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To Cmotherofpirl: Your Avatar


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[quote name='Budge' post='1207321' date='Mar 3 2007, 06:45 PM']I was lurking and was shocked to see this avatar being used here.


May you dont know Cmotherofpirl, but I am here to tell you...and dont think its just the anticatholic harrassing you, but you are going to have some wiccans and others here maybe asking some serious questions...but that is an occult symbol.

Do you realize you are using a avatar that is a Satanic symbol?
[url="http://altreligion.about.com/library/glossary/symbols/bldefsouroboros.htm"]LINK READ ABOUT IT[/url][/quote]
Are you daft? That's a claddagh symbol. It's not a snake, it's two arms. The arms symbolize friendship, the crown loyalty and the heart love. What in the blazes made you think it was a snake swallowing its tail?

Is this the original problem avatar? Or did it change?

Edited by toledo_jesus
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that is what I am trying to tell you.

The picture is not the avatar I was remarking on.

She changed it so my picture changed.

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' post='1207366' date='Mar 3 2007, 05:03 PM'][color="#2E8B57"]Isn't everyone Irish???[/color][/quote]

Hey, my family comes from Kounty Krakow....

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[quote name='Apotheoun' post='1207638' date='Mar 4 2007, 10:45 AM']I'm not going to freak out over any avatar. I mean come on, we are just talking about an avatar at an internet forum. So, if someone wants to use a five pointed star as their avatar it's fine with me.

Most symbols have multiple meanings anyway, so there is no sense in overreacting to an avatar.

Get a grip and take a chill pill.[/quote]

You obviously have no clue how the devil and his demons work.
You think the devil sit in hell 'gripping' a cocktail and indulging in'chill pills'. :lol_roll:
[b]Demons[/b] attach themselves to music,images, symbols and artifcts.
Go and research occultic symbols before making such a comment.
When you hang a pentagram on your wall,or use it you are not a very clued up Christian. Sorry to say :idontknow:

What do you think this verse mean:
[b]Ephesians 5:11
And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.[/b]

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budge went all fundi on my trinity symbol before. fact is it was used as a trinity symbol by people who have never had contacts with celtic practices. I found it when studying Augustine. (same symbol with a circle of fire around it)

personally I would worry more about rejecting Christ in His gift of Himself to us to consume and His church than whatever multiple symbol meanings you can think of.

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[quote name='Truthseeker777' post='1207744' date='Mar 4 2007, 12:27 PM']You obviously have no clue how the devil and his demons work.
You think the devil sit in hell 'gripping' a cocktail and indulging in'chill pills'. :lol_roll:
[b]Demons[/b] attach themselves to music,images, symbols and artifcts.
Go and research occultic symbols before making such a comment.
When you hang a pentagram on your wall,or use it you are not a very clued up Christian. Sorry to say :idontknow:

What do you think this verse mean:
[b]Ephesians 5:11
And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.[/b][/quote]
So anytime a witch co-ops a symbols no christian may use it??
I think I WILL go back to the irish snake which is a symbol of eternity.
God is eternal, so to me my snake will represent eternity.

After all a reese peanut butter cup represents consumerism, greed, and the sin of gluttony but I didn't for that one to be changed....

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[quote name='Truthseeker777' post='1207744' date='Mar 4 2007, 09:27 AM']You obviously have no clue how the devil and his demons work.
You think the devil sit in hell 'gripping' a cocktail and indulging in'chill pills'. :lol_roll:
[b]Demons[/b] attach themselves to music,images, symbols and artifcts.
Go and research occultic symbols before making such a comment.
When you hang a pentagram on your wall,or use it you are not a very clued up Christian. Sorry to say :idontknow:

What do you think this verse mean:
[b]Ephesians 5:11
And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.[/b][/quote]
Ephesians 5 does not mention anything about "avatars" or "symbols" of any kind, but it does condemn "useless" or "silly" talk, and your post certain qualifies as that.

Moreover, ripping verses of scripture from their context is not an argument or a proof.

God bless,

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' post='1207749' date='Mar 4 2007, 09:37 AM']So anytime a witch co-ops a symbols no christian may use it??
I think I WILL go back to the irish snake which is a symbol of eternity.
God is eternal, so to me my snake will represent eternity.

After all a reese peanut butter cup represents consumerism, greed, and the sin of gluttony but I didn't for that one to be changed....[/quote]
The circle as a symbol of eternity is a common Christian symbol for God and for Christ's paschal mystery. Moreover, the brazen serpent is a biblical symbol of healing, and a [i]type[/i] of Christ crucified.

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Archaeology cat

[quote name='Apotheoun' post='1207756' date='Mar 4 2007, 05:45 PM']The circle as a symbol of eternity is a common Christian symbol for God and for Christ's paschal mystery. Moreover, the brazen serpent is a biblical symbol of healing, and a [i]type[/i] of Christ crucified.[/quote]

Yep, Jesus Himself identifies the connection between the brazen serpent and Himself in John 3 (specifically verse 14, but you need the whole context).

Edited by Archaeology cat
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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='cmotherofpirl' post='1207347' date='Mar 3 2007, 05:35 PM']I got it from an irish site that says it means eternity.
I am using it until I can get my St Patrick one to load.[/quote]
Yeah, the snake eating its tail has been a Catholic symbol for hundreds of years, representing how Satan always ends up self-defeating.

Budge, don't forget that we "baptize" symbols from other cultures sometimes. There's nothing intrinsically evil about the image of a snake biting his own tail. The evil is in what is attributed to it. Therefore, if we change what it means, it is no longer evil.

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' post='1207499' date='Mar 3 2007, 10:20 PM']rotfl which one was the second one?[/quote]
Um... the green circle with the gold patterns and such... not the arms and the crown and heart one...

[quote name='cmotherofpirl' post='1207503' date='Mar 3 2007, 10:22 PM']Sigh, I guess only the lucky ones are irish
But considering your "coolness" there must be irish in ya somewhere.... :bigthink: :biglol:[/quote]
Cmom thinks I'm cool :)! But, no, no Irish. I do enjoy playing Irish Celtic tunes on my flute (and I'm working on a couple for fiddle). Does that count?

[quote name='Farsight one' post='1207603' date='Mar 4 2007, 01:40 AM']Well if this isn't "guilty by association", I don't know what it is. Because satan appeared once in the form of a serpent, we should avoid all serpents? Satan is also the most beautiful of God's angels. Should we avoid those as well? And, since the serpent was most likely green, we should avoid the color green. You're being ridiculous. Or do you actually believe that a symbol can be intrensically evil?
Once again, no symbol is intrensically evil - only what it CAN stand for.

As for the mobius - it was a symbol for the trinity first, before witches. Witches use crosses too. Are you going to call a cross occultic?[/quote]

That is a good point.... especially the last part about the cross. I know JWs don't take kindly the cross because they think we've miss-translated from the Greek and are thus wearing pagan symbols... anywho taking the context of our proddy friends who are making a big deal here, I think they are the ones who go to a church that have plain white walls and avoid any symbolism whatsoever. I do believe the symbols can be used for evil, but only in the context of evil. The symbols are inanimate and have no power standing alone. Only when joined with the action of the occult will they be effective. Catch my drift?

Edited by Sacred Music Man
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I agree with you there Truthseeker.

To be honest with you folks, I am creeped out by the Catholic acceptance and adoption of anything pagan. In fact this was one notion that led me right into the Unitarian Universalist church, I was prepped and primed by my Catholic school universalist education to be accept all religions as leading towards God.

Is EVERYTHING pagan good to you guys?

If snakes are too, that is really WORRISOME!
And Rev, OF COURSE IM going to go FUNDIE on you, I am a fundamentalist Christian after all. That is not a bad word to me like it is to most of the world.

Anyone remember what happened to the brazen serpent, it was SMASHED up into bits and pieces.

[quote]Budge, don't forget that we "baptize" symbols from other cultures sometimes. There's nothing intrinsically evil about the image of a snake biting his own tail. The evil is in what is attributed to it. Therefore, if we change what it means, it is no longer evil.[/quote]

I dont agree, that is moral relativism in a nutshell, if something is evil, we can make it good just by saying so.

I think it is disturbing that Rome baptizes all sorts of pagan, occult, and Satanic and nephilim symbols.

Do you folks realize you are adopting the same outlooks as Starhawk and pals? [a notorious witch]

Ive seen a change in Catholic circles even in the few years Ive been doing this, I fully expect the Pentagram to be embraced within 5 years by Catholics if the Lord has tarried. Like witches who call themselves "white" even though their power comes from Satan and his demons, you will tell yourself the upright pentagram is a symbol for good, just as people here have insisted that the occult symbol of a snake eating its tail is "good".


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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' post='1207749' date='Mar 4 2007, 09:37 AM']After all a reese peanut butter cup represents consumerism, greed, and the sin of gluttony but I didn't for that one to be changed....[/quote]

So, I take it you don't buy any brand names? Do you shop at Wal-Mart or any other major retailer?
or do you stick to generic brands? Do you grow your fruit and vegetables?

Your comment on gluttony makes me laugh. Gluttony is the excessive indulgence in food and drink. I don't think it's wrong to eat a small piece of chocolate. In my opinion, if someone is overweight they're guilty of gluttony. Unless of course they are suffering from an illness or disease where they are not able to lose weight.

This is even silly to mention, but I rather have an avatar of a chocolate brand than an avatar that occultists use. If for some odd reason the occultists choose to use the Reese Peanut Butter cup symbol to represent themselves then for goodness sake, I'm going to change it quickly. So, until then I'm happy with my picture. Go ahead and put your snake picture back. If that is what makes you happy then so be it. By the way you sometimes treat others on here, the snake image suits you well. :-)

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Wait! Did you guys know that my screenname may, or may not, or could have possibly been a Demon - or rather it sounds a lot like Azrael - which could have been a demon - nevermind that Azriel means "God is my Help" in Hebrew.

I should immediately change my Screenname!

I think my Av is of a Botecelli Angel - is there something I should know about that???

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Farsight one

[quote name='Urib2007' post='1207890' date='Mar 4 2007, 04:17 PM']Your comment on gluttony makes me laugh. Gluttony is the excessive indulgence in food and drink. I don't think it's wrong to eat a small piece of chocolate. In my opinion, if someone is overweight they're guilty of gluttony. Unless of course they are suffering from an illness or disease where they are not able to lose weight.[/quote]That was exactly what she was trying to do. She made an obviously ridiculous statement that could be paralleled to yours to show how ridiculuos yours was. Apparently this correlation was beyond you.

Also - respond to my point please. The occult use crosses as symbols in their workings. Are you going to avoid the use of crosses too because of that?

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