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I'm Thinking Of Changing My Name


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[quote]But until then, I am not going to church anymore. I may start a home ministry, but that's it, that's all.[/quote]


You are starting your own religion.

You have more faith in yourself than in thousands of years of God driven leadership.



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[quote name='Sacred Music Man' post='1209421' date='Mar 6 2007, 09:14 PM']crazy. :shock:[/quote]
I'd think anybody talking about demons and nephilim was crazy too, 5 or 6 years ago, but today, I know it is all too real.

Regularly, I go through cycles, usually starting with massive physical illnesses where I have to force myself to eat. I spend hours without sleep, I feel sharp stabbing all over your body, arms, legs, thighs, head, heart. Music Man, you should consider yourself very, very lucky that they don't target you like they target me.

I thank God I'm in somewhat of a rest period. That is until later this month. It doesn't mean they don't stop targeting me. I had to go into silent prayer at work against some spirits stinging at me at today. I thank God I have the name of Jesus Christ to come against them.

When you understand and stand against the darkness, they hate it, and they attack you.

Edited by FullTruth
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[quote name='prose' post='1209425' date='Mar 6 2007, 09:16 PM']Wow.

You are starting your own religion.

You have more faith in yourself than in thousands of years of God driven leadership.


No, I'm not starting my own religion. I'm just inviting people to join the one Jesus Christ formed.

The Apostles always preached in people's homes. They may have prayed at the temple, but it was always households where they preached, and families were saved.

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I understand your point. I'm attacked on the outside though through others. I am the only 'believer' in my house. My brother is sorta meh, and my mom is into a medium who claims to know about things such as end times and re-incarnation and stupid junk. They're coming around though.
On the "demonic" side of things I've gone through some really grinding temptations before. They are more terrible than pain, because giving into the devil makes you a part of his kingdom (ie mortal sin). Jesus said, do not fear the one who can destroy your body, but fear the one who can destroy your body and soul. Hang in there. We will pray for you. You know you cannot do this alone.

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[quote name='Sacred Music Man' post='1209487' date='Mar 6 2007, 10:40 PM']I understand your point. I'm attacked on the outside though through others. I am the only 'believer' in my house. My brother is sorta meh, and my mom is into a medium who claims to know about things such as end times and re-incarnation and stupid junk. They're coming around though.
On the "demonic" side of things I've gone through some really grinding temptations before. They are more terrible than pain, because giving into the devil makes you a part of his kingdom (ie mortal sin). Jesus said, do not fear the one who can destroy your body, but fear the one who can destroy your body and soul. Hang in there. We will pray for you. You know you cannot do this alone.[/quote]
Thanks for your prayers my friend.

I will take any prayers from any of God's people.

Just to expect me to pick up a rosary anytime soon.

If you want, I'll definitely pray a spirit of Godly conviction over your family. Remember, your testimony of living for God is just a seed, it needs to be watered by the spirit as well. I'll go before God in prayer tonight to water the seeds you have planted.

I agree with you with temptations. I once heard a really wise man say,

"If you're dealing with rebellion, sin and temptation in your life, it's a heart issue."

That is where casting out demons comes in.

Any habitual sin is a 'familiar spirit', a type of demon who stays around you, learns about you, and then comes to tempt you with a sin you're really weak against on a continual basis.

So if you cast that demon out of your heart and your life, you can be freed from it.

Edited by FullTruth
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Where do you get your warfare worldview? I had one as an evangelical that I use now (**doesnt hurt being paid for it) "God at War" and "Satan and the problem of Evil" where the big things for me.

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Farsight one

[quote name='FullTruth' post='1208367' date='Mar 4 2007, 11:58 PM']But until then, I am not going to church anymore.[/quote]
[quote name='FullTruth' post='1209399' date='Mar 6 2007, 07:46 PM']After I identify a Nephilim, I notice one thing consistant about them. They will never go to an altar to repent, or seek baptism.[/quote]umm...

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[quote name='Revprodeji' post='1209866' date='Mar 7 2007, 03:15 PM']Where do you get your warfare worldview? I had one as an evangelical that I use now (**doesnt hurt being paid for it) "God at War" and "Satan and the problem of Evil" where the big things for me.[/quote]
The teachers I have been God testifying of things to me through his word, O'niel McQuick, someone you've probably never heard of as he is a Modalist as I was, which has extensive books on demonology and the nephilim, a few people who weren't, but now are christians when they saw things many, many people don't see, and my my new best friend.

Right now, Satan rules over humanity, and God has always expected us to put Satan and his seed under our feet. A few of us are engaged in that warfare, going on the behalf of humanity, to bring Satan and his seed reign to an end as soon as possiible.

I've had to fight major battles in the past 3 months. Satan wants to knock me out from the faith I have in God.

I thank God I never had much of an attack today. Yesterday was just plain annoying hearing people complain about the service they were recieving from the business I work for, when the enemy comes and locast spirits start stinging you repeatedly all over your body. That is what I mean by personal experience.

Today, they didn't do that, praise God. I always enjoy a day off from the torture they bring.

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[quote name='Farsight one' post='1209903' date='Mar 7 2007, 04:32 PM']umm...[/quote]
I know Farsight, if I read or heard someone talking about these topics 5-6 years ago, I would have probably thought ummm as well.

I go through spiritual satanic abuse almost daily. They hate people who know about them and start fighting back and informing people of their existance.

I'm not lying about going through times where I have to force myself to eat, or the massive stings they sting me with. I almost didn't sleep last night because I kept on being stung. They don't learn though, because I return the stings they send against me in the holy name of Jesus Christ a 1,000 fold onto them, and then sever their spirit from their body by sending their spirit into the bottomless pit.

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I have a protestant pastor friend who had the same thing a few years ago, I dont doubt it in its essence. Im just not big on judging private revelation. And Im not allowed to talk about parapsychology much

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Farsight one

[quote name='FullTruth' post='1210034' date='Mar 7 2007, 07:47 PM']I know Farsight, if I read or heard someone talking about these topics 5-6 years ago, I would have probably thought ummm as well.[/quote]Actually, I was saying "ummm" because I noticed that you implicated that you yourself are a nephilim. Not that I believe you are, I just thought it was something that should be of note.

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[quote name='Farsight one' post='1210077' date='Mar 7 2007, 09:26 PM']Actually, I was saying "ummm" because I noticed that you implicated that you yourself are a nephilim. Not that I believe you are, I just thought it was something that should be of note.[/quote]
Not that you can take my word of it, but I'm not a Nephilim by anymeans.

They have deep family background into the occult. If you have seen the Harry Potter movies or read the books, and lets be honest, many people here have, I'll admit it first, Nephilim are like the Malfoid family line. Magic should only be practiced by those who are 'pure blooded'. You can also understand them a lot from the Underworld movies. The closer to the pure blood line, the more powerful the entity.

I'm glad to say that my family is not occultists, and I am not.

I probably could have worded by statement better about Nephilim.

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[quote name='Revprodeji' post='1210039' date='Mar 7 2007, 08:52 PM']I have a protestant pastor friend who had the same thing a few years ago, I dont doubt it in its essence. Im just not big on judging private revelation. And Im not allowed to talk about parapsychology much[/quote]
You are a very wise man Rev. I respect that.

You are very open minded, and God can always reveal to those with an open mind. Some people think my posts are nothing but nonsense, and I pray for them every day, because each day you don't believe is a day you won't go into battle against the power of the enemy.

I can't wait to see the enemy put underneath our feet, and we can finally be freed from their rule. The peace and revival God will create in humanity will be amazing, and will last forever - as he promised when he said the government will be on the shoulders of the Christ and the peace of his government will never end.

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I respect and hold to a warfare worldview, as does every catholic. But the problem is putting to much of a focus on it rather than giving it the respected part within the entire christian faith. Know what I mean? The man I respect the most in the faith actually had an encounter you would be interested in


it is an audio link

As a protestant I spent much of my time focused on the issue of spiritual warfare (developed from "God at war" and Boydian theodicy) I found that it harmed much of what I did, and as if giving it the focus promoted its own grasp in my life. Know what I mean?

I doubt people think what you say in posts are nonsense. It is just that you come off as someone who is too attached to that world. I can not say details here, but I know that can be very dangerous. Embrace light friend. It helps

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