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Wannabe Warlock Priest In Michigan


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[url="http://www.metrotimes.com/editorial/story.asp?id=10242"]WANNABE WARLOCK PRIEST LOVES EDGAR CAYCE AND REINCARNATION[/url]

Supposely Catholicism is supposed to "work" becuase it has all this authority. Interesting what the bishops will overlook. Look at this guy, who has gotten even some plum political positions, had a few colleagues he probably creeped out with his wannabe Satanism, and he still had his position intact. He may be retired now, but he still is holding pastoral positions and roles.

This priest is obviously totally involved in the occult, but will a bishop ever remove him? NO WAY--- Notice for yourself the dabbling in false religions. Im surprised he hasnt made it to channeling at Mass yet.

Father Samonie says what he witnessed as a boy made him powerfully aware, for the first time, of a spirit world. Throughout his childhood and his 50-year career as a Roman Catholic priest — at nine metro Detroit parishes — Samonie didn't talk much about that day, but it was the first of many episodes that eventually changed his views about religion.

He made his story public in 1998, when, he says, Jesus granted him permission to publish a tell-all book, On My Way Home. He's written four books since. The latest, Rite of Passage, comes out this month, and [b]he's got another already in manuscript form about the teachings of Edgar Cayce, a clairvoyant and well-known author who claimed to be able to answer questions about the meaning of the universe and countless other topics through a process of self-induced hypnosis.[/b] Samonie's an accomplished writer, musician and painter.[/quote]


"[quote]We started out thinking we were going to make a film showing what incredible things he's experienced," Schmaltz continues, "but through the process[b we decided the most important thing is his teachings that all religions are the same. [/b]Personally, I have kind of drifted away from the church — our whole generation has. Father Jay bridges the gap between fundamentalists and spiritualists, he brings it all together."[/quote]


[quote]Here's a man of the cloth — a Roman Catholic priest, no less —[b]who thinks Lucifer's gotten a "bum rap" and believes in a perpetual cycle of reincarnation. [/b]He looks for truth on his own terms.[/quote]

Samonie has [b]a doctoral degree in metaphysics from University of Detroit [/b]and two master's degrees. [b]He meditates and practices yoga — has been for more than four decades — and his quest for truth has led him to study Eastern traditions in which religion coincides with personal mystical experiences.[/b] But it took him years to come to terms with the out-of-body sensations — the visions, [b]the visits from spirit guides[/b] and spontaneous trances that brought to his mind vivid memories of past lives as a concert pianist, a Mayan architect and the 17th century painter Diego Velásq[/quote]

This says it all for me..
Samonie doesn't regret one minute of his work. His theological curiosities are, in part, an attempt to find answers to what he's witnessed his whole life, those answers Catholicism refuses to provide. [b]Still, Catholicism is the closest Samonie can come to a religion that's aligned with his personal beliefs[/b].[/quote]

Would any of you here have a problem with this priest?

His bishop obviously didnt.

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And Peter denied Christ.

A few people's failings don't discredit an entire religion. Instead, people need to take action to defrock this priest. I think he should be excommunicated. Yet, I still remain Catholic because I know it is the true Church of Christ and the gates of Hell will not prevail, no matter who's acting immoral or ungodly.

Edited by avemaria40
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[quote]A few people's failings don't discredit an entire religion. Instead, people need to take action to defrock this priest. I think he should be excommunicated. Yet, I still remain Catholic because I know it is the true Church of Christ and the gates of Hell will not prevail, no matter who's acting immoral or ungodly.[/quote]

Sure, a few sinners doesnt discredit anyone and Jesus Christ is Lord no matter what but you are joined with this institution that tolerates this in its leadership and priests. Your leadership is growing more and more corrupt, no lines being drawn and more and more New Age and false interfaithism being taught.

I wont join a Christian church that tolerates these sorts of things outside your system, so why do you?

I wonder how many people this guy led into out and out occutlism and into hell, and no bishop ever lifted a finger...

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Did ya miss us Budge?
Any group can have a kook or two.
Even the Catholics.

Who was the fundamentalist who poisoned his whole congregation again?

But until I actually google his name and read what he actually wrote, I will reserve judgement.

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[quote] Did ya miss us Budge?
Any group can have a kook or two.
Even the Catholics.[/quote]Whats the use of all those bishops you have, but to deal with the kooks?

{catholics always tell me this is a benefit of their top down authority structure.
Who was the fundamentalist who poisoned his whole congregation again?[/quote]

Jim Jones, but he didnt teach Christian fundamentalism and Biblical inerrancy, he was a liberal who preached social justice and ecumenism.

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[quote name='Budge' post='1207346' date='Mar 3 2007, 05:32 PM']Whats the use of all those bishops you have, but to deal with the kooks?

{catholics always tell me this is a benefit of their top down authority structure.
Jim Jones, but he didnt teach Christian fundamentalism and Biblical inerrancy, he was a liberal who preached social justice and ecumenism.[/quote]
Still he was a fundamentalist preacher wasn't he?
We have no clue what kind of discipline is in the works, or if it has already been applied. Jesus is a doctor for the sick and it sounds like this guy qualifies. Every tree has some nuts on it. Look at the bishop who left he church and got married. Or the Episcopalian bishop who doesn't believe Jesus is God.
This is no bearng on the faith of the Church. :)

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The description of the practice of this priest reminds me of the blight that Sylvia Browne teaches... I'm having to deal with that kind of thing at home... should start a topic on it, or will this thread do?

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[quote]The description of the practice of this priest reminds me of the blight that Sylvia Browne teaches... I'm having to deal with that kind of thing at home... should start a topic on it, or will this thread do?[/quote]

I've got a family member who admires Sylvia Browne. I don't agree with her nonsense. What kind of stuff are you dealing with at home regarding Browne?

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[quote]We have no clue what kind of discipline is in the works, or if it has already been applied. Jesus is a doctor for the sick and it sounds like this guy qualifies. Every tree has some nuts on it. Look at the bishop who left he church and got married. Or the Episcopalian bishop who doesn't believe Jesus is God.
This is no bearng on the faith of the Church. smile.gif[/quote]

How nutty can you be as a priest and be left alone? Could one hang up a pentagram behind the altar, and start burning incense to Buddha at Mass?

lets say this guy got born again instead of becoming a semi-warlock...[hey its happened to a few priests who got out]

and he started preaching there is no Purgatory from the pulpit, and be born again in Jesus Christ...

I bet hed be out of there within a New York minute!

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[quote name='Budge' post='1207568' date='Mar 3 2007, 11:30 PM']How nutty can you be as a priest and be left alone? Could one hang up a pentagram behind the altar, and start burning incense to Buddha at Mass?

lets say this guy got born again instead of becoming a semi-warlock...[hey its happened to a few priests who got out]

and he started preaching there is no Purgatory from the pulpit, and be born again in Jesus Christ...

I bet hed be out of there within a New York minute![/quote]
That's for sure.

And I wonder if he decided if he wanted to believe in you need to repent first, be baptized second, and be filled with the holy ghost third, I'd bet they'd come against that as well, and preached it from the pulpit.

Kick him out, he's spreading heresies, heresies, heresies!

Edited by FullTruth
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[quote name='Budge' post='1207346' date='Mar 3 2007, 07:32 PM']Whats the use of all those bishops you have, but to deal with the kooks?[/quote]
Do you know something, you're right. What good are the bishops except to deal with the kooks? When they let them go without even a word of correction, or worse pussyfoot around chit chat about how much Jesus loves everybody, I get sick to my stomach.

These men are in a position to tell people off royally, and they never do it. No wonder nobody has any respect for the heirarchy anymore. Time was a priest would call you out during the homily just like a Baptist minister. Time was.

Shame is good, the laity need to be shamed more.

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Hey Im glad you agree.
Do you know something, you're right. What good are the bishops except to deal with the kooks? When they let them go without even a word of correction, or worse pussyfoot around chit chat about how much Jesus loves everybody, I get sick to my stomach.[/quote]And you should.

Ask yourself why this is tolerated.

To be honest, too many of THEM, the ones in the higher positions are into crazy stuff as well.
These men are in a position to tell people off royally, and they never do it. No wonder nobody has any respect for the heirarchy anymore. Time was a priest would call you out during the homily just like a Baptist minister. Time was.[/quote]


To be honest one reason I am not Catholic anymore is I realized apostolic succession was not true--it folded like a house of cards. and I did not have respect and DO NOT have respect for your church heirarchy. I respect individual Catholics as people but to be frank with you, some of the worse criminals and corrupts are leading your church.

Why should ANYONE respect these men?

I warn prots and Christians not to follow false preachers, who are in all other churches as well.

The problem with Catholicism is while I as a Bible Christian can test false preachers via scripture and depart from them, [which I have done] you as a Catholic are taught you are to remain under them and give your time, loyalty and money to whatever criminal the Pope puts over you.

You can tell what a man believes by what he tolerates.

Considering this wannabe warlock's position was left intact, and he was promoted even to high positions of authority, that says it all.

Actually it isnt the laity that needs shamed, as much as these guys.

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[quote name='toledo_jesus' post='1207675' date='Mar 4 2007, 10:13 AM']Do you know something, you're right. What good are the bishops except to deal with the kooks? When they let them go without even a word of correction, or worse pussyfoot around chit chat about how much Jesus loves everybody, I get sick to my stomach.

These men are in a position to tell people off royally, and they never do it. No wonder nobody has any respect for the heirarchy anymore. Time was a priest would call you out during the homily just like a Baptist minister. Time was.

Shame is good, the laity need to be shamed more.[/quote]The laity needs to be shamed more? You obviosly think that because deep down inside, you have no fear of being shamed because you think you're better than average.

Bishops and the RC Clergy-ocracy need to do their job. What right does a Bishop who hides a predator priest's misdeeds by suffling him to another parish or ignores a Pastor-priest (Fr. Samonie) writing books like this, to point a finger from the pulpit? Now THAT churns my stomache.

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[quote name='Budge' post='1207346' date='Mar 3 2007, 04:32 PM']Whats the use of all those bishops you have, but to deal with the kooks?

{catholics always tell me this is a benefit of their top down authority structure.
Jim Jones, but he didnt teach Christian fundamentalism and Biblical inerrancy, he was a liberal who preached social justice and ecumenism.[/quote]

We have a billion members. There's bound to be a few dumba**es

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