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Hi everyone,
Please keep me in your prayers. I am visiting the Religious Sisters of Mercy (www.rsmofalma.com) for 5 days. I am leaving in 3 days!!
Please pray that I will be open to hear God's voice... a yes, a no, a not yet, a now, a never. I want to finish school before I try the religious life, but I don't know if that is God's will too. I am having a hard time surrendering that.
Thank you, and I will pray for you all during our daily Holy Hour!!!!

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Just relax and enjoy the company of this community. Observe, take a few notes, ask questions, but just enjoy learning a little more each time you visit a community.

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I know you'll have a wonderful time. Ven Catherine McAulay is one of my favorite people in heaven. Lots of prayers from me.

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God bless your travels and may Mary help you open your heart wide to whatever Jesus is calling you to be!!

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Good luck. They seem pretty cool. They've done a good job of updating the habit.

Edited by Nadezhda
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Just go with an open heart and mind. They look like such a together community. Be yourself, you ae pretty special ya know.
Fill us in on the details please, when you get back.

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I will keep you in my prayers. I hope you have a wonderful visit. Just be open to whatever God has for you. i'd be interested to hear how your visit goes, my spiritual director just made a comment recently that I sh ould maybe look into them, so I'm a bit curious.

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I met them sort of in passing -- I went to Alma for my psych eval when I entered the 1st time around. They seemed like a solid, traditional group.

-- Carmen

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Okay!! This will be my last post before I leave! I have Office Hours right now for sorority stuff, then a meeting, then powderpuff practice (eeek!), then sleep, class tomorrow at 8am, then I'm off! I'm so excited! Keep my in your prayers for safe travel and an open heart! God Bless!

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Safe trip and favorable weather. Please post when you get back. I think you're the first PM'er to go visit them, and they do look like a wonderful community. ;)

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