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Pope's Second Hand Man United With Uri


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Or, you could cite your source. Don't make me do YOUR homework. I have the official handbook of the Masons. I don't necessarily doubt the quote could be in the book, but it doesn't appear to have the same tone as the author. So please, book title and page number so I can look it up myself.
[/quote]Same tone as the author?

So now youre going to defend Freemasonary? {I wanna hear this one}

That quote is off an old thread on my board. I forgot to post the book cite, hey that happens when you are doing posts that use so many, but I have books on Freemasonry that REPEAT the SAME EXACT THING and showed you the websites.

Avoid all internet, especially this site, for ten years, which must be spent in sack-cloth and ashes, and holy fasts and almsgiving.[/quote]


You want to get rid of me that bad?


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[quote name='Budge' post='1208885' date='Mar 5 2007, 10:03 PM']Same tone as the author?

So now youre going to defend Freemasonary? {Hey everything else Satanic is defended here, I guess go for it}

That quote is off an old thread on my board. I forgot to post the book cite, hey that happens when you are doing posts that use so many, but I have books on Freemasonry that REPEAT the SAME EXACT THING and show you the websites.

You want to get rid of me that bad?


I'm sorry, I must have missed where I defended Masonry in that post...BECAUSE I'M AGAINST MASONRY! Very much against it. I just want to know where that quote is. And I defend NOTHING that is Satanic, so I'll thank you to take back that false accusation.

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Sorry about that,

on here I get too many demanding sources, and even when I post them 99% of the time I always provide the link, too many on here rant and rave about their validity, its usually a diversion. Remember Im back from an absence and trying to even keep names straight and whose who.

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[quote name='Budge' post='1208893' date='Mar 5 2007, 10:08 PM']Sorry about that,

on here I get too many demanding sources, and even when I post them 99% of the time I always provide the link, too many on here rant and rave about their validity, its usually a diversion. Remember Im back from an absence and trying to even keep names straight and whose who.[/quote]

Could you give me the page number, por favor? I would appreciate it so I can look it up myself.

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I got it out of Cathy Burns handbook of Masonic and other Symbols or the book she wrote on the Eastern Star, I think....

I can check around...I go through a lot of books.

Even if I lost that cite, go the Freemasonary sites they all say the same thing, and The Theosophists teach the same thing as well.

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Adding to this thread...

Heres the problem in a nutshell regarding Rome and its interfaithism...

in essence, Rome teaches that all "gods" [actually demons and false spirits] of other religions are "GOD", even if "he is not understood completely."

This is what the Unitarian Universalist Association taught me also, that the archetype of "God" existed in every religion of the world.

Moral relativistic to the core...any "god" will do...

Catholics dont understand that...

1. All false religions are members of MYSTERY BABYLON infused with Satan's lies and deceptions.

2. That people who worship Allah, Buddha, Vishnu, Shiva, Zoraster, etc ARE NOT WORSHIPPING GOD, they are worshipping someone else.

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More Vatican support for the URI..
Written by James Channan
Wednesday, 21 December 2005
Lahore, Pakistan. James Channan receives PIONEER OF CHRISTIAN-MUSLIM DIALOGUE IN PAKISTAN AWARD from the Vatican.

My dear URU friends, I would like to share a good news with you that on 14th of December I recieved an extraordinary award and that is of PIONEER OF CHRISTIAN MUSLIM DIALOGUE IN PAKISTAN AWARD. [b]This award was given to me by His Excellency, Archbishop Michael Fitzgerald, President, Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, the Vatican. [/b][/quote]

Who is James Channan?

Well who ever he is-- there sure is a LOT of articles written right on the URI website by HIM.

So obviously he must work for the URI.

[url="http://www.uri.org/CC_News/Asia/PAKXMD.html"]DIRECT FROM URI WEBSITE[/url]


and the Vatican SUPPORTS his WORK, having given him this award.

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Catholic from different message board that was open to seeing what is going on.

[quote]I would suggest that there is one very logical reason why Benedict has chosen to elevate Levada. Levada is a staunch supporter of United Religions Initiative. The Pope made it clear right out of the starting gate that he is going to support ecumenism as his predecessor did. Since this is the cutting edge of modernism in the Church right now, only a new direction in the handling of ecumenism will authenticate his orthodoxy.

Jesus Christ is Lord. He has no equal in any other world religion. That is the crucial point of ecumenism.

The man at the head of the CDF will be in a position to back the Pope’s ecumenical stance even if it calls into question the long-standing Tradition of the Catholic Church.

Perhaps Benedict sees this as the most important role of the man in the catbird seat at CDF. [b]Frankly, knowing what is behind URI, this news makes me sick.

I do not trust any member of the hierarchy after the reliability the bishops have demonstrated to us. Benedict’s reputation stands or falls on his orthodoxy. If he betrays the Church by supporting URI, he is not a reliable shepherd.[/b][/quote]

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[quote name='Truthseeker777' post='1208595' date='Mar 5 2007, 02:14 PM']You do show your true colours mother of P.

Honestly,you telling us you want Christian leaders to hear a Hindu or Muslim pray to their false Gods while the Christians think it is for the good.
How much more do you want to mock Christianity?

How could there be moral good between good and evil?

The majority of members of the United nations are members of the Illuminati
who worship satan!

The United Nations 'presence' has left some pretty ugly scars on locals,especially in Africa.
[b]Genesis 3:15
And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.
There is a difference between working on a project to alleviate hunger and praying together, but of course you know that. You are doing your damnest [ in the screwtape sense] of twisting the truth to your agenda, but you do that every time you post, so that is at least consistant with your plans.
I see you are back on your vast conspiracy kick again, so all the members of the United Nations are now illuminati satanists????

But of course the world is out to get you....

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So what is his agenda?

Looks like he is trying to warn some folks here of the fulfilment of BIble Prophecy and not to align themselves with Satan's workers that are fooling millions.

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This is a Catholic [eastern rite] author.
Ive talked to him on blogs, and have read this book, while in the book he excuses Rome, later on, in discusions he has admitted he was VERY CONCERNED about Levadas promotion

[url="http://www.speroforum.com/site/article.asp?id=1548"]THE BIRTH OF RELIGIOUS GLOBALISM--LEE PENN ON THE UNITED RELIGIONS INTIATIVE[/url]


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Brother Adam

Mark 2:10
Some scribes who were Pharisees saw that he was eating with sinners and tax collectors and said to his disciples, "Why does he eat with tax collectors and sinners?" Jesus heard this and said to them (that), "Those who are well do not need a physician, but the sick do. I did not come to call the righteous but sinners."

Comes to mind.

I keep coming back here hoping for something intellectually stimulating like all the great Protestant/Catholic debates of the old days. There is no good Bible study, no challenges left here anymore...all the good dialogue and debates I'm involved in now take place through email or in person. I said in another post I'm trying to come back here again after a year away, but there's just nothing of substance anymore to reply to.

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[quote name='Brother Adam' post='1213338' date='Mar 13 2007, 10:44 PM'][gripe]
I keep coming back here hoping for something intellectually stimulating like all the great Protestant/Catholic debates of the old days. There is no good Bible study, no challenges left here anymore...all the good dialogue and debates I'm involved in now take place through email or in person. I said in another post I'm trying to come back here again after a year away, but there's just nothing of substance anymore to reply to.
LOL. It's too juicey of a temptation for Catholics to just say 'That's what the Church teaches. If you're not Catholic you're destined to be bacon in Hell".
Here's a challenge for you. What Biblical Foundation and Tradition Foundation does the Roman Catholics have to support Papal Infalliblility? (Not just the office of Pope).
Since the Roman Catholic Church acknowledges the Eastern Church's Apostolic succession of their Bishops, hasn't the temporal Church been split since the Schism and the Magesterium unable to speak as a complete body?

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