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To Cmotherofpirl: Your Avatar


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[quote name='catholimaniac' post='1209046' date='Mar 6 2007, 10:41 AM']After reviewing all 6 pages of this thread it has become readily apparent that the two persons posting the most satanic images on this website are Budge and Truthseeker777. Whazzup with that? Aren't there more enlightening things you could be spending your time on? If satanic images are so dangerous, why are you plastering phatmass with them? Whose side are you on anyway?

In Christ we are won,


Amen. Finally someone backs me on what I said much earlier...

[quote name='cmotherofpirl' post='1209119' date='Mar 6 2007, 02:10 PM']Getting all paranoid over a symbol is warning us?

And we don't appreciate being treated to moronic third-grade level postings,
and being treated like we are satanists and/or deluded
because we laugh at the conspiracy theories and other foolishness being posted,
and that you are here to "rescue" us from the Church founded by Christ.

We don't see a split of faith OR reason, God created both.

Posting the failings of members of the faithful only serves to mildly annoy us, we understand the Church is a hospital of sinners, not a coven of the elect. It can't shake our Faith in Jesus Christ or the Church
HE founded.

Frankly we could be having actual respectful point by point discussion on any number of interesting subjects, but that would involve actual discussion and not doing hit and run cutting/pasting in an effort to score points.[/quote]

Indeed, Budge I am getting sick of the parthian tactics as well. Be face to face with us; reason with us. We are not monsters, we are human beings made in the image and likeness of God. We have been given the gifts of faith and reason which are are the wings that can fly us to knowledge of God.

[quote name='catholimaniac' post='1209174' date='Mar 6 2007, 03:57 PM']Hey Budge,

I know satanism when I see it. Now, I don't think it was your intention to do the work of the evil one, but you've done a great job of spreading satanic imagery all over this thread. So what's going on? Are you really warning us or have you inadvertantly done the work of the devil? Satan is a little trickier than some silly little symbols. Seems like you may have fallen into his trap, my friend.

In Christ,


Tad, that is a good point. I made a warning earlier that the devil wanted to divide us, but mentioning that satanic imagery is plastered on our forum is something I may have overlooked. Let us keep a Christian community here people.

[quote name='catholimaniac' post='1209246' date='Mar 6 2007, 05:37 PM']Hey Budge,

None of us, much less Cmom need any warnings from you. What is not making sense to me is why you need to warn us by plastering satanic images all over our website. If just viewing satanic imagery is so dangerous, why have you shared a virtual gallery of satanic work with us. You wouldn't come into my livingroom, pin up a bunch of pornography and then tell me about the evils of pornography would you? Phatmass is a Christian forum, it has a distinctly Christian nature. That's why I like it here. This is one of my cyber homes. Your portfolio of the occult is a stain on this forum and it is an offense to me. Now please, be a good guest go clean up your mess and keep your obsession with satanic imagery to your own domain.

Peace be with you,


Tad you are awesome. I totally agree about the cyber home deal. Let us stop bickering like gradeschool kids and learn to get along. I don't care if certain people are fundies or iconoclastic bible thumpers. We can only understand one another if we keep a cool head and look for the good in others, instead of trying to destroy each others faith with accusations. The devil enjoys our division more than all of the satanic symbols of this universe.

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[quote name='catholimaniac' post='1209046' date='Mar 6 2007, 05:41 PM']After reviewing all 6 pages of this thread it has become readily apparent that the two persons posting the most satanic images on this website are Budge and Truthseeker777. Whazzup with that? Aren't there more enlightening things you could be spending your time on? If satanic images are so dangerous, why are you plastering phatmass with them? Whose side are you on anyway?

In Christ we are won,

Just remind me where ALL the satanic symbols are which i posted ?

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[quote name='Budge' post='1209251' date='Mar 6 2007, 05:43 PM']So when I use satanic imagery to warn someone else...

its wrong?

But when your mod or someone else uses it...over and over--since avatars are repeated on every thread...

its OK?

That doesnt make any sense.[/quote]

The difference here is she isn't intentionaly posting satanic garbage on a Christian website. You are. Make sense?

God's peace,


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[quote name='Truthseeker777' post='1209442' date='Mar 6 2007, 09:54 PM']Just remind me where ALL the satanic symbols are which i posted ?[/quote]

Hey Truthseeker,

I'm sorry, I'm not going to review this thread. If I've inadvertantly confused you with Budge and her poor taste in art, mea culpa.


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[quote name='Truthseeker777' post='1209442' date='Mar 6 2007, 09:54 PM']Just remind me where ALL the satanic symbols are which i posted ?[/quote]

Hey Truthseeker,

I'm sorry, I'm not going to review this thread. If I've inadvertantly confused you with Budge and her poor taste in art, mea culpa.


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You are not being consistent applying the standards across the board.

I used the pics I posted to make a point.

The others because they were an avatar were ALL over the board.

This inconsistency is alarming and shows no degree of fairness.

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[quote name='Budge' post='1209669' date='Mar 7 2007, 08:06 AM']You are not being consistent applying the standards across the board.

I used the pics I posted to make a point.

The others because they were an avatar were ALL over the board.

This inconsistency is alarming and shows no degree of fairness.[/quote]

I am using an irish avatar of eternity, and you point out you think its satanic.
A discussion ensues, and you keep posting more and more satanic stuff.
But again, you are the one who sees the demonic everywhere.

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Good morning Budge! :)

[quote name='Budge' post='1209669' date='Mar 7 2007, 08:06 AM']You are not being consistent applying the standards across the board.

I used the pics I posted to make a point.

The others because they were an avatar were ALL over the board.

This inconsistency is alarming and shows no degree of fairness.[/quote]

One more time. Cmoms avatar was not a satanic symbol. You misinterpretted it as such.

You had a problem with her avatar because you think satanic symbols are dangerous. To prove how dangerous they is you posted a plethora of demonic trash on our forum. If it's so dangerous, why have you plastered our forum with it? Why would you put us at that kind of risk? Is that consistent?

For whatever reason the avatar is gone. I'll take a wild guess and assume that your satanic filth is still out there for the world to see. Again, if it's so dangerous, why have you shared so much of it with us?

And finally Budge, I don't think a fascination with the occult is a healthy thing. I don't like satanic art. I don't think it's healthy to look at. You seem to have an abundance of it at your fingertips and I fear it may be having a negative affect on you. Just be careful and please keep your eyes on the Lord.

Peace be with you,


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[quote name='Apotheoun' post='1209770' date='Mar 7 2007, 12:23 PM']I liked Cmom's other avatar. Anything that upsets Budge has to be good.


I thought it was a fine avatar. Certainly not an offense to the eyes. :D:

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Henry Makow, astute inventor and essayist, says that occultic symbols are key components of the satanic conspiracy that now confronts us with maximum force and evil.
"This satanic conspiracy," Makow warns, "succeeds only because people cannot believe something so colossal and monstrous actually exists." - [i]Lucifer is the Secret God of Secular Society - Occult Agents Control Humanity"[/i]

The world is a contest for our souls. The people who are pushing products, violence, and sex are not operating on a random, 'whatever sells' basis. They have Masonic symbols in their logos. The top players are following an occult script designed to enslave us body and soul. They are building a gigantic prison based on their own mental hell. This is the New World Order; we are the inmates. -- Henry Makow

It is, in fact, "satanic indoctrination," Makow emphasizes, and we are all locked into the prison classroom as this mental poison from hell is piped in to us 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

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[quote name='Urib2007' post='1209775' date='Mar 7 2007, 12:33 PM']It is, in fact, "satanic indoctrination," Makow emphasizes, and we are all locked into the prison classroom as this mental poison from hell is piped in to us 24 hours a day, seven days a week.[/quote]

And now, thanks to Budge it is now being piped into Phatmass. Thanks guys.

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[quote name='catholimaniac' post='1209782' date='Mar 7 2007, 07:44 PM']Hey Truthseeker,

That was Urib I was confusing you with. Mea Culpa, mea culpa. :duh:

its o.k mate.
Only fair,i do agree with Urib and budge though.
As someone that have insight and experiance with deliverance and the supernatural.
I know the dangers of having a wrong picture,statue or artifact can have on a persons

The devil wants a foothold and he will use anything to get to a soul,and he will go through any open door he find.
The bible warns us not to give the devil a foothold,i understand that it is a
hard concept to understand that demons attach themselves to images and music
but it is a harsh fact.
And warning others about this dangers is important,and neccesary because not everyone can
handle the supernatural experiance and need to avoid that by steering away from the 'wrong'

In this case image:)

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