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Pope's Second Hand Man United With Uri


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As an ex Unitarian Universalist, I am not fooled by the call to unite religions together, and today as a believer in BIble Prophecy I know the one world religion is becoming a reality. one thing people do not realize is the worlds one world religion will not be ONE religion perse, but many joined together as ONE...even the Masons, desire the unity of Buddhists, Muslims side by side with "Chrsitians".

For the newbies, I left the Roman Catholic church after I was saved, {I was cradle Catholic and had returned to what I knew--Catholicism after leaving the UU for a very short time} but one thing God showed me to wake me up was Rome's involvement with the interfaith movement. This is one of the many reasons I am no longer Catholic. I believe this unity is centered in building the antichrists future kingdom.

I have warned of the interfaith movement for several years online, and I have seen a change within Catholics within that short period of years. Used to be I would have a few Catholics [non Trads] AGREE with me that they did not like the teachings of interfaithism, but this has disappeared. Maybe they too got out when they realized where things were going?

Remember Levada is now Bendicts SECOND HAND MAN.

I remember all the Catholics here who have told me, the VATICAN doesnt support the URI,

well think again.

After Levada got his promotion, they were invited right to the Vatican and included in all the ceremonies and invited to an audience with the Pope!

Remember this is written by URI, and is a URI delegation visiting the Pope.

: Executive Director's Reflections: URI an Interfaith Presence at the Vatican Print E-mail
Written by Charles Gibbs
Thursday, 30 March 2006

Dear Friends, Greetings of love and peace.

I am writing this at 37,000 feet as I fly from Rome to London on the first leg of a long journey home to San Francisco. [b]For the past week I have had the privilege to be in Rome representing the URI as part of an interfaith group from San Francisco. Others in the group included Iftekhar Hai, Doug Kahn, Rita Semel, and Bill and Mary Swing. We traveled to Rome at the invitation William Levada, with whom many of us had worked closely during his decade-plus as Roman Catholic Archbishop of San Francisco.

Shortly after Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger became Pope Benedict XVI, he appointed Archbishop Levada to replace him as the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the number two position of authority in the Vatican after pope. [b]Archbishop Levada, the highest ranking American Catholic ever, invited his interfaith colleagues to come to Rome at this time for a Consistory for the Creation of Cardinals, during which he would be elevated from Archbishop to Cardinal, joining the elite College of Cardinals, whose members, in Cardinal Levada's words, are "not only co-workers with [the Pope] in the mission of the unity of the Church, but also witnesses of her catholicity, called as we are from across the globe." The College of Cardinals is also the body responsible for electing a new pope.[/b]

During a week of extraordinary religious ceremonies, Pope Benedict created 15 new cardinals from many parts of the world, including Korea, Venezuela, Poland, Spain, Ghana, and the Philippines. Each of these new cardinals was supported by delegations from their home countries. But the delegation from San Francisco was the only interfaith delegation, including Episcopalians, Greek Orthodox, Jews, Lutherans, Muslims and, of course, Roman Catholics, with a strong URI presence at the core.

The first evening, we experienced a preparatory service of penitence at the Basilica of St. Mary Major. The next day, chilly, cloudy and threatening rain, we gathered outdoors in St. Peter's Square, which can accommodate 170,000 pilgrims at a time, in front of the inspiring façade of St. Peter's Basilica - the heart of the Vatican and the spiritual center of the world for over 1 billion Roman Catholics around the world.

Amidst great pageantry, enhanced by the presence of the entire College of Cardinals in their distinctive red robes and hats, and bishops from all over the world in their purple robes, as well as countless priests and other dignitaries, Pope Benedict presided at a two hour service, mostly in Latin, installing the cardinals, who came forward one by one to kneel before the Pope and receive the distinctive red hat that is a symbol of their new office. The following day, St. Peter's Square now bathed in sunlight, the Pope presided over a mass, again mostly in Latin, during which the new cardinals were given rings, also symbols of their new office.

The next day, we experienced a mass where Cardinal Levada "took possession" of St. Mary in Domnica, the church he will serve as titular head. In his homily before a large congregation of the Roman Catholic faithful, along with many bishops and a few brother cardinals, he particularly acknowledged the presence of the interfaith representatives from San Francisco.

[b]Finally, on our last day in Rome, we had an audience with Pope Benedict. [/b]After so many solemn ceremonies in the previous days, this wonderful moment was more like a college graduation. The Pope greeted each of the cardinals and a few selected members of their delegations, to great cheers, chants and singing among the faithful. Along the way, we had the opportunity to deepen community during many celebratory meals, as well as some time to see some of the ancient and modern beauty of Rome.

[b] We, the interfaith members of Cardinal Levada's delegation,[/b] have been privileged to experience and be a part of history in the making. Not only were we present to see the highest ranking American Roman Catholic in history - William Levada, former Archbishop of San Francisco and friend - installed in a position of high honor and great responsibility and authority, we were, from all we could learn, the first interfaith delegation to participate in a consistory.
[b]URI's charter tells us we are a bridge building organization. It tells us we are to respect the wisdom of each tradition and differences among traditions. It tells us we are to encourage our members to deepen their roots in their own tradition. It tells us we are to give and receive the gift of hospitality...and more.

We were in Rome in the first place because we have practiced the wisdom of our charter and developed deep and abiding friendships, including with Archbishop Levada. While we were there, we were blessed to live the meaning of our charter for a week in Rome. We were blessed to be living witnesses to the new way of being spiritual neighbors to which our charter leads us. We were changed by our experience. And, in some perhaps indefinable way, the Vatican was changed.[/b][/u]

Seeds have been planted. In the spirit of mutual respect, friendship and with a deep commitment to work together for the good of all, we will tend those seeds so they may bear the fruit of peace, justice and healing for the Earth and all living beings.

Love, Charles[/quote]

[url="http://www.uri.org/Features/Features_Main/CPGVAT.html"]LINK RIGHT FROM URI WEBSITE[/url]

[url="http://www.scp-inc.org/publications/journals/J2204/Penn1.php"]URI FOUNDATIONS FOR A WORLD RELIGION[/url]



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" United Religions, a world parliament of religions, "a permanent assembly, with the stature and visibility of the United Nations, where the world's religions and spiritual communities will gather on a daily basis, in prayerful dialogue and cooperative action, to make peace among religions and to be a force for peace among nations, to address urgent human need and to heal the earth."1 As Bishop Swing has said, "the religions of the world should aspire to be as moral as the nations of the world and meet regularly to strive for global good."2 The Rev. Charles Gibbs, Executive Director of the URI, describes the proposed United Religions (UR) as "an inclusive, decentralized organization, a spiritual partner of the United Nations."3 Its planners intend for the UR to be everywhere; it "will have global visibility and stature, and will be a vital presence in local communities all over the world."4

What is wrong with prayerful dialogue and cooperative action??

Last I checked, cooperation in feeding the hungry and sheltering the homeless is not a bad thing. Nowhere does it say anything about checking your theology at the door.

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[quote]What is wrong with prayerful dialogue and [u]cooperative[/u] action??[/quote]
2Cr 6:14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?[/b]

This group URI too is under the auspices of the UN, one world government one world religion.

[quote] The URI is attracting a great many followers. As yet, there are no evangelical Christians listed among the membership of the URI. The reason for this is not hard to figure out. As Christians, we know that truth does not change, regardless of anyone’s beliefs. To put Christianity on the same level with Shamanism, Druidism, Hinduism, or Satanism is to deny the words of Christ. In doing so, we would deny Christ Himself. Moreover, the URI by all appearances is a perfect avenue to institute the world religion presided over by the Antichrist’s false prophet. Mystery Babylon may be in her infancy, but she’s here nonetheless.[/quote][url="http://www.contenderministries.org/articles/uri.php"]LINK[/url]

Remember the one world religion, will not be one religion in the sense, that they all are totally ALIKE..

Here is the Masonic, Antichrist plan, from Masonic handbook..

From Masonic handbook....

"[quote][b]Masonry earnestly anticipates a day when all religions of the world kneel at the same altar, while at the same time retaining their particular religious beliefs"

"....[Freemasonary] looks forward to the time when...there shall be one altar, and but one worship, one common altar of Masonry, on which the Veda, Shastras, Sade, Zend-Avesta, Koran and Holy Bible shall lie untouched by sacrilegeous hands at whose shrine the Hindoo [sic], the Persian, the Assyrian, the Chaldean, The Eygptian, the Chinese, the Mohammedan, the jew and the Christian may kneel and with one united voice celebrate the priases of the Sumpreme Architect of the Universe"[/b][/quote]

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[quote]but one thing God showed me to wake me up was Rome's involvement with the interfaith movement. This is one of the many reasons I am no longer Catholic. I believe this unity is centered in building the antichrists future kingdom.[/quote]So you agree that Truth is not absolute? Therefore, hypothetically, to you when other religions say they fight [i]against darkness[/i] you think that they basically, [i]are the darkness[/i] they are fighting against?

And this AntiChrist accusation rubbish is driving be bloody crazy! Are modern Christians so faulty in their faith that they are constantly accusing others of being against God, with of course no reliable proof, so they can speed up God's judgement?! That is all I have heard from modern day fundamentalists! Sadly, its not just Catholics anymore its also other protestant brothers that are being accused. It sounds to me you accuse so many others of conspiracies, but more or less its sounds like you are the only one involved in a conspiracy. To fundamentalists, not just Catholics, but other Protestants that don't hold to their doctrinal and apocalyptic views are building the kingdom of the AntiChrist, this is truly an adolecent accusation.

[b] ~ [/b]

Interfaith is not a conspiracy to take over the world, and the pope is not interfaith's world domination side kick. Budge please read [i]Catholicsm and Fundamentalism[/i] by Karl Keating, you're seered views of Catholic Christianity will definatly change, you may not convert, but you may have a better understanding of why we do what we do. And it is most definatly to not build the kingdom of the Anti Christ... :sign:

From Thich Naht Hahns [i] Living Buddha, Living Christ[/i]:

[quote]It is good that an orange is an orange and a mango is a mango. The colors, the smells, and the tastes are different, but looking deeply, we see that they are both authentic fruits. Looking more deeply, we can see the sunshine, the rain, the minerals, and the earth in both of them...If religions are authentic, they contain the same elements of stability, joy, peace, understanding, and love. The similarities as well as the differences are there. They differ only in terms of emphasis. Glucose and acid are in all fruits, but their degrees differ. We cannot say that one is a real fruit and the other is not. (p194-195).[/quote]

[quote]2Cr 6:14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?[/quote]

Who is saying these people are [i]unbelievers[/i] Budge? Muslims, Jews, and Hindus are believers of God. Obviously Jews are our religious ancestors and the Muslim faith was brought about by God's promise to Ishmael'(SP). Hinduism may seem like Polytheism but its is really Panentheism, The elements may be described as gods but they are one God, Brahman. And suprisingly Hindu's verify the Divinity of Jesus Christ as an avatar or incarnation of God. As I recall unbelievers are atheistic and trully I feel that URI is not about "one world, one religion" I think it is a push for religious peace, all over the world. Even your verse from the Mason Handbook. I may not agree with the Mason faith or philosophy, but I think that they are pushing for peace, not the antiChrist

"Blessed are the Peacemakers for they will be called, the children of God"

- The Beattitudes (Matthew 5:9)

Edited by GloriaIesusChristi
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[quote]So you agree that Truth is not absolute? So hypothetically, to you when other religions say they fight against darkness you think that they basically are the darkness that think they are fighting against?[/quote]False religions are not the path to righteousness, if you believe this, then you have entered into universalist thinking.

I was in false religions, remember when UU, UUs combine them all together. While the intentions of those within those religions may be good, they will never find truth or goodness in their religions, it will be IN SPITE of them.
And this AntiChrist accusation carp is driving be bloody crazy! Are modern Christians so faulty in their faith that they are constantly accusing others of being against God, with of course no reliable proof, so they can speed up God's judgement?! That is all I have heard from modern day fundamentalists.[/quote]

I believe false religions are based on Satan's lies. The people within these religions are mostly victims of these lies, and need to be told the truth. This is nothing about accusing people, but telling them the truth.

The Christians job is to preach the gospel, stand up for truth and expose evil.

I do not want to "speed up" God's judgement but Jesus preached WATCH...

and the signs of the last days are here and delusion is rampant.
Interfaith is not a conspiracy to take over the world, and the pope will not take over the world. Budge please read Catholicsm and Fundamentalism, you seered views of Catholic Christianity will definatly change, you may not convert, but you may have a better understanding of why we do what we do. And it is most definatly to not build the kingdom of the Anti Christ.[/quote]I have studied several main interfaith organizations that are under the auspices of the UN. The UN is dictating policies that the governments of the world are accepting including even the US ...{google treaty of the seas]

I OWN the book Catholicism and Fundamentalism. I have read it 10 times and done several posts on it at my board. Karl Keating does not believe in scripture the way I do and has the normal Catholic view of prophecy based in false preterism and amillenialism.

I used to be Catholic, so I know why you do what you do. I used to be a PRO-interfaither while UU. I know the world as an INSIDER. God delivered me outside of Satan's deceptions.

I know your church has taught you to believe that other religions lead to God, and while the people may misunderstand a few things, that their false gods are archetypes as it were as the one true God, instead of being told the truth that these religions are based in Satan's lies and demonic teachings.


From Thich Naht Hahns Living Buddha, Living Christ:

It is good that an orange is an orange and a mango is a mango. The colors, the smells, and the tastes are different, but looking deeply, we see that they are both authentic fruits. Looking more deeply, we can see the sunshine, the rain, the minerals, and the earth in both of them...If religions are authentic, they contain the same elements of stability, joy, peace, understanding, and love. The similarities as well as the differences are there. They differ only in terms of emphasis. Glucose and acid are in all fruits, but their degrees differ. [b]We cannot say that one is a real fruit and the other is not.[/b] (p194-195).[/quote]

Do you truly believe Christianity cannot be said to be a real fruit?

I believed the above quote as a Unitarian Universalist, I no longer believe this.

I believe Jesus Christ is the only one truth and way. That there is no true joy, peace or love, in Buddha, Allah of Islam, Vishnu, Shiva, Ishtar.

This universalism fulfills a prophecy that the world would worship a god of "forces" instead of the one true God of the BIble.

Daniel speaking of the antichrist in the BIble...

Dan 11:37 Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.
: and a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honour with gold, and silver, and with precious stones, and pleasant things.

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[quote]I do not want to "speed up" God's judgement but Jesus preached WATCH...[/quote]

Watch, but not offer up your theorietical propsition on the end of the world! Tim Lahaye and Jerry B. Jekins are not watching they are trying to predict the end of the world with the rapture, and what makes it soo much more unreliable is that the fundamentalist faith have three different theories on the end of the world!! This is not watching its predicting and judging others. (Matt 7:1) Just like in your post your not watching, your taking peace organizations and trying to preditct the end of the world. The Late Great Planet Earth is not watching its manipluating and reading symbolic scripture literally and trying to predict the end of the world. And if thats not enough, why did the fundamentalist faith produce a booklet in 1988 called. [i] 88 Reasons why Jesus will come back in 1988![/i] and the same booklet made a return in 1989...Thats why I call it the rolling end of the world. My parents and family members were greatly impacted by this rubbish. Christians are not called to be pessmistic.

And remember the Daniel prophecies were fufilled...You have to read the whole Bible.

This supposed anti-Christ of the Bible times was Nero Cesear. He was the greatest of all persecutors of Christians. You also have to learn some proper Biblical history.

Remember, we watch, but not predict. Thats what happening. No body can watch right now, because everyone is busy running around screaming because they think that if we have another disaster like 9/11 we might just have a rapture, they are busy predicting, not watching.

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' post='1208540' date='Mar 5 2007, 06:51 PM']" United Religions, a world parliament of religions, "a permanent assembly, with the stature and visibility of the United Nations, where the world's religions and spiritual communities will gather on a daily basis, in prayerful dialogue and cooperative action, to make peace among religions and to be a force for peace among nations, to address urgent human need and to heal the earth."1 As Bishop Swing has said, "the religions of the world should aspire to be as moral as the nations of the world and meet regularly to strive for global good."2 The Rev. Charles Gibbs, Executive Director of the URI, describes the proposed United Religions (UR) as "an inclusive, decentralized organization, a spiritual partner of the United Nations."3 Its planners intend for the UR to be everywhere; it "will have global visibility and stature, and will be a vital presence in local communities all over the world."4

What is wrong with prayerful dialogue and cooperative action??

Last I checked, cooperation in feeding the hungry and sheltering the homeless is not a bad thing. Nowhere does it say anything about checking your theology at the door.[/quote]

You do show your true colours mother of P.

Honestly,you telling us you want Christian leaders to hear a Hindu or Muslim pray to their false Gods while the Christians think it is for the good.
How much more do you want to mock Christianity?

How could there be moral good between good and evil?

The majority of members of the United nations are members of the Illuminati
who worship satan!

The United Nations 'presence' has left some pretty ugly scars on locals,especially in Africa.

[b]Genesis 3:15
And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.

Edited by Truthseeker777
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That was on the big reasons I use to love the UPC church. We were always against involving ourselves in Interfaith, or so we believed. The day I saw the United Pentecostal Church International belonging on a list of 'Interfaith' coalitions, was the day I left.

I use to think, what could those who know 'the truth' possibly do with those who did not? I was decieved, big time.

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[center](Shocking details to follow!!)[/center]

All Christians should be aware that the poster known as "Budge" (named after pagan British occultist
Egyptologist) is heavily involved in a satanic Romish website known as "Phatmass," which has as its stated mission to promote and spread Romish Popery. Budge is known to regularly engage in "inter-religious dialogue" (i.e. masonic NWO "inter-faith" ecumenism) with these fiendish infidels. She has been known to post right along-side many of the damned, and contributes heavily to the traffic on this sinister and diabolical Popish site. Budge is known to frequently idolotrously post Images of such false Romish idols as Popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI and the Blessed Virgin Mary (in direct contradiction to Biblical mandate), as well as such fiendish false-gods as Mikael Gorbachev and the Dalai Llama, filling countless pc's with vile electronic Graven Images which can lead only to damnation.
[i]Budge has a registered account on this abominable and unbiblical Papist "Phatmass" website[/i], and her presence is allowed by the sinister webmaster, "dUSt," a diabolical ringleader of this internet ring of vile Popery. Obviously, she is involved in the uppermost levels of this satanic Popish plot to smell of elderberries the souls (and perhaps the blood) of unsuspecting Christian folk.
Don't be fooled by her anti-Catholic facade; this so-called "Virus for Jesus" is one of the most active posters on this hellish site, and will deceive many even of the Elect into engaging in so-called "dialogue" with the Whore of Babylon herself, who now no-doubt numbers many "Bible-Christians" among her tricks. Already, Chistians such as "Brother Adam" have been seduced by this site's Popish harlotry after being lured into inter-faith "debate."

Don't be fooled by Budge! For more of the Truth about Budge, go to www.budgeisevil.com.

Repent and be saved!

Edited by Socrates
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The majority of members of the United nations are members of the Illuminati
who worship satan!

The United Nations 'presence' has left some pretty ugly scars on locals,especially in Africa.
[/quote]Youre right about that Truthseeker!

[quote]That was on the big reasons I use to love the UPC church. We were always against involving ourselves in Interfaith, or so we believed. The day I saw the United Pentecostal Church International belonging on a list of 'Interfaith' coalitions, was the day I left.[/quote]

Good for you!

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[quote]BUDGE INVOLVED IN EVIL PAPIST WEBSITE!![/quote][quote] a satanic Romish website[/quote]


2Cr 6:15 And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?

Should I do penance for this sin? :rolleyes:

Edited by Budge
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[quote name='Budge' post='1208545' date='Mar 5 2007, 10:56 AM'][b]
2Cr 6:14 Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?[/b]

This group URI too is under the auspices of the UN, one world government one world religion.


Remember the one world religion, will not be one religion in the sense, that they all are totally ALIKE..

Here is the Masonic, Antichrist plan, from Masonic handbook..

From Masonic handbook....

Interesting quote...which book is it from? What page number? Who was the author?

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Go google the Masonic view of religions, youll see that outlook repeated elsewhere.

[url="http://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla%3Aen-US%3Aofficial&channel=s&hl=en&q=Freemasonry+and+unity+of+religions&btnG=Google+Search"]START SEARCH HERE...[/url]

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[quote name='Budge' post='1208873' date='Mar 5 2007, 09:54 PM']Go google the Masonic view of religions, youll see that outlook repeated elsewhere.

[url="http://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla%3Aen-US%3Aofficial&channel=s&hl=en&q=Freemasonry+and+unity+of+religions&btnG=Google+Search"]START SEARCH HERE...[/url][/quote]

Or, you could cite your source. Don't make me do YOUR homework. I have the official handbook of the Masons. I don't necessarily doubt the quote could be in the book, but it doesn't appear to have the same tone as the author. So please, book title and page number so I can look it up myself.

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[quote name='Budge' post='1208862' date='Mar 5 2007, 10:46 PM']Should I do penance for this sin? :rolleyes:[/quote]
Avoid all internet, especially this site, for ten years, which must be spent in sack-cloth and ashes, and holy fasts and almsgiving.

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