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I Love You


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Alright... Schmandi. I'm up for your challenge

To sum it up in one sentence:

Everything that I am, the deepest confines of my heart, desires to be with you and experience with you this reality which we are given, regardless of what we may experience, good or bad.

I love you.

To expand on my one sentence (because of course, one sentence is not nearly enough to explain what love is)

Love is wanting to be with somebody, wanting to share experiences with them, whether in the flesh or by talking about past experiences. Love is wanting to share in a common desire, the desire for Him. Love is recognizing Christ's presence in another person and being so attracted to Him, that we can overlook all of our faults, our shortcomings. Love is Christ, present in our world. Love is being responsible to the Presence in someone, it means staying with them, even when we may fail to recognize His presence. Love is being patient and waiting for their freedom. Love is the butterflies in my stomach as my heart leaps for joy when I see their face or hear their voice. Love is the smile that instantly comes to face at the sheer rememberance of them.

This, in my experience, is what love is.

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I try to tell the ones I love I love them, I have a hard time telling my parents, dont know why but its not right that I dont. Christ said "As the Father has loved me. so I love you". You have to tell the people you love you love them.

Father Larry said in his 'Truth' CD that "It doesnt matter if you say a Million rosaries a day, if you cant tell your son or daughter that you love them, PLEASE dont say Jesus is the Lord of your life because your lying."

Christ gave us one commandment - To love one another as I have loved you. And to do that is to tell the people you love you love them.

of course Father Larry seems to say it better than I typed it, so dont take my word for it..go get the CD!! http://www.catholicity.com

its free.

And I love you guys, all of you. You guys have been there for me when I needed you, saying all the right stuff. I feel so blessed to be a part of such a wonderful thing. Hopefully I can be of some help here as well. I cant wait for the next PhatMass get together, maybe another NYCC??

Yours through Mary,


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  Katt1227 said:

Everything that I am, the deepest confines of my heart, desires to be with you and experience with you this reality which we are given, regardless of what we may experience, good or bad.

I love you.

Love is wanting to be with somebody, wanting to share experiences with them, whether in the flesh or by talking about past experiences. Love is wanting to share in a common desire, the desire for Him. Love is recognizing Christ's presence in another person and being so attracted to Him, that we can overlook all of our faults, our shortcomings. Love is Christ, present in our world. Love is being responsible to the Presence in someone, it means staying with them, even when we may fail to recognize His presence. Love is being patient and waiting for their freedom. Love is the butterflies in my stomach as my heart leaps for joy when I see their face or hear their voice. Love is the smile that instantly comes to face at the sheer rememberance of them.

This, in my experience, is what love is.

Katt, thank you for sharing...many things that you have written were things that were thoughts of mine that i could not express in words...i agree with you...i have experienced such love as you talk about....

now, the real question SCHMANDI, are you up to your own challenge???

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  BLAZEr said:
DM, I really dig what you're saying. Especially up above when you say "You're my Heart smiles" . . . because I totally get the love vibe only when I feel like the other person becomes a presence for me, someone who makes me feel "not alone"

I think too that love is something you can only get after you've given it.

I think about being a kid and saying to my mom "I love you" it really was more an expression of need, "I need you" or rather, "I recognize that you are necessary to me being me." Somehow, even now when I say "I love you" I only say it to people who I acknowledge as people who make me aware of my need for them.

I say "I love you" to only a few people. Mainly my family, and a couple of friends (who happen to be guys). I would never have been able to say that to a guy a few years ago, not only becasue I would have thought it completely gay, but because I could never have acknowledged that I need another person, especially someone who I didn't intend to pursue a relationship with.

All my life I have used "I love you" sparingly. I've only said it to one girl, I've only said it to 4 friends . . .

But I've said to many many chidlren that I worked with, especially at the Orphanage. To those kids I said it almost every day. And I meant it. But not in the same way I meant it for my friends, or that one girl, or my family.

In fact, to the Orphans I said it because I wanted their happiness and I wanted them to know what Love was.

BLAZEr, thank you for sharing...it corresponds to me...especially with the part you said about the children...my heart cannot help but have such an intense love for kids, of all ages actually....in a way, i give them a piece of my heart that they would know the meaning of love....something i have a hard time putting into words but ever so real inside of me...

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  BLAZEr said:
I say "I love you" to only a few people. Mainly my family, and a couple of friends (who happen to be guys). I would never have been able to say that to a guy a few years ago, not only becasue I would have thought it completely gay, but because I could never have acknowledged that I need another person, especially someone who I didn't intend to pursue a relationship with.

i feel you on that statement. my parents have always told me that they loved me, and i have always told them. but, i never really told my brothers that i loved them, or my uncles. it was just always an awkward thing to say. that is, until one of my uncles died. it was such a tragedy for my family. you see, two words unite my family: faith and facetiousness.........catholicism and crack-ups. and my uncle was always at the center of it all. after he died, laughing in general just wasn't the same. but, the love was differnet. it was stronger.

now all of my uncles tell me that love me.......and it really means alot to me. my brothers and i tell each other that we love each other, and i can't describe how amesome it is. it is freedom for a guy when he can tell another guy he loves him w/o the awkwardness. even though my entire family has always shown it to each other (we are a family that hugs alot :D ), its just nice to hear the words, and to be able to say them.

pray for the repose of the soul of Philip Hardesty, who, through his death, gave his final and greatest gift to his family: LOVE

pax christi,


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Schmandi, back in December i started a thread, LOVE...WHAT IS IT?....i think you should check out some responses from there to see what others feel the word itself means b/c i think it connects with this thread....just a thought :idea: ...in your freedom of course

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Just wanted to share a bit of my experiences with the phrase "I love you"

I try to say it often. To friends, to family, to co-workers, to people in my life who are near and dear to me. I try to remind my friends often that i love them, either by telling them, or by doing stupid little stuff to remind them, like sending cards or emails or by phoning. but often times I think that I don't tell people enough. And that I don't say it with sincerity. Well, I sincerely mean it, but that some people don't always understand that I'm being sincere. It's easy with my friends to throw the word love around, and sometimes I worry that I use it too often, but when i say it, I really do mean that I love them, even if my telling them is followed shortly before or shortly after some wise-ass sarcastic comment. And while I know, in my heart, that there are so many people on this earth that I love (by my definition of love in my previous post), I worry that the people I love don't really believe me. But, maybe this all stems from the fact that I desperately need to feel loved, and that sometimes with all my insecurities (and believe me I have a lot of them) I have a hard time believing that other people really love me.

I'm not sure if any of that made sense, or if it was just a bunch of rambling (it is 4:00 AM and I've had a long day), but I wanted to throw my 2 cents in...

God Bless, and I LOVE YOU!!!

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Guest caitmre804

Schmandi- I am up for your challenge, however, who knows I may get totaly off track, we'll see what happens. The experiences defining love and need have been wonderful and I agree with all of it. I talked about saying I love you to my friends earlier in the thread and phatcatholic reminded me of how awkward it was to say I love you to my guy friends at first becuase, well, they are guys and I am not and I didn't want them to think anything of it. But, I said it anyway and I kept saying it, even when they didn't sya it back. I think that is part of love. Understanding and knowing that the person you say it to may not understand love like you do, or you may not understand love at the level that they do.

Its becuase of this that I think "Will you wait for me?" is another way of saying I Love You. Itshows that you depend on them and desire their frienship and company and you know that you are not quite ready yet. It takes an amazing amount of strength to ask that, and I think that that strength is very much the same strength that it takes to say I love you. I have more to say, but I don't know how to say it yet, so maybe I will figure it out if someone responds. :D

Hows that Schamndi!? :wave:

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  caitmre804 said:

Its becuase of this that I think "Will you wait for me?" is another way of saying I Love You. Itshows that you depend on them and desire their frienship and company and you know that you are not quite ready yet. It takes an amazing amount of strength to ask that, and I think that that strength is very much the same strength that it takes to say I love you.

I really liked what you had to say....especially on the "will you wait for me?" as a part of you saying i love you without words....most definitely....

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God shows the depth of his love by waiting for us....i think we continue to ask "God, will you wait for me?" and he replies, i love you, how could i not wait for you.....the greatest example of waiting because you love is looking at God and how he waits for us....

this corresponds with me...the whole "will you wait for me?".....in high school being in YoungLife, i was one that always desired more, to go deeper, for others to want to do the same yet i found that most wanted the basics and the basics were good enough for them,,they chose to stop after that...i struggled with staying with them or going to somewhere i found others with the same desire for more...and the more the leaders and i talked about things the more i realized that by loving them right where they were at, waiting for them, praying for them, and staying with them, was showing i loved them without saying those words. even though they didn't come out and say those words "will you wait for me?" and i didn't necessarily come out and say "i will wait for you" my actions, my life, the love i gave them showed them that i would wait for them--that is what God was calling me to do...wait and love...but it is not easy b/c you want them to see what you have seen and desire more, you want them to recognize Christ and respond to this recognization, you want more for them....but you must wait and allow them to see this for themselves. you must wait and continue to love them right where they are at......

does this make sense??

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  Schmandi said:
ok, i don't have much to say, b/c i think what you have said already is really really good. but i do have a question for you to take seriuosly - it was brought to my attention tonight while talking with a dear friend.

Without saying the phrase "I Love You" - How else could you say what that phrase "really" means? Using other words.

ok katt, track, sallycat, chelle, chuckie, desiringmore, emalouhow, and all you others - are you up to the challenge?

ok, so, being me, i wasn't going to respond to ur challenge schmandi, simply b/c...........those of u who know me, know why.................. but i'm going to try anyways. i think........

ok, i think 'i love you' is another way of saying thank you. a really sincere thank you. to me, i love you means a ton of different things. but it strikes me the most that it also means thank you. thank you for always being there, thank you for loving me, thank you for never turning away, thank you for "being" with me, thank you for.................everything.

there are many more phrases, i guess u could call them, that mean i love you to me. this is just one.

;) ok, can't believe i'm posting this. but, tonight coming home from gs, i decided to, who knows why........... so yeah, ok. bye all.

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  Schmandi said:
ok, i don't have much to say, b/c i think what you have said already is really really good. but i do have a question for you to take seriuosly - it was brought to my attention tonight while talking with a dear friend.

Without saying the phrase "I Love You" - How else could you say what that phrase "really" means? Using other words.

ok katt, track, sallycat, chelle, chuckie, desiringmore, emalouhow, and all you others - are you up to the challenge?

Yes I am Schmandi! :D

What do you do when you someone that you are close to cries out that he or she cannot do it alone - they need help, YOUR help? You stay with them, and you tell them that we must work through this TOGETHER - you follow each other on the journey and you stay together no matter what may come. I had a dear friend tell me this last week, and when my friend said this to me, I knew two things. The first was that I was loved by my friend unconditionally, which made me realize the second thing - that He was standing right in front of me in the flesh. When someone, despite all of the ugliness, looks at you and sees nothing but beauty, then it is He that is gazing upon you and it is He that is the origin and destiny of your friendship. How can you leave that friend? You cannot leave that friend - you must follow that friend. And that is why I can look at my friend and say the most beautiful phrase in any language - I Love You.

That was how in one moment in time the phrase "I Love You" was a concrete reality for me, Schmandi. :dance:

Edited by Chuckie
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Maybe I am sorta up for the challenge. This probably will not be satisfactory.

Love is too strong of a feeling, bond, emotion to be put into words. I now you did not want me to put love into words you wanted another way to say "I love you" Maybe this is it, I might have an answer that i believe. Maybe a way to show someone you love them is to show them you feel their pain...I don't think that is what I want to say, but it is along the lines. Um.....Maybe an example. I love my dad with all I have. I can tell him, but I am not sure he hears me. I do hope with all of my might that he hears me, but am still unsure. I cry because I miss him. I cry because I miss the one I love. With each tear falling I'd like to think that it is because of my love for him I cry. To me each tear drop is like a drop of love, straight from my heart. Joe Daddy, my dearest pinky pal, I love you!

....So I came in hear deciding that i couldn't tell you how I say I love you in a different way...

Just know you have helped me learn how I tell my dad "I love you" Thank you Schmandi

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I can't remember either of my parents telling me they loved me (or each other for that matter!) *sniff*

Don't get me wrong, I had a really happy upbringing, we're just quite an unemotional family. For this reason, I found it very hard to start telling the people I loved (my wife initially) that I loved them. It's made it a very special thing for me in the end. Now I make sure I tell my wife and kids that I love them everyday when I leave for work and each night before bed.

It's hard to explain how you know when you love someone, you just know. It's the times when you thought you knew and didn't, or weren't loved back that ultimately help us to grow stronger. Doesn't seem like it at the time, I know!

Love to me is that explosion in the pit of your belly that tells you that you'd do literally anything for the person in question.

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someone at school that wants to call me her friend talked to me today telling me about a situation where she is mad at another girl for flirting with another guy even though she has a boyfriend. well in the same conversation she talked about how she and this other guy flirt but he has a boyfriend. When she told me this, i asked her how the two situations were different and she got really mad at me. She said the situations were different and how could i ask her that...well, really, all she wanted for me was to tell her what she wanted to hear and she wanted me to agree with her that the other person was wrong when i just asked her a question b/c i wanted her to realize whether it was right or wrong...if i know yet she does not see it, then what good is it? To me, a friend, a real friend, loves you by telling you not what you want to hear but by being honest, truthful, sincere....that is a part of telling someone that i love them...and through this love i am honest, truthful, sincere....and a whole lot more....

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