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I'm Thinking Of Changing My Name


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[quote name='Revprodeji' post='1210144' date='Mar 7 2007, 10:31 PM']I respect and hold to a warfare worldview, as does every catholic. But the problem is putting to much of a focus on it rather than giving it the respected part within the entire christian faith. Know what I mean? The man I respect the most in the faith actually had an encounter you would be interested in


it is an audio link

As a protestant I spent much of my time focused on the issue of spiritual warfare (developed from "God at war" and Boydian theodicy) I found that it harmed much of what I did, and as if giving it the focus promoted its own grasp in my life. Know what I mean?

I doubt people think what you say in posts are nonsense. It is just that you come off as someone who is too attached to that world. I can not say details here, but I know that can be very dangerous. Embrace light friend. It helps[/quote]
I agree with you on that. What we focus on becomes our reality. That is why I often remind me people who start to realize what is going on and are totally afraid one great truth. If you believe in the things I talk about or not, everybody can agree with this next statement. God has won, is winning, and will continue to win against Satan and his minions. You don't have to really worry, you only have to put your trust into him and God's redemtive act of the Christ's death on the cross.

Right now, God has me on a time of war against the spirits. After a while, he will bring me into rest from my battles and I will get to enjoy a time of peace before I have to go through the cycle again. Remember, God leads us where he wills. Sometimes he leads us into battle fields. But when he knows we've endured as much as we can, he will bring rest periods to allow us to regain our strength. He is so faithful. I love our lord, Jesus Christ. In fact, I am feeling that way right now. I am starting a rest period for a time, that is until Satan decides to start on the attack again.

The only things that really gets me through is listening to songs that really describe the love I have for Jesus Christ. You should read my new post I just put up.

I'll check out the link latter Rev.

Edited by FullTruth
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[quote name='Revprodeji' post='1210164' date='Mar 7 2007, 11:10 PM']Could you explain these times and how you know and identify them as such?[/quote]
When the attacks come, it's days and nights where I feel ill, sharp pains happening all over my body, sleepless nights, and other more insidious attacks like wicked thoughts, temptations, and many thoughts that lead me astray. I know not all thoughts that lead me astray are of the enemy, but they do put some in me. It reminds me of the story of Joseph a lot.

What Satan means to destroy me, God uses to allow me to use the name of Jesus Christ to put the enemy under my feet, bringing humanity one step closer to the Kingdom, where Jesus Christ, our lord and saviour, will reign for a 1,000 years. I can't wait to see him, here on the earth. I can't wait to come before him on the throne, and give him a crown of righteousness. It will be such a significant day when that happens, that I get to look upon the face of my saviour and see him smiling at me, you, and all the other warriors who remained true until the end.

During times of peace, there is an absence of the attacks. God gives me a reprieve from their attacks. His spirit moves in, and my heart, mind, soul and strength renews.

The Kingdom is one of the things that gets me through the attacks. That and the times I just sit and think about the absolute stupidity of those who would choose to committ war on a being they live and move and have their being in. Sometimes I sit back and start laughing my head off at the absolute stupidity of these men who would dare committ war against God. Those who are just learning about such things might get overwhelmed, as I was, but ultimately this war really isn't about our abilities, but the power of the holy ghost in our world.

[quote name='Zechariah 4:6']Then he answered and spoke unto me, saying: 'This is the word of the LORD unto Zerubbabel, saying: Not by might, nor by power, but by My spirit, saith the LORD of hosts.[/quote]

God will lay desolate the whore of Babylon soon enough, but he is asking us to take up our spiritual bows and fire arrows every single day at the whore of Babylon. My testimony isn't much of one. I've heard of even greater warriors for the lord going through even greater things.

I'm going to bed now, night all.

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Dust's Sister

[quote name='hot stuff' post='1208359' date='Mar 5 2007, 01:53 AM']It is but it takes a while. Only dUSt makes the change and you have to ask him[/quote]

yeah, good luck with that.

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