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I'm Thinking Of Changing My Name


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I have to admit, when I orginally came here, I felt like I was a here to 'Save Catholics' from death and hell because you guys didn't believe this, that, and the other thing. I thought I had the 'Full Truth'.

I would be interested to see what you guys would think if I changed my name here, to something like GodChaser. I love God so much. I understand now I was under the influence of a strong religious spirit, and I have come out of it.

Religious spirits always come to you, saying you know the full truth and everybody else is wrong.

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still dont buy your "religious spirits" theory; be careful with that. Catholicism has a rooted claim and birthright. I know, it caused me to convert. lets talk this out perhaps

anyway. I think Godchaser would be fiting for you.

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[quote name='Revprodeji' post='1208351' date='Mar 5 2007, 12:46 AM']still dont buy your "religious spirits" theory; be careful with that. Catholicism has a rooted claim and birthright. I know, it caused me to convert. lets talk this out perhaps

anyway. I think Godchaser would be fiting for you.[/quote]
The great thing Rev, you don't have to buy it to enter into heaven. You don't have to be part of a religion to make it into heaven either. You only have to believe in Jesus Christ, and give your entire life to him. If Jesus asks me to join a religion, I will. But until then, I am not going to church anymore. I may start a home ministry, but that's it, that's all.

Christ asks us to deal with our own personal demons by casting them out in his name. They can be hundreds of different things, from lust, to cigraettes, to alcoholism, to religious, to innumerable other things. But they can't keep us from the love of God, nothing can.

I believe someone can say to a spirit of smoking, or any spirit for that matter, I rebuke you in the name of Jesus Christ. No longer tempt me. No longer hold me with withdrawl systems. I rebuke you in the name of Jesus Christ, and I put you in the Bottomless Pit in the holy and exalted name of Jesus Christ.

And if you believe that and pray that right now, you will be forever delivered from it. You will not feel any withdrawl symptoms, or any addiction to cigarettes or any other demon that hinders you.

The only thing is, we've stopped believing in those kinds of miracles. And God can only perform the kinds of miracles we believe he can create.

I'm definitely going to change my name, because I choose it out of pride, and I want to put that pride away from me.

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demons believe in jesus...

I could argue that he did tell us to join his church.

as for the rest...great stuff, but religion is an avenue in relation with the divine, it can be perverted, but it is not in its essence wrong

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[quote name='StThomasMore' post='1208356' date='Mar 4 2007, 10:50 PM']I don't think it's possible to change your name...[/quote]

[quote name='hot stuff' post='1208359' date='Mar 4 2007, 10:53 PM']It is but it takes a while. Only dUSt makes the change and you have to ask him[/quote]

hot stuff is correct

I was Sojourner ... and am now Terra Firma. I sent dUSt an e-mail and he changed it after ... a month maybe? There are a couple others on the board who have had similar experiences. Others have simply started new accounts with an alternative name (although that may violate a guideline against multiple accounts? :idontknow:)

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[quote name='Terra Firma' post='1208379' date='Mar 5 2007, 01:12 AM']:yes:

hot stuff is correct
I was Sojourner ... and am now Terra Firma. I sent dUSt an e-mail and he changed it after ... a month maybe? There are a couple others on the board who have had similar experiences. Others have simply started new accounts with an alternative name (although that may violate a guideline against multiple accounts? :idontknow:)[/quote]
Was there a particular significance to the change of your sn? (Just curious)

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[quote name='Socrates' post='1208808' date='Mar 5 2007, 07:36 PM']Was there a particular significance to the change of your sn? (Just curious)[/quote]
when I picked Sojourner I was in the process of converting ... it was a natural choice, given the state of transition I was in. No place felt really like home.

But, now I've found a solid place to stand -- Terra Firma. I figured it was time to acknowledge that.

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Socrates, I think FullTruth mentioned it already. I think GodChaser is a great name. It suits FullTruth's new mission here on Phatmass. I welcome the change. I just gotta say though, GodChaser (if I may call you that already), that you should take time to discern your "religious demons" theory. Don't go chasing something new like without looking into it. Not just the bible, but natural law and REASON. Passion is good but all things in moderation, except the love for God; love for the Divine should be extreme.

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[quote name='Revprodeji' post='1208371' date='Mar 5 2007, 01:06 AM']demons believe in jesus...

I could argue that he did tell us to join his church.

as for the rest...great stuff, but religion is an avenue in relation with the divine, it can be perverted, but it is not in its essence wrong[/quote]
I totally agree with you with what you just said.

That's the problem though. If you read my thoughts on Christmas Trees, when Scripture says we shouldn't learn what other nations do - and the next scripture describes a 'Christ-Mas' tree perfectly, who do I believe, people who say - having Christmas trees are about Jesus Christ, or scripture that condemns such practices.

What would you think of me when I say, If I did celebrate Christmas, which is unlikely, I wouldn't have a Christmas Tree - ever, period?

If you want to ask me where that is in scripture, here goes;

[quote name='Jeremiah 10:1-4' date=' JPS']Hear ye the word which the LORD speaketh unto you, O house of Israel; thus saith the LORD: [b]Learn not the way of the nations[/b], and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the nations are dismayed at them. For the customs of the peoples are vanity; [b]for it is but a tree which one cutteth out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold, they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not.[/b][/quote]

How is that not describing a Christmas Tree? What seems to be a 'Christian' icon really is all about Paganism, and the works of the heathen nations.

So if religion is how we relate to the divine, I would definitely have a different religion than Catholics, but a religion that lives in holiness out of reverance and the fear of God and submitting to him and touching not the unclean thing.

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[quote]Religious spirits always come to you, saying you know the full truth and everybody else is wrong.[/quote]

Whats that all about?

Actually moral relativism and that there are many different "truths" is something demons are busy teaching the entire world.

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[quote name='Budge' post='1208875' date='Mar 5 2007, 10:58 PM']Whats that all about?

Actually moral relativism and that there are many different "truths" is something demons are busy teaching the entire world.[/quote]
True, but religious spirits can drive a person mad.

I use to be filled with one that said there wasn't a trinity, and all those who believed in the trinity were going to Hell.

If you believed in the trinity, wouldn't you think that was a lie, and fight against it, which causes a huge amount of destruction in the lives of a lot of people.

Since then, my understanding of God has changed from it's all in Jesus, to God is one person in and as the three. Redeeming the world onto [b]himself[/b] through sheading [b]his[/b] blood on the cross. I could go on with the innumerable scriptures that actually spell this out quite elequently, but I won't in this post.

Too many times in scripture God uses a singular pronoun to describe [b]himself[/b] for me to ever believe God is three persons in unity? But am I saved by that understanding, and you're damned by not seeing what I see in God, no.

Although you're right about moral relativitivism, when it comes down to it, true christanity will ultimately distinquish itself by true believers love for one another, despite how the see God. They will love God so much, they will follow his commandments without thinking twice, because they are in love with God.

That will ultimately distinguish true believers from un-believers. But those who are true believers will never harm those who trust in the name of Jesus Christ, because if you're not against Jesus Christ, you're for him.

Jesus never had a problem with people who casted out demons in his name who weren't the apostles. If Jesus is the same, yesterday, today, and forever, why would he be so upset with any person who calls upon his name today.

Budge, when I talk about religious demons, I know what I am talking about. They are very, very insidous because they know scripture quite well, and play the old serpent game, Did Not God Say very well.

Freed from my demon, I now know, I never had the fulltruth to begin with, and now I am ready to submit to a new title, GodChaser, because I think it fits my character much better.

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[quote name='FullTruth' post='1208864' date='Mar 5 2007, 10:48 PM']I totally agree with you with what you just said.

That's the problem though. If you read my thoughts on Christmas Trees, when Scripture says we shouldn't learn what other nations do - and the next scripture describes a 'Christ-Mas' tree perfectly, who do I believe, people who say - having Christmas trees are about Jesus Christ, or scripture that condemns such practices.

What would you think of me when I say, If I did celebrate Christmas, which is unlikely, I wouldn't have a Christmas Tree - ever, period?

If you want to ask me where that is in scripture, here goes;
How is that not describing a Christmas Tree? What seems to be a 'Christian' icon really is all about Paganism, and the works of the heathen nations.

So if religion is how we relate to the divine, I would definitely have a different religion than Catholics, but a religion that lives in holiness out of reverance and the fear of God and submitting to him and touching not the unclean thing.[/quote]

Christmas trees don't have nails, and it doesn't mention pine trees being used :disguise:

[quote name='Budge' post='1208875' date='Mar 5 2007, 10:58 PM']Whats that all about?

Actually moral relativism and that there are many different "truths" is something demons are busy teaching the entire world.[/quote]

I was thinking of that being an argument against the demons thing but I thought you would give that answer. Maybe you should open a thread about it and we can talk specifically on this. Your choice my friend.

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[quote name='Sacred Music Man' post='1208938' date='Mar 5 2007, 11:36 PM']Christmas trees don't have nails, and it doesn't mention pine trees being used :disguise:
I was thinking of that being an argument against the demons thing but I thought you would give that answer. Maybe you should open a thread about it and we can talk specifically on this. Your choice my friend.[/quote]
I would talk about Demons, but it is not a topic for theoretical knowledge. You have to experience spiritual warfare against them before you can even start to begin to understand that topic.

It's like the Nephilim. I've actually know some Nephilim. Nasty little things, who want only one thing, to tear down God's people with venomous words, distractions, and many other things. And they are oh, so, superior.

After I identify a Nephilim, I notice one thing consistant about them. They will never go to an altar to repent, or seek baptism. And guess what, they're not giants either. Not that I don't believe they can enlarge themselves through the use of the spirit world, but that's not thier normal appearance.

Edited by FullTruth
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