned the use of sense, reason, or intellect.

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Science and theology are opposed to one another, "but only in the sense that my thumb and forefinger are opposed to one another -- between them I can grasp everything."
William Bragg

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Amen seconded. The evolution thread has become a bit of a circus.

Einstein (the granddaddy of them all): All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree.
I want to know God's thoughts... the rest are details.
Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.
The important thing is not to stop questioning.

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Evolution is based on PSEUDO science.

Not real science at all.

Evolution in itself is a religion.

Do you believe mankind is evolving?

well the New Agers do.

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There's already an evolution debate thread. This is not it. I don't doubt you have something valuable to say about the synthesis or opposition of faith and reason, but don't mix threads, please.

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[quote name='Nadezhda' post='1209218' date='Mar 6 2007, 05:07 PM']There's already an evolution debate thread. This is not it. I don't doubt you have something valuable to say about the synthesis or opposition of faith and reason, but don't mix threads, please.[/quote]

Absolutely. This is the thread to discuss the opposition of faith and reason. Not evolution, per se. Keep the evolutionary debate to that thread please.

Thanks Nadezda!

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[quote name='CatholicCid' post='1209204' date='Mar 6 2007, 12:44 PM']Science and theology are opposed to one another, "but only in the sense that my thumb and forefinger are opposed to one another -- between them I can grasp everything."
William Bragg[/quote]

How are they opposed to one another?

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They are not because the GOOD GOD made them both.
Many fundamentalists believe the man-made 100 year old story that the earth is only 6000 years old. They read Genesis absolutely literally so reject any science that says the earth is older. The theory is that God made fossils to fool us and trick us and test our faith. Because they reject the Church and history, they reject all study of context in the Bible. They consider the Bible as a science book, instead of theology. However when they get to John chapter 6, then they believe its symbolism.

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Reason, in Catholic terms, is used to understand the great mystery at creation's core.

This is the same reason that science uses to understand the material works of the world.

I suggest reading Msgr. Lorenzo Albacete's "God at the Ritz." Great book whereby he discusses some of these questions.

Edited by traichuoi
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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' post='1213137' date='Mar 13 2007, 12:16 PM']They are not because the GOOD GOD made them both.
Many fundamentalists believe the man-made 100 year old story that the earth is only 6000 years old. They read Genesis absolutely literally so reject any science that says the earth is older. The theory is that God made fossils to fool us and trick us and test our faith. Because they reject the Church and history, they reject all study of context in the Bible. They consider the Bible as a science book, instead of theology. However when they get to John chapter 6, then they believe its symbolism.[/quote]

lol Cmom...the last comment about John chapter 6! You crack me up.

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When used exclusively and without God, science - like any other earthly thing - leads to self-indulgence and sin. But using science [i]ad majorem Dei gloriam[/i] leads to virtue and righteousness. St. Bernard puts it better:
[quote]There are some who desire knowledge merely for its own sake; and that is shameful curiosity. And there are others who desire to know, in order that they may themselves be known; and that is vanity, disgraceful too. Others again desire knowledge in order to acquire money or preferment by it; that too is a discreditable quest. But there are also some who desire knowledge, that they may build up the souls of others with it; and that is charity. Others, again, desire it that they may themselves be built up thereby; and that is prudence. Of all these types, only the last two put knowledge to the right use.[/quote]

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Archaeology cat

Excellent thread! I was often told by peers growing up that studying science would cause me to lose my faith, when it has in fact deepened it in seeing the complexity. Of course, I study social science, but that didn't seem to matter. And to be honest, God uses me in my field to be a witness to other archaeologists, and to show others that you can be both a devout Christian and a scientist. And I don't know about other fields, but in archaeology the message is heard more if it is from a fellow archaeologist.

Science doesn't detract from the wonder and awe of God's creation. It is the same miracle no matter how long it took to create, or how it was done. Those things don't matter because we still recognize God's hand in it.

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