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Wow, so I'm back...
Good story.
So I get to the place and it's absolutlely wonderful. The sisters are beautiful and their living situtation is really unique... they all live in separate houses. Like what you and I live in. There is a postulant house, novice house, professed house, priest's house, and visitor's house. And they all have chapels in them, but their main chapel is down the road so the sisters and visiting priests walk down the road to the main chapel.
I'm not going to write an hour by hour account of my trip, but they are wonderful group of sisters and I think all of you should go visit because they have such a beautiful love for Our Lord and the Religious Life.
I was scheduled to stay until Tuesday, but I didn't.
I was really toying with the idea of entering. And Sister Gilmary talked to me a lot about how I need to keep my discernment "moving." I know what the next step is. I do not need to visit more communities.
ANYWAY, we were at prayer Monday morning, and it hit me-- I really wished I was in Mishawaka with the Franciscan sisters. I was tempted to leave halfway through meditation because I couldn't just sit there anymore. But I made it through Mass, and Sister Gilmary and I were walking to the visitor's house. I knew I had to tell her that I was not called there. So when there was a moment of silence, I said "I really don't think I'm called here. I think I'm called to the Franciscans." She said "Good." Over breakfast we talked, and she suggested that I call Sr. Lois (the Franciscan's vocation director) and I said okay. Sister Gilmary also said "you should stop by on your way home... or you could leave now and spend the rest of their time there." So I called Sister Lois and explained to her that I was up in Alma with the Sisters of Mercy, and I can't stop thinking about the Franciscans. I said my heart is in Mishawaka. I asked if I could come by Monday afternoon and talk with her. So I did. I left right then! With Sister Gilmary's hearty blessing, I pulled out of the driveway and drove to Mishawaka. I got lost on the way (like really lost) and somehow guessed and made random turns and ended up at the Franciscan's Motherhouse (my destination)... true story.
After talking with Sister Lois, I asked to be accepted into their candidate program. I am currently applying to the Sisters of St. Francis of Perpetual Adoration. This is the right thing. I knew it all along. I just had to accept it. By the grace of God, by the grace of God.

Now I just have to tell my parents... I need LOTS of prayers because I will enter this year if it is God's will. I already signed a lease for a house starting in August 2007, but if someone (that is agreeable to my other roommates) needs a place to live, then that is one less obsticle that prevents me from entering... my parents want me to finish school, but I believe if it's God's will, they will turn their hearts. I just want to do what God wants me to do.

I need prayers. Please.

I told you is was a good story!

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[quote name='be_thou_my_vision' post='1213187' date='Mar 13 2007, 03:40 PM']Wow, so I'm back...
Good story.
So I get to the place and it's absolutlely wonderful. The sisters are beautiful and their living situtation is really unique... they all live in separate houses. Like what you and I live in. There is a postulant house, novice house, professed house, priest's house, and visitor's house. And they all have chapels in them, but their main chapel is down the road so the sisters and visiting priests walk down the road to the main chapel.
I'm not going to write an hour by hour account of my trip, but they are wonderful group of sisters and I think all of you should go visit because they have such a beautiful love for Our Lord and the Religious Life.
I was scheduled to stay until Tuesday, but I didn't.
I was really toying with the idea of entering. And Sister Gilmary talked to me a lot about how I need to keep my discernment "moving." I know what the next step is. I do not need to visit more communities.
ANYWAY, we were at prayer Monday morning, and it hit me-- I really wished I was in Mishawaka with the Franciscan sisters. I was tempted to leave halfway through meditation because I couldn't just sit there anymore. But I made it through Mass, and Sister Gilmary and I were walking to the visitor's house. I knew I had to tell her that I was not called there. So when there was a moment of silence, I said "I really don't think I'm called here. I think I'm called to the Franciscans." She said "Good." Over breakfast we talked, and she suggested that I call Sr. Lois (the Franciscan's vocation director) and I said okay. Sister Gilmary also said "you should stop by on your way home... or you could leave now and spend the rest of their time there." So I called Sister Lois and explained to her that I was up in Alma with the Sisters of Mercy, and I can't stop thinking about the Franciscans. I said my heart is in Mishawaka. I asked if I could come by Monday afternoon and talk with her. So I did. I left right then! With Sister Gilmary's hearty blessing, I pulled out of the driveway and drove to Mishawaka. I got lost on the way (like really lost) and somehow guessed and made random turns and ended up at the Franciscan's Motherhouse (my destination)... true story.
After talking with Sister Lois, I asked to be accepted into their candidate program. I am currently applying to the Sisters of St. Francis of Perpetual Adoration. This is the right thing. I knew it all along. I just had to accept it. By the grace of God, by the grace of God.

Now I just have to tell my parents... I need LOTS of prayers because I will enter this year if it is God's will. I already signed a lease for a house starting in August 2007, but if someone (that is agreeable to my other roommates) needs a place to live, then that is one less obsticle that prevents me from entering... my parents want me to finish school, but I believe if it's God's will, they will turn their hearts. I just want to do what God wants me to do.

I need prayers. Please.

I told you is was a good story!

A wonderful story. Prayers of course.

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God bless your generosity, and bless Sister Gilmary for her graciousness too, in encouraging you to go to Mishawaka. Keep us posted on your progress ^_^ .

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What JOY the Lord brings into our hearts! Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and every shall be, world without end. AMEN!


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:clap: :clap: :clap: WONDERFUL NEWS........I am soooooooo happy for you .I will pray for youas you continue your discernment with the Franciscan Sisters. :bigpray: :bigpray: :lol_sign:
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How wonderful for you! The Lord does speak to us, He makes His plans known to us, but always it is in His time. A lesson for all those who are discerning! Keep us informed.

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I talked to my parents just now and I have their support. Please keep praying though.

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[quote name='be_thou_my_vision' post='1213259' date='Mar 13 2007, 07:29 PM']I talked to my parents just now and I have their support. Please keep praying though.[/quote]

How wonderful for you - prayers, prayers, prayers. :sign:

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Wow, the talk with my parents went really well. God can certainly change hearts.
Keep praying... I'm praying for all of you too!

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[quote name='be_thou_my_vision' post='1213496' date='Mar 14 2007, 07:38 AM']Wow, the talk with my parents went really well. God can certainly change hearts.
Keep praying... I'm praying for all of you too![/quote]
YES!!! HE is always faithful . Blessings and prayers :blowkiss:

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  • 3 weeks later...

I just wanted to let you all know that I talked with my spiritual director. He totally thinks this is God's call. We talked about the lease on the house starting August 2007, and I added that I will have enough money to pay off the lease for the whole year... then he stopped me. What was the problem if I had the financial obligation taken care of? After lots of prayer I realized that I was, once again, trying to make God give me another sign. I thought that if God brought another student that got along with my roommates really well and that needed a place to stay, then God was "for sure asking me to come this fall" because I would have someone to take the lease from me. I realized I had been putting God in a box. I realized that the lease was a financial obligation, and I could pay for it with my own money. I talked it over with my two roommates and they thanked me! They thanked me because they said they were feeling a lot of pressure to find a roommate because they knew I wanted to go this year. And that's another thing! I have found that I actually WANT to go this year! God has changed my heart! He is so good!
So basically, I plan on entering this fall. There are no obsticles and my heart is ready.
I have not been officially accepted, but it's such a long process, that won't happen, God willing, until mid-to-late summer anyway.
I just wanted to share! So I have 5 weeks of school left and I am soaking up all that I can! God Bless!

Edited by be_thou_my_vision
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Deo Gratias!

I'm glad things worked out with your parents and that everything is falling into place! Enjoy your remaining weeks of school as you prepare to enter! God bless!

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[quote name='be_thou_my_vision' post='1227340' date='Apr 3 2007, 05:29 AM']I just wanted to let you all know that I talked with my spiritual director. He totally thinks this is God's call. We talked about the lease on the house starting August 2007, and I added that I will have enough money to pay off the lease for the whole year... then he stopped me. What was the problem if I had the financial obligation taken care of? After lots of prayer I realized that I was, once again, trying to make God give me another sign. I thought that if God brought another student that got along with my roommates really well and that needed a place to stay, then God was "for sure asking me to come this fall" because I would have someone to take the lease from me. I realized I had been putting God in a box. I realized that the lease was a financial obligation, and I could pay for it with my own money. I talked it over with my two roommates and they thanked me! They thanked me because they said they were feeling a lot of pressure to find a roommate because they knew I wanted to go this year. And that's another thing! I have found that I actually WANT to go this year! God has changed my heart! He is so good!
So basically, I plan on entering this fall. There are no obsticles and my heart is ready.
I have not been officially accepted, but it's such a long process, that won't happen, God willing, until mid-to-late summer anyway.
I just wanted to share! So I have 5 weeks of school left and I am soaking up all that I can! God Bless![/quote]

The feeling is so great when we finally accept His Will, that we want to share it with others. I know your joy - and will keep praying for you to enter this summer.

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