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I consider myself warned with words. Not with image posting. Besides that, I knew the occult is something to be avoided at all costs BEFORE this thread. I think others did too. I think after 8 pages this whole thing is taken too far.

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I hate to sound sarcastic, but what if satanists co-opted the image of a spoon? Would we all quit using spoons? I, mean, seriously. What would the cereal industry do?

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Mateo el Feo

[quote name='Azriel' post='1209921' date='Mar 7 2007, 04:51 PM']I hate to sound sarcastic, but what if satanists co-opted the image of a spoon? Would we all quit using spoons? I, mean, seriously. What would the cereal industry do?[/quote]We could probably turn this whole thread into a "Church Lady" skit on SNL. At least some of us are entertained...

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[quote name='Budge' post='1209897' date='Mar 7 2007, 03:07 PM']??

Why are you trying to astral travel via the computer lines?

{Just joking}


I dont get it..

but why are you ignoring me..I was checking if you blocked me

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[quote name='Mateo el Feo' post='1209938' date='Mar 7 2007, 05:08 PM']We could probably turn this whole thread into a "Church Lady" skit on SNL. At least some of us are entertained...[/quote]

Funny you should say that, I tried that on another thread. No one seemed terribly amused. 'cept me. :lol_roll:


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Why is there an upside down cross by the Pope?


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[quote name='Budge' post='1209911' date='Mar 7 2007, 04:42 PM']Does everyone who warns you about this things obessed with the occult, or would you rather just be left in the dark?[/quote]


We are the light of the world. You have an unnatural fascination with the occult. The images you posted on this thread are repugnant, offensive and I resent their presence on this forum. I know satanism when I see it. I don't need you throwing it in my face.

Do you really think you're serving the Kingdom of God by posting satanic images on the internet? You are the one who claims they have magical powers. Why are you propogating them? By your own standards, it's clear to me you are doing the devils handiwork, yet you remain blinded to that reality. I think your fascination with the occult is starting to blur your thinking. I'm worried about you Budge; I'll keep you in my prayers.

In Christ we are won,


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[quote name='Urib2007' post='1209966' date='Mar 7 2007, 06:10 PM']Why is there an upside down cross by the Pope?


Because he is a descendent of St. Peter and St. Peter, by his own request, was crucified upside down.

Satanists have co-opted the upside-down crucifix in much the same way that homosexuals have co-opted the Lord's rainbow.

Why are you chasing ghosts? Is your fascination with the occult blurring your thinking as well?

In my prayers,


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Guys,a very important thing to remember is
if you know these occult symbols being used in the media,music,clothes
and jewelry.
Once you know how to spot them you will be more aware of the works of the NEW WORLD ORDER
and their quest to bring forth the anti-christ and their one-world religion and government.
It is happening right before your eyes and you laugh it off.
If you don't like to learn,then let it be,but their is many others taking in this
priceless information and any aware Christian won't get caught out by the wolf
in sheeps clothing.

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[quote name='Truthseeker777' post='1209978' date='Mar 7 2007, 06:29 PM']It is happening right before your eyes and you laugh it off.[/quote]

Your friends are polluting my home with satanic imagery and I'm not laughing.

Satanism isn't funny.

In Christ we are won,


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Christopher Mark observed recently in an insight filled article entitled [i]Grand Deception: The Theft of America and the World,[/i] "The world is completely corrupt beyond your wildest dreams, and the United States is, perhaps, the most gullible of all nations."

Mark goes on to explain:

[font="Century Gothic"]For now, grasp: The world you believe exists does not exist. We live in a dorm of the Matrix, not unlike the world portrayed in John Carpenter's movie, "They Live," except that high government officials and international bankers are the elite who control all you see and hear as did the aliens portrayed in the movie.[/font]

But, the foolish may object, we have the media to protect us from the corrupt. We cannot be deceived as long as there is a free press to act as our watchdog. Ah, but there's no free press.

Christopher Mark adds:

[b][font="Century Gothic"]The news is a farce. As is the case with the financial institution, which are concentrated in the hands of the few, long ago the media was bought and paid for...What you read and what you see on a daily basis is largely manufactured. You are being lied to each and everyday. [/font][/b]

Thomas Mann, the keen social observer and philosopher, [b][u]once suggested that men are erroneously taught to believe that it is forbidden and wrong to expose the works of darkness,[/u][/b] or to reveal the machinations of evildoers, especially evildoers who, though they act in hellish ways, the deceived world at large so obviously holds in the highest regard:

[font="Century Gothic"]That is the secret delight and security of hell, that it is not to be informed on, that it is protected from speech, that it just is, but cannot be made public in the newspaper, or be brought by any word to critical knowledge. -- Thomas Mann, Famous Quotes[/font]

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[quote name='Azriel' post='1209952' date='Mar 7 2007, 05:44 PM']Funny you should say that, I tried that on another thread. No one seemed terribly amused. 'cept me. :lol_roll:


"I still dont get it :lol_roll: (I don't watch tv 99% of the time anymore, let alone SNL).

[quote name='Truthseeker777' post='1209978' date='Mar 7 2007, 06:29 PM']Guys,a very important thing to remember is
if you know these occult symbols being used in the media,music,clothes
and jewelry.
Once you know how to spot them you will be more aware of the works of the NEW WORLD ORDER
and their quest to bring forth the anti-christ and their one-world religion and government.
It is happening right before your eyes and you laugh it off.
If you don't like to learn,then let it be,but their is many others taking in this
priceless information and any aware Christian won't get caught out by the wolf
in sheeps clothing.[/quote]

*sigh* This is why I withdraw from the popular media. Because they distort all that is good. I recommend you do the same, but do not compromise your knowledge of todays issues such as abortion, euthanasia, etc.

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[quote name='Urib2007' post='1209987' date='Mar 7 2007, 06:46 PM']Christopher Mark observed recently in an insight filled article entitled [i]Grand Deception: The Theft of America and the World,[/i] "The world is completely corrupt beyond your wildest dreams, and the United States is, perhaps, the most gullible of all nations."

Mark goes on to explain:

[font="Century Gothic"]For now, grasp: The world you believe exists does not exist. We live in a dorm of the Matrix, not unlike the world portrayed in John Carpenter's movie, "They Live," except that high government officials and international bankers are the elite who control all you see and hear as did the aliens portrayed in the movie.[/font]

But, the foolish may object, we have the media to protect us from the corrupt. We cannot be deceived as long as there is a free press to act as our watchdog. Ah, but there's no free press.

Christopher Mark adds:

[b][font="Century Gothic"]The news is a farce. As is the case with the financial institution, which are concentrated in the hands of the few, long ago the media was bought and paid for...What you read and what you see on a daily basis is largely manufactured. You are being lied to each and everyday. [/font][/b]

Thomas Mann, the keen social observer and philosopher, [b][u]once suggested that men are erroneously taught to believe that it is forbidden and wrong to expose the works of darkness,[/u][/b] or to reveal the machinations of evildoers, especially evildoers who, though they act in hellish ways, the deceived world at large so obviously holds in the highest regard:

[font="Century Gothic"]That is the secret delight and security of hell, that it is not to be informed on, that it is protected from speech, that it just is, but cannot be made public in the newspaper, or be brought by any word to critical knowledge. -- Thomas Mann, Famous Quotes[/font][/quote]

Have you read the book [i]Culture Jam[/i] by Kale Lasn {sp?}? It's pretty good. Pretty much explains that our culture is under the slave of consumerism. I know a good Catholic/Christian can read into what he says further but it is a good eyeopener, or at least clarifies certain aspects that one may already know. I didn't agree with everything he said, but its for you to decide.

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[quote name='Urib2007' post='1209987' date='Mar 7 2007, 06:46 PM']Christopher Mark observed recently in an insight filled article entitled [i]Grand Deception: The Theft of America and the World,[/i] "Thomas Mann, the keen social observer and philosopher, [b][u]once suggested that men are erroneously taught to believe that it is forbidden and wrong to expose the works of darkness[/quote]

Here's the problem. Insteading of exposing the works of darkness, you are spreading the works of darkness. If someone perusing this thread couln't read English, they could easily mistake you and Budge for satanists, given the large volume of satanic imagery you and only you have been posting.

Seriously guys, all this satanism is rotting your minds. Give it a break and keep your eyes on Christ.

God bless,


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