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The Catholic Church Is Yoked To The Unitarian Universalist Association


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One reason I left the Catholic church, is I realized they were teaching the same lies, I learned in the UU.

Ive been writing all over the web, to tell people that WCRP is a UU founded and supported organization.

World Council for Religions and Peace.

By the way the Popes love this group and JPII has praised it, Ive posted on that several times in the past.
Papal Message to World Conference on Religion and Peace

VATICAN CITY, NOV. 29, 2000 (ZENIT.org).- Religion "is not, and must not become, a pretext for hostility," John Paul II said in a message sent for the 30th birthday of the World Conference on Religion and Peace.

The celebrations were held in Tokyo on Monday and Tuesday. In the message, sent to Cardinal Peter Seiichi Shirayanagi, the Holy Father praised the efforts of the WCRP "in building a world peace."[/quote]For the Newbies and those who have not seen my other threads here, I was a Unitarian Universalist for half of my young adult life, one reason I have not been fooled by Rome is they preach the same lies, that the UU does especially in the interfaith realm.

[quote]UUs & the News

US Conference of Religions For PeaceClick the below for the list of the Council of Presidents who have signed the document, and the members of the Executive Council and Advisory Boards who assisted in its production.
o Council of Presidents - WCRP/USA
o Executive Council - WCRP/USA
o Advisory Council - WCRP/USA

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Council of Presidents - WCRP/USA

Archbishop Khajag Barsamian
Diocese of the Armenian Church of America

Dr. Yahya Basha
American Muslim Council

Dr. Elizabeth Bowen
Baha'i International Community

Dr. Joanne Boyle
Seton Hill College

[u] [b]Rev. Dr. John A. Buehrens
Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations
Swami Chidananda
Chinmaya Hindu Mission of San Jose

Bishop Thomas Costello
Auxiliary Bishop
Roman Catholic Diocese of Syracuse

Mr. William E. Davis
Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United States

Archbishop Demetrios
Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America

Rev. Dr. Robert Edgar
General Secretary
National Council of Churches of Christ in the USA

Dr. Jane Evans
Union of American Hebrew Congregations

Bishop Frank Griswold
Presiding Bishop
The Episcopal Church

Ms. Judith Hertz
Chairperson for Inter-Religious Affairs
Union of American Hebrew Congregations

[b] Rev. Ted Keating, SM
Executive Director
Roman Catholic Conference of Major Superiors of Men[/b]
[b] Cardinal William Keeler
Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Baltimore[/b][/u]

Rev. Clifton Kirkpatrick
Stated Clerk
The Presbyterian Church USA

V. Rev. Leonid Kishkovsky
Executive Director for Ecumenical Affairs
Orthodox Church in America

Ven. Chung Ok Lee
United Nations Representative
Won Buddhist International Community

Imam Wallace Deen Mohammed
W.D. Mohammed Ministry

Dr. Anand Mohan
Adhyayana Universal Hindu Mission

Rev. Judith Mills Reimer
Executive Director of the General Board
Church of the Brethren

Dr. Dhiraj Shah
Jain Association of North America

Dr. Muzammil Siddiqui
Islamic Society of North America

Rev. John Thomas
United Church of Christ
Dr. William F. Vendley
Secretary General
World Conference on Religion and Peace[/b]

Bishop Hakubun Watanabe
Buddhist Churches of America

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Executive Council - WCRP/USA

Mr. Aly Abuzaakouk
Executive Director
American Muslim Council
Dr. John Borelli
Director of Inter-Religious Relations
National Conference of Catholic Bishops
Rev. Dr. Bert Breiner
Co-Director of Inter-Faith Relations
National Council of Churches of Christ in the USA

[b] Sr. Joan Chatfield, MM
Director of Research, Education, and Planning
Maryknoll Sisters International
Rev. Drew Christiansen, SJ
Woodstock Jesuit Community

V. Rev. Irinej Dobrijevic
Director of External Affairs
Serbian Orthodox Church

Mr. Dennis Frado
Lutheran Office for World Community

Ms. Meg Gardinier
Deputy Director for NGOs
United States Fund for UNICEF

Ms. Betty Golomb
World Union for Progressive Judaism

Rev. Canon Brian Grieves
Director of Peace and Justice Ministries
The Episcopal Church

Rev. Yoshitaka Hatakeyama
New York Center for Engaged Buddhism

[b] Rev. Olivia Holmes
Director of International and Inter-Faith Relations
Unitarian Universalist Association
Mr. Jeffrey Huffines
United Nations Representative
National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is

Ms. Elenie Huszagh
National Council of Churches of Christ in the USA

[b] Mr. Antonios Kireopoulos
Secretary General
World Conference on Religion and Peace - USA
Dr. Gurinder Singh Mann
Sikh Community

Rev. Anne Marshall
Associate Secretary General for Christian Unity
United Methodist Church

Imam Izak-el M. Pasha
Resident Imam
Masjid Malcolm Shabazz

Ven. Bhante Piyatissa
New York Buddhist Vihara

Dr. Elizabeth Prodromou
Executive Director
Cambridge Foundation for Peace

Rev. Dr. Jay Rock
Co-Director of Inter-Faith Relations
National Council of Churches of Christ in the USA

Ms. Sharry Silvi
Focolare Movement

Ms. Arunima Sinha
Hindu Community

Rev. Robert Smylie
Presbyterian UN Office

Mr. Curtis Zunigha
Native American Church of Oklahoma - Shawnee Chapter

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Advisory Council - WCRP/USA

Rev. Dr. Joan Brown Campbell
Director of Department of Religion
Chautauqua Institution

Rev. Dr. John Chaplin
Vice President At Large
National Baptist Convention, USA

Dr. Diana Eck
Professor of Comparative Religion
Harvard University

Rev. Thomas Fitzgerald
Professor of History
Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology

Rev. Alexander Karloutsos
Executive Director
Leadership 100 Endowment Fund

Dn. Shant Kazanjian
Director of Christian Education
Armenian Prelacy of the Eastern United States and Canada

Mrs. Norma Levitt
Federation of Jewish Sisterhoods - Retired
Union of American Hebrew Congregations

Rev. John McAuley
Director of Social Communications
Maryknoll Brothers International

Dr. Uma Mysorekar
Hindu Temple Society of North America

Rev. David Radcliffe
Director of Denominational Peace Witness
Church of the Brethren

Mr. Rohinton Rivetna
Zoroastrian Community

Ms. Midge Roof
Associate Director of Ecumenical and Inter-Faith Relations
The Episcopal Church
Rev. Malcolm Sutherland
Minister - Retired
Unitarian Universalist Association[/b]

Rev. Margaret Thomas
Coordinator for Interfaith Relations - Retired
Presbyterian Church USA

Rev. Dr. Robert Welsh
President of Council on Christian Unity
Disciples of Christ

Dr. Tu Weiming
Professor of Chinese History and Philosophy
Harvard University

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25 Beacon Street · Boston, MA · 02108 · Telephone 617-742-2100 · Fax 617-367-3237

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It is a church that teaches all religions lead to god and forwards ABORTION, and every LIBERAL agenda you can think of ranging from the HUMANIST MANIFESTO TO MORE. When I was in the UU church, I was into Theosophy, Wicca and Humanism. UU ministers DIRECTLY PREACH AGAINST CHRISTIAN BELIEFS and DENY THE DIVINITY OF CHRIST DIRECTLY FROM THE PULPIT.


Any of you uncomfortable about this?

{btw all the other false churches hooked up with the UU, have marked themselves as antichrist as well}

Edited by Budge
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...*sigh* You really do think that we are the procurators for the the last days don't you? So, when someone gives you formidable proof that Roman Catholics are not out to create a one world religion (Although, I wouldn't mind if the world became Christian and it stayed that way.) and bringing about the reign of the anti-Christ do you skip over it, or does it not register with your "swiss coagulated milk" evidence?


At Pentecost, Peter preached that "the last days" had arrived, in fulfillment of the words of the prophet Joel: "For these men are not drunk, as you suppose, for it is only the third hour of the day; but this is what was spoken of through the prophet Joel: 'And it shall be in the last days,' God says, that I will pour forth my spirit on all mankind . . ." (Acts 2:15-17; cf. Joel 2:28-32).

"The last days" or "the end times," properly understood, refers to the time of the New Covenant, the gathering together of God's people in the Church, which is "on earth, the seed and the beginning of the kingdom" (CCC 567, 669; Lumen Gentium) . The Holy Spirit, the "soul of the Church," has been and is being poured out, because of the redemptive work of Jesus Christ.

[to see more of this, seach the CCC on "end times" or "last days" or check out our Defense Directory on End Times and Judgement]


Stop reading Lorraine B. Jimmy Swaggart, and Jack Chick. For one thing they don't know how to stop, at least Jack Chick, and most definatly Jimmy Swaggart. These men have no idea what they are ranting about, and most of the time they are wrong.

Edited by GloriaIesusChristi
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Groo the Wanderer

*groan* Here we go again with the endless cutnpaste, the same old tired Catholic bashing, and the same worn out fallacious arguments.

Welcome home Budge! :grouphug:

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Well thanks for the welcome, but try READING this time Groo..

Arguments no one here has ever been able to answer satisfactorily...

I know you all cringe when I prove the link between Rome's love of universalism and the UU.

For all Rome's talk of being anti-abortion and euthansia, it is interesting who they hook up with.

The UU gives MILLIONS of dollars to the Hemlock Society.

The UU is the microcosm one world church of the NWO, and Rome is right in there with them.


If I were on your side, I wouldnt know what to say either, except way too many of you give into just attacking the messenger instead of dealing with the message.

Here is an old post of mine from my board that sums some of this up....

[quote]I was thinking about this the other day..

(for newbies remember I was a cradle Catholic, UU (Unitarian-Universalist for 13 years, back in Catholic Church very briefly before being saved I was seriously into UUism, started a small town fellowship even, and considered a ministership but other factors got in the way--Thank you God!)

UUs sees the world as one big mashed together mess, all gods as archetypes of God, all religions, symbols, practices, cultures all positive and good. We dabbled in everything from Hinduism to Theosophy to Buddhism. There was even a class for women on learning how to live through goddesses of other religions...it was actually called CAKES FOR THE QUEEN OF HEAVEN. No distinction really made between TRUTH and lies as far as the spiritual realm goes. Spiritual truth is evolving. Human beings cant really know god, in a way, they only hvae their archetypes that all reach up to the one true God.

When I see Catholics making excuses for Dagon symbols, saying that Christians are wicked pagan-hunters. This really brings it home to me that in some core way, todays Catholics believe as the UU does. All cultures are good. All symbols, signs, practices, are good and archeytpes towards God or Jesus. Ever see a Catholic get into the Quetzocatl argument, (Some teach that Quetzocatl of the Aztecs was a fore-runner of Christ) We have the evolving of spiritual truth through their development of doctrines.

There is little distinction made or knowledge of a ONE TRUE GOD as opposed to the other false gods, spriits of the world. Everything is seen as a one big mess. The Catholic view of the gods of other religions matches that of the UU, they see them as archetypes of "god" That is why Roman Catholics have been so easily indoctrinated into believing Allah of Islam equals God.

Unitarian-Universalists also worship human reason. Oh that was a big word in my UU churches. Conforming of God to human's will instead of God running the show. We see that even false pseudo= science and evolution have taken precdent in Catholicism. I was never taught the other Biblical view of the world growing up Catholic but that Darwin was right.

Unitarian-Universalists deny the divine inspiration and authority of scripture . They claim that the Bible was the creation of men and that the Bible is full of contradictions. I had many a Unitarian minister say to me, that BIble is just a book full of legends, fables and good advice for living. Beyond that it is full of mistakes errors and more. Human reason is more the guide to follow.

Dont we see this with the Catholics here? Where the reason of the Magisterium comes first, where the divine inspiration of the Bible even if not totally downplayed like how UUs do it, is somewhat downplayed and we are told that the BIble is a LIMITED source of authority? and that those who literally believe it are mentally deficient?

When I have Catholics on here speak of pagan gods as being archtypes of God I know they have bought into the many liberal views sold in UUism.

Here is another similarity, "Salvation"- for being a UU was in good works too. Character development . One popular saying when I was a UU, was "deeds not creeds", and what it meant was that we were to do everything to save this world, and change what we could while we were here. Often ministers would preach, well you may die and be no more but as long as we are here we should seek to change things for the better on earth. UUs are very social gospel oriented and take it to the extreme. I was involved in many volunteer pursuits and an altrustic based career.

But I was thinking about Catholicism too. They teach this too in their own way, one's goodness gets one to heaven , the ones that get the most works done elevated as saints. When I was a Catholic kid I was never taught the true gospel and was taught that works wouild take me to heaven. We know even via their teaching of purgatory. Catholicism especially in America is a more social gospel. The other day I got the new SOcial gospel phamplet they are passing out, the USCCB authored it. I will post on it, it is full of papal quotes. It has many of the same things I learned as a UU. "Globalization can be a force for good. We are here for the common good of man." And other liberal teachings and more. One thing I noticed about this, is how life in this world, and of this world is much more important then the spiritual life and eternity with Jesus Christ. This is why Catholicism promotes the UN and unity for PEACE on this earth, rather then focusing on bringing individuals to Jesus Christ--actually preaching the gospel to all those unbelievers, which would change things via the Holy Spirit indwelling in them.[/quote]

I know some of you get mad when I post this stuff.

Im hear to warn the few lurkers who may listen. Some of you simply do not want to know.

I reject the teachings of the UU and of Catholicism, I reject their embracing of satanic false world religions and acceptance of the one world religion and government.

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Sadly Budge, you are the mirror image of most of the Catholics here. You throw out everything Catholic because it's Catholic. The Catholics here accept everything their Clergy say because it's Catholic. I don't think either of you honestly consider the merits of your biases for each case. It's either drink the wine with the camel, or thow the baby out with the bathwater. Nothing inbetween.

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[quote]Sadly Budge, you are the mirror image of most of the Catholics here. You throw out everything Catholic because it's Catholic. [/quote]No I throw out everything that is unbiblical. I believe in the Trinity...etc.

I dont really care if something is "Catholic" but if it is true according to God's Word.

{I throw out a lot of deceptions and false teachings in Protland as well}

The Catholics here accept everything their Clergy say because it's Catholic[/quote].


WHAT IS CATHOLIC? Define what that word means and how you are using it.

Define that word, because right now considering warlock priests and UU peace pow-wows, that word for UNIVERSAL basically means anything goes.

[quote]I don't think either of you honestly consider the merits of your biases for each case. It's either drink the wine with the camel, or thow the baby out with the bathwater. Nothing inbetween.[/quote]

I know youre a fence sitter, kind of with one foot out and one foot in...but Ive fully stepped out, I think you should make a choice really where you are at because it makes your posts, sound well kind of double minded.


Yes or NO.

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[quote name='Budge' post='1209129' date='Mar 6 2007, 02:33 PM']No I throw out everything that is unbiblical. I believe in the Trinity...etc.

I dont really care if something is "Catholic" but if it is true according to God's Word.

{I throw out a lot of deceptions and false teachings in Protland as well}



WHAT IS CATHOLIC? Define what that word means and how you are using it.

Define that word, because right now considering warlock priests and UU peace pow-wows, that word for UNIVERSAL basically means anything goes.
I know youre a fence sitter, kind of with one foot out and one foot in...but Ive fully stepped out, I think you should make a choice really where you are at because it makes your posts, sound well kind of double minded.


Yes or NO.[/quote]
You don't know where my feet are.

Those who are for Him, aren't against Him. Even the Devil knows who God is. A vine has many branches and often needs trimming. I reject any vine that calls itself the orchard. You make the mistake of burning the orchard for the failure of a few trees because you are so happy and pleased with the Budge Religion you've created. Too many Catholics won't do any gardening at all and will eat anything found in the orchard or pick a single tree and tell themselves that is the entire orchard (like you).
I support recognizing God everywhere He is and acknowledge we may get some gnats in our wine, but I'm not so foolish I'll swallow the camel instead.

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Your name fits you well because you always talk in riddles.

Honestly what does this mean?
. A vine has many branches and often needs trimming. I reject any vine that calls itself the orchard. You make the mistake of burning the orchard for the failure of a few trees because you are so happy and pleased with the Budge Religion you've created. [/quote]Basically youre an universalist upset I dissed the other trees?

Explain yourself.


Too many Catholics won't do any gardening at all and will eat anything found in the orchard or pick a single tree and tell themselves that is the entire orchard (like you).[/quote]

What is that all about?

Basically youre a liberal Catholic who is upset your Catholic pals here arent accepting enough of other philosophies?

I support recognizing God everywhere He is [/quote]well you must see Him in places he is not.
and acknowledge we may get some gnats in our wine, but I'm not so foolish I'll swallow the camel instead.[/quote]

What does this EVEN MEAN?

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BTW are you a supporter of the UU?

You seem to be dancing around that one as fast as you can.

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I am not a supporter of the UU.

I'm sorry you are so ignorant of Scripture that you do not recognize, much less grasp the meaning of, the reference to gnats and camels. I'll explain then.

Jesus gave his Apostles an example of unreasonableness of certain uber-fanatic religionists (pharisees). They got themselves so caught up in the details, they missed the point. As was the custom of the time, wine was often strained through cloth to fiddler out small insects that were attracted to the wine and had gotten in wine casks. It seems screen doors and AC weren't in common use. Certain people were so obsessed with getting out the little gnats, they stupidly swallowed the camel (large object) instead. Of course, Jesus was speaking figuratively, people can't really swallow camels.

You are a living example. You aren't concerned with who God is, as much as you are concerned telling people who God isn't. Typical of people who put religion up as God. Religion is a tool OF God. Religion isn't a God. You are a sad and silly woman who continually fails at using reason or intellect, but instead works to judge people by your personal standards because you think you've figure out God's intent and mind in every aspect. Persistence and volume does not mean you are correct, just stubborn and committed.

BTW, I am heartily amused that you repeatedly try to assign labels and sterotypes to me with each of my posts. I recall you being extremely evasive when you were asked about your chosen Denomination in recent posts. I also recall you refusing to explain yourself or stick to a topic. Funny stuff. I couldn't make this up.

Edited by Anomaly
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Honestly WHAT ARE YOU?

An ex Catholic?

A secularist?

An ecumenical liberal Christian?

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Jesus gave his Apostles an example of unreasonableness of certain uber-fanatic religionists (pharisees). They got themselves so caught up in the details, they missed the point. [/quote]So what details am I caught up in?

Name one.

And you know what your Pharisee thing is going to fall flat, because I do not believe in the one true church thing where one denomination claims it is it. I believe the same way as Mark 9 dictates, where Jesus teaches there are many groups of Christians working towards the same thing.

Because I reject the Ecumenical movement does not make me a Pharisee.

It means I believe the first commandment.
You are a sad and silly woman who continually fails at using reason or intellect, but instead works to judge people by your personal standards because you think you've figure out God's intent and mind in every aspect. Persistence and volume does not mean you are correct, just stubborn and committed.[/quote]

My personal standards? None of this has anything to do with my PERSONAL standards.

I quote scripture, that is the standard, not me.

Yes I am committed. Not wishy-washy. I know something the ecumenical types arent used to.

Im still wondering what you are.

I asked before and you never answer, why do you keep it secret.

I am a born again Christian in Jesus Christ.

I answered.

Now its your turn.

What are you?

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Fence Sitters are always hard to have conversations with online.

Anamolys posts are hard to understand because there is no context to them, in fact I have noticed this poster will flip flop on issues constantly.

He or she seems to be upset with the Catholic Church over some things, but certainly cant appear as having any sympathy to the fundies in the crowd here, so it makes for interesting double-minded posts that go all over the map.

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LOL. I am an Anomaly, aren't I?

Maybe I'm an enigma, a riddle, a puzzle you must figure out. Thanks for amusing me by getting all weirded out.

Possibly, I am simply a child of God who doesn't mind drinking wine with a few gnats in it.

Maybe I am simply too well pleased with my own opinion and conclusions and am not impressed with yours, despite your enthusiasm.

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