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So you think its wrong to warn people?


Havent you seen this verse in the Bible?

11 Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them.

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[quote name='Budge' post='1208904' date='Mar 5 2007, 11:12 PM']Where did I say they had power to ruin Christians?

They dont, Christians have all power over demons via Jesus Christ.

But why use things that are Satanic? That is what I was talking about....

Anyhow if a person is not born again in Jesus Christ with the Holy Spirit indwelling, a person does NOT have that protection.[/quote]
Again you miss the point. Nothing in itself is satanic.
If a satanist co-opts a cross are ya going to then avoid crosses?

How silly.

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[quote]Nothing in itself is satanic.[/quote]

I dont agree with that.

With that belief you have no distinct line between good and evil.

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[quote name='Budge' post='1209057' date='Mar 6 2007, 10:58 AM']So you think its wrong to warn people?


Havent you seen this verse in the Bible?

11 Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them.[/quote]
You are the one into satanism and the occult and assuming everything is a work of darkness, not us.
You are the one finding demons under rocks, not us.
What does that say about where you are spiritually?

John 8:12. I am the light of the world, no follower of mine shall wander in the dark; he shall have the light of life"

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I am a born again believer in Jesus Christ, I do not appreciate being called a Satanist.

Why do you think it is "bad" for people to warn you about these things?

Would you rather be left in the dark?

[quote]What does that say about where you are spiritually?[/quote]

Awake, until many others.

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[quote name='Budge' post='1209083' date='Mar 6 2007, 12:58 PM']I am a born again believer in Jesus Christ, I do not appreciate being called a Satanist.

Why do you think it is "bad" for people to warn you about these things?

Would you rather be left in the dark?
Awake, until many others.[/quote]
Getting all paranoid over a symbol is warning us?

And we don't appreciate being treated to moronic third-grade level postings,
and being treated like we are satanists and/or deluded
because we laugh at the conspiracy theories and other foolishness being posted,
and that you are here to "rescue" us from the Church founded by Christ.

We don't see a split of faith OR reason, God created both.

Posting the failings of members of the faithful only serves to mildly annoy us, we understand the Church is a hospital of sinners, not a coven of the elect. It can't shake our Faith in Jesus Christ or the Church
HE founded.

Frankly we could be having actual respectful point by point discussion on any number of interesting subjects, but that would involve actual discussion and not doing hit and run cutting/pasting in an effort to score points.

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Getting all paranoid over a symbol is warning us?[/quote]Paranoid?

Telling you what that round snake truly represents is not being paranoid.

Im saved in Jesus Christ, demons and satan have no power over me, but I also have been given discernment
and see nothing wrong with warning others.
And we don't appreciate being treated to moronic third-grade level postings,
and being treated like we are satanists and/or deluded[/quote]

Well you actually called me a Satanist. ;)


because we laugh at the conspiracy theories and other foolishness being posted,
and that you are here to "rescue" us from the Church founded by Christ.[/quote]Conspiracy theory when I have direct links?

I dare say some do not want to look at what is being posted.

I know this is a tough mission field. Most will reject my warnings. I do this for the one or two who will listen.

I am glad there were Christains who warned me of the UU and later of Rome online.

Posting the failings of members of the faithful only serves to mildly annoy us, we understand the Church is a hospital of sinners, not a coven of the elect. It can't shake our Faith in Jesus Christ or the Church
HE founded.[/quote]

Theres a problem when the reaction to evil is so lukewarm.

Youre "mildly annnoyed" at some priest who is going to probably lead at least a dozen people right into the occult?

see thats what IM talking about.

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Hey Budge,

I know satanism when I see it. Now, I don't think it was your intention to do the work of the evil one, but you've done a great job of spreading satanic imagery all over this thread. So what's going on? Are you really warning us or have you inadvertantly done the work of the devil? Satan is a little trickier than some silly little symbols. Seems like you may have fallen into his trap, my friend.

In Christ,


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One point that I just thought of in reading these posts.

Often, Catholics who are converting pagans, used symbols they were used to seeing to illustrate what they were trying to teach them.

Example: St. Patrick and the shamrock=three persons in one God.

Also, some Catholic converts from paganism, for fear from their government, used their pagan symbols to mean something Catholic/Christian so that they were hidden.


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[quote]but you've done a great job of spreading satanic imagery all over this thread.[/quote]

Hmmm let me get this straight, youre against satanic imagery, but youre mad at me for warning your mod about her satanic snake which got put up on dozens of her posts at once?

That doesnt make any sense.

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[quote name='Budge' post='1209214' date='Mar 6 2007, 04:58 PM']Hmmm let me get this straight, youre against satanic imagery, but youre mad at me for warning your mod about her satanic snake which got put up on dozens of her posts at once?

That doesnt make any sense.[/quote]

The irish used it as a symbol of eternity, so I used it.
You are the one into satanic stuff, not us.

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The irish used ot as a symbol of eternity, so I used it.[/quote]And I showed you it wasnt used just by the Irish. paganism has infiltrated into all cultures including the Irish one.


You are the one into satanic stuff, not us.[/quote]

No Im warning about it.

No Yoni, Pentagram, or snake avatars for me!

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Hey Budge,

None of us, much less Cmom need any warnings from you. What is not making sense to me is why you need to warn us by plastering satanic images all over our website. If just viewing satanic imagery is so dangerous, why have you shared a virtual gallery of satanic work with us. You wouldn't come into my livingroom, pin up a bunch of pornography and then tell me about the evils of pornography would you? Phatmass is a Christian forum, it has a distinctly Christian nature. That's why I like it here. This is one of my cyber homes. Your portfolio of the occult is a stain on this forum and it is an offense to me. Now please, be a good guest go clean up your mess and keep your obsession with satanic imagery to your own domain.

Peace be with you,


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So when I use satanic imagery to warn someone else...

its wrong?

But when your mod or someone else uses it...over and over--since avatars are repeated on every thread...

its OK?

That doesnt make any sense.

This board does not have a Christian nature.

In fact this week alone here, Ive seen defense of snakes, defense of the Unitarian Universalist association, defense of pentagrams, defense of a bishop leaving a warlock priest in his position, defense of the URI,


{I sure dont think so}

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[quote name='Budge' post='1209251' date='Mar 6 2007, 05:43 PM']So when I use satanic imagery to warn someone else...
its wrong?
But when your mod or someone else uses it...over and over--since avatars are repeated on every thread...
its OK?
That doesnt make any sense.
This board does not have a Christian nature.
In fact this week alone here, Ive seen defense of snakes, defense of the Unitarian Universalist association, defense of pentagrams, defense of a bishop leaving a warlock priest in his position, defense of the URI,

{I sure dont think so}[/quote]

Oversimplifying again??/

I used an irish avatar that reps eternity, but you see satanism.
You condemn the church for possibly working with organizations that may do good things in the world.
We discuss the long history of pentagrams [ a sign with multiple meanings] and you go off on that. None of us have pentagrams [ you brought them up, not us], now you accuse of defending them as well.

Yes we are christian, and we can discuss things without endorsing them or necessarily advocating them. We also know that errors of particular clergy do not and never have represented the entire Church. We also do not walk around looking for satanism under every rock.
The only thing you post is ridicule of other christians, attacking the beliefs of people other than yourself and satanism.
So what does that say???

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