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To Cmotherofpirl: Your Avatar


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I was lurking and was shocked to see this avatar being used here.


May you dont know Cmotherofpirl, but I am here to tell you...and dont think its just the anticatholic harrassing you, but you are going to have some wiccans and others here maybe asking some serious questions...but that is an occult symbol.

Do you realize you are using a avatar that is a Satanic symbol?

[quote]The Ouroboros is a greek word, and means "tail swallower." The ouroboros is usually depicted in the form of a snake swallowing its tail, and is usually circular, although it is sometimes depicted in a lemniscate shape. It originated in Egypt as a symbol of the sun, and represented the travels of the sun disk. In Gnosticism, it was related to the solar God Abraxas, and signified eternity and the soul of the world.[/quote]

[url="http://altreligion.about.com/library/glossary/symbols/bldefsouroboros.htm"]LINK READ ABOUT IT[/url]

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You going to consider a new avatar Cmother?

Hey you probably just didnt know...

Edited by Budge
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I got it from an irish site that says it means eternity.
I am using it until I can get my St Patrick one to load.

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I was a little shocked seeing the new Avatar at first, Cmom (maybe I subconsciously remembered hearing/reading about what Budge had to say)... but... I looked at the pattern of the snake and concluded it had an Irish feel to it. Meh. Hope you get the St Patrick one back.

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[quote]I got it from an irish site that says it means eternity.[/quote]

sure it does, that is what the occult meaning is, but think about it, its a SNAKE.

Watch those Irish Celtic sites, some of those places are Pagan, earth magick, Wicca-central...{remember I used to be a unitarian Universalist who dabbled in Wicca years ago}
its not a Christian symbol.

I guess going with St. Patrick is better...

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Hey, Budge. Yeah I also pointed that one out to Mother of Pirl. Everyone's entitled to their own avatar, but I wouldn't use one that is occultic.

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well hope your upload works.

Are you Irish? Cmother...
[quote]Hey, Budge. Yeah I also pointed that one out to Mother of Pirl. Everyone's entitled to their own avatar, but I wouldn't use one that is occultic.[/quote]

Yeah glad someone else has.

Hey what religion are you Urib, just want to see where you are coming from.

You werent around earlier, Im a fundie Christian, born again..ex Catholic.

Your avatar is a good one, I noticed it right off.

Edited by Budge
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[quote name='Budge' post='1207362' date='Mar 3 2007, 05:47 PM']well hope your upload works.
Are you Irish? Cmother...[/quote]
[color="#2E8B57"]Isn't everyone Irish???[/color]

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In [i]Occult Geometry[/i], A.S. Raleigh examines the symbol of the circle. He writes:

"One form of the circle is a serpent with a tail in its mouth...It is the return to Unity...The true circle symbolizes evolution, the Serpent Circle involution...the power brings Unity out of diversity...[i]The Serpent Circle is, therefore, ever the symbol of the destructive.[/i]"


Annie Besant, a Co-Mason (women's branch) took over the Theosophy cult at the passing of Colonel Olcott, the logo of Theosophy is blatantly occultic, combining the crowned OROBOROS SERPENT with both the Jewish Star of David, or six-pointed star, and the encircled swastika.

Now, the Bible, in Isaiah 14 and Revelation 12:9, identifies Lucifer as "the great dragon...that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world." In fact, [i]A Bridge to Light[/i], an official textbook of the Supreme Mother Council, 33 degree, the highest council of the Scottish Rite, Rex Hutchens, 33 degree, reveals that "the body of the Holy Spirit, the universal agent," is none other than [b]"the serpent devouring his own tail."[/b] That is, the OROBOROS serpent.


Frenchman Eliphas Levi, satanist whose classic work, [i]Transcendental Magic[/i] (1896) inspired Masonic Lodges and occult societies alike. In his book, Levi posted an illustration of an egg shaped OROBOROS serpent, the six-pointed star and other occult symbols combining to emphasize the ancient Luciferian principle, "As Above, So Below."

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[quote name='Budge' post='1207362' date='Mar 3 2007, 02:47 PM']Hey what religion are you Urib, just want to see where you are coming from.

You werent around earlier, Im a fundie Christian, born again..ex Catholic.

Your avatar is a good one, I noticed it right off.[/quote]

I'm a born again Christian (non denominational). I just follow Yeshua and
the Bible. I also used to be a Catholic (18 years).
Someone actually thought I was you in the past because of some of my

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