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Mateo el Feo

[quote name='catholimaniac' post='1209997' date='Mar 7 2007, 07:09 PM']Here's the problem. Insteading of exposing the works of darkness, you are spreading the works of darkness. If someone perusing this thread couln't read English, they could easily mistake you and Budge for satanists, given the large volume of satanic imagery you and only you have been posting.

Seriously guys, all this satanism is rotting your minds. Give it a break and keep your eyes on Christ.

God bless,

Tad[/quote]It is interesting that Budge (and many fundies) seem to be obsessed with finding satan everywhere, while we Catholics are focused on finding Christ.

Edited by Mateo el Feo
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Mateo el Feo

[quote name='Azriel' post='1209952' date='Mar 7 2007, 05:44 PM']Funny you should say that, I tried that on another thread. No one seemed terribly amused. 'cept me. :lol_roll:

[url="http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/index.php?s=&showtopic=65286&view=findpost&p=1209387"]Clicky[/url][/quote]I didn't even see that!

If only Phatmass had a Church Lady emoticon. That would come in handy.

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Mateo el Feo

[quote name='Urib2007' post='1209959' date='Mar 7 2007, 05:59 PM'][img]http://www.mostholyfamilymonastery.com/Benedict_XVI_Pictures_Miscellany/benedictsalute.jpg[/img][/quote]Using materials from a traditionalist website? Interesting.

Anyway, this picture screams "Photoshopped." Wouldn't you agree?

Edited by Mateo el Feo
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Sorta looks like sign language for "love" to me ....


And Anton LeVey was a complete idiot. More interested in his image than in Satan. Not that he didn't do great harm. He was just a joke.

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Farsight one

[quote name='Urib2007' post='1209959' date='Mar 7 2007, 04:59 PM'][img]http://www.mostholyfamilymonastery.com/Benedict_XVI_Pictures_Miscellany/benedictsalute.jpg[/img][/quote]Rather than actually debate the topic at hand, you show more pictures with some semblance of similarity. How's about you actually debate?

1. That hand sign is used in some styles of sign language to say "love". It can actually mean one of many things and is not made evil simply because some satanists use it.

2. Simply because there's a resemblance visually, does not mean that there is anything else that's the same about it. Remember, God judged us by our hearts. Or should I show you the chart I have on my computer that compares the average global temperature to the number of pirates left on earth. It clearly shows that as the number of pirates goes down, the average global temperature rises. Clearly more pirates are needed to combat global warming! :lol_roll:

3. Why is that entire newspaper clipping in German(?) except for the caption and headline about the satanist?

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Look here they are defending the pentagram and eternity snakes....

Sadly we can warn them, but very few will listen, it is the way of the world.

As for those upset that I focus on warning of the occult, I do serve in a watchperson capacity at times. Not all Christians are called to that work. It is not easy, and one has to be in constant prayer even for discernment. Most dont listen. But I have to warn irregardless. In fact I am used to people getting upset or calling me Satanic. However the other option of coming on this board, seeing a satanic snake plastered everywhere without saying a word isnt a viable option either.

Spiritual warfare is real, and too many here diminish it and say it does not matter. I guess I am kind of old becaue I remember the days even in Catholicism, that the circle snake would be seen for what it really was.

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[quote name='Revprodeji' post='1207748' date='Mar 4 2007, 11:36 AM']personally I would worry more about rejecting Christ in His gift of Himself to us to consume and His church than whatever multiple symbol meanings you can think of.[/quote]

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[quote]ersonally I would worry more about rejecting Christ in His gift of Himself to us to consume and His church than whatever multiple symbol meanings you can think of.[/quote]Actually Heres a book you should read that will tell you what I think exactly of the Eucharist.

{to consume? that line made me shudder, dont you see the dishonor in literally chowing down on God?}

Deu 4:16 Lest ye corrupt [yourselves], and make you a graven image, the similitude of any figure, the likeness of male or female,

Deu 4:17 The likeness of any beast that [is] on the earth, the likeness of any winged fowl that flieth in the air,

Deu 4:18 The likeness of any thing that creepeth on the ground, the likeness of any fish that and the moon, and the stars, [even] all the host of heaven, shouldest be driven to worship them, and serve them, which the LORD thy God hath divided unto all nations under the whole heaven.

Notice the literal SUN WORSHIP shown there.

Worshipping the CREATION [pieces of bread and sun] rather then the CREATOR.


[quote][1] Look at the picture above one more time. Would you call that Eucharist cracker an image? Let me help you. An image is, according to Webster's,

im-age (im'ij) n. an imitation or representation of a person or thing, drawn, painted, photographed, etc.; esp., a statue; a sculpted figure used as an idol.

The person is Jesus, the idol is the Eucharist cracker and surrounding monstrance. "But," a Catholic would say to me, "we don't worship idols, we worship Jesus." Well, let's look at Webster's again for the definition of an idol:

i-dol (i'dl) n. an image of a god, used as an object or instrument of worship. [Didn't Pope JPII say to worship the Eucharist?]; any object of ardent or excessive devotion or admiration [Didn't PopeJPII say, "Eucharistic DEVOTION"?][/quote]



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That's a nice picture of John Paul II, Budge. At least your taste in art is becoming more appropriate for a Christian forum. :)

God bless you,


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Budge - Henceforth, whether quoting someone else or not, you will not refer to the Holy Eucharist as a "cracker".

You do not come in someone's home and carp on the rug. While you are most certainly welcome here as a member of the phorum, and are open to discuss your views, disrespect of this phorum, its members, and our faith will not be tolerated.

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Mateo el Feo

[quote name='Budge' post='1210292' date='Mar 8 2007, 07:13 AM']{to consume? that line made me shudder, dont you see the dishonor in literally chowing down on God?}[/quote]I think that the term used in the Gospel of St. John is translated as "gnawing." If you're offended, don't feel alone. Many of the Jews that heard Our Lord were equally offended, and walked away from Him, never to return.

[quote name='Budge' post='1210292' date='Mar 8 2007, 07:13 AM'][1] Look at the picture above one more time. Would you call that Eucharist cracker an image? Let me help you. An image is, according to Webster's,

im-age (im'ij) n. an imitation or representation of a person or thing, drawn, painted, photographed, etc.; esp., a statue; a sculpted figure used as an idol.[/quote]In contrast to Protestants, we Catholics do not believe that the Eucharist is an "imitation" or "representation" of Our Lord. The Eucharist [b]is[/b] Our Lord, substantially present.

[quote name='Budge' post='1210292' date='Mar 8 2007, 07:13 AM']The person is Jesus, the idol is the Eucharist cracker and surrounding monstrance. "But," a Catholic would say to me, "we don't worship idols, we worship Jesus." Well, let's look at Webster's again for the definition of an idol:

i-dol (i'dl) n. an image of a god, used as an object or instrument of worship. [Didn't Pope JPII say to worship the Eucharist?]; any object of ardent or excessive devotion or admiration [Didn't PopeJPII say, "Eucharistic DEVOTION"?][/quote]In that case, you should stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the Jews and Muslims who use the same logic to attack the dogma of the Incarnation, claiming that we are worshipping a created man (i.e. their view of Jesus) instead of God. I seriously doubt you could make an argument to counter such an attack that couldn't be immediately used by those of us who believe in the words of chapter 6 of the Gospel of St. John (among other passages that support the Christian belief of the Real Presence).

[quote name='Budge' post='1210292' date='Mar 8 2007, 07:13 AM']Notice the literal SUN WORSHIP shown there.[/quote]Actually, the sun is figurative imagery, because the Our Lord is "the Light of the World." (That's a quote from Our Lord Himself, John 8:12). There are quite a few references to Our Lord's face "shining like the sun" in Revelation and elsewhere (see [url="http://www.usccb.org/nab/bible/revelation/revelation1.htm#foot15"]this link [/url]for a bunch of verses which use imagery of the sun).

[quote name='Budge' post='1210292' date='Mar 8 2007, 07:13 AM']Worshipping the CREATION [pieces of bread and sun] rather then the CREATOR.[/quote]You're actually quoting an Islamic bumper sticker. You sure you don't follow Muhammed?

I do pray for the day when you convert back to Christ and the Catholic Faith, so you could begin to focus more on Our Lord, and less on chasing every new conspiracy theory that blows your way.

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