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Evolution Is A Hoax!


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And I think the distinction between macro & micro evolution is fairly important, as well.

All creation scientists is ALL for macro & micro evolution, so am i .

When God told Noah to take one of a kind.That meant a doglike creature and we all understand that from there evolved wolfs ,wild dogs,foxes etc.
same with Horses,zebra's etc.

But they are the same 'Kind' and not a new specie.

Evolutionists take this obvious proof and twist there theory to include this scientificly proven evolution into there unproven theory's

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[quote name='Urib2007' post='1207106' date='Mar 2 2007, 11:12 PM'][color="#000080"]Today teachers are teaching children and young students that dinosaurs went extinct 65 million years ago. Did you know in 1770 textbooks taught that the earth was 70,000 years old? If you grab a 1905 textbook, you'll read in there that the earth is 2 billion years old.
64 years later in 1969, a textbook says that the earth is 3.5 billion years old. [i]The Minneapolis Tribune[/i] stated on August 25, 1969 that the official age of the earth and moon was 3.5 billion years old.
Today it says 4.6 billion years old.
Did you know the earth is getting older by the rate of 21 million years per year for the last 220 years?
That's 40 years per minute! [/color][/quote]
Wow, that's science fiction for sure. Sounds like Warp drive to me.

God must have said, "Engage the Warp Drive Mr. Scott!" :lol_roll:

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[quote name='Truthseeker777' post='1207108' date='Mar 2 2007, 11:16 PM'][quote name='cmotherofpirl' post='1207040' date='Mar 3 2007, 03:38 AM']
You have absolutely no proof that dinosaurs and dragons are the same thing.

The fact that the Bible mention dragons (and lets face it,anyone thinking of a 'dragon' thinks
of a BIG animal) is 100% more prove that there were dinosaurs then
the absence of the slightest mention of evolution or a big bang in the bible :lol_roll:

There is nothing of that sorts.

You can believe in evolution,but it is not science,it is a religion, a theory invented by men.

Why is there so many lies when it come's to evolution?

The peking man = hoax
the pilkdown man=hoax

These evolutionists were desperate.

I tend to steer away from men and there theories when it comes to chosing
between Gods word and men.

Don't you think it is a better idea to trust in God than in men?

I don't think God's word is for private interpretation.

He is just and fair,if we evolved he would have said that.

But He said very clearly,he created heaven and earth and all thats in it in 6 days.

When anyone take the liberty to say his days was thousands of years,they are in dangerous teritory.

You can sit all day and come up with all kinds of questions.

In the end of the day you still have to choose :unsure:

Do i believe what the bible say or a theory that can't be proven and were cooked up by men? :idontknow:[/quote]

Evolution is not a religion, its science.

To say that a word that means serpent is a dinosaur to justify some preachers timeline of 6000 years is exactly what you accuse me of - a theory that can't be proven and was cooked up by a man.

The first chapters of Genesis are teaching stories of the origins of mankind. Evolution is not a religion, and in its popular form is certainly not a complete answer, but neither is sticking to a literal 6 day creation and demanding it to be a science book.
Tell me how God invented the world in 6 days, when there were not any days until #3?Remember the first actual "day" didn't occur to day three.

The problem with you is that you think science and religion are diametrically opposed, but that is not a christian idea at all. The God that gave us His inspired Word also gave us a brain, but you check yours at the door. To try to make the Scriptures a science textbook, is to try to turn a cat into a dog, but you demand it anyway. Science tells us how, Scriptures tell us why.
Micro-evolution is a given, macro-evolution is not.
And any theory that the God who gave us a brain and a desire for truth faked science to mislead us is simply not tenable.

To throw all scientific inquiry into archeology and geology away because the bible says 6 days creation is to be as blind as a scientist who looks at all the wonders of nature but doesn't believe in God.

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Farsight one

[quote name='Urib2007' post='1207106' date='Mar 2 2007, 10:12 PM']If people believe that dinosaurs lived billions of years ago, it will make people question the Bible.[/quote]
I think that dinosaurs lived billions of years ago, and I don't question the bible. The truth of the bible and the earth being billions of years old are not mutually exclusive.

Did you know in 1770 textbooks taught that the earth was 70,000 years old?
[/quote]I find that hard to believe. Textbooks weren't all that common then, to begin with. And even so, at that point of time, pretty much everyone believed as you do - that the earth was only about 6,000 years old. Putting 70,000 years old in a book would likely get you thrown in jail. Even in the early 1900's, people got in an uproar over the claim that the earth was older. And, on a side note, the 6,000 years old number also fluctuates heavily.

If you grab a 1905 textbook, you'll read in there that the earth is 2 billion years old.
64 years later in 1969, a textbook says that the earth is 3.5 billion years old. [i]The Minneapolis Tribune[/i] stated on August 25, 1969 that the official age of the earth and moon was 3.5 billion years old.
Today it says 4.6 billion years old.
Did you know the earth is getting older by the rate of 21 million years per year for the last 220 years?
That's 40 years per minute![/quote]So? As technology improves, our ability to measure things increases in accuracy. It only makes sense that the number would change some. It's just coincidence that the number got bigger instead of smaller.

[quote name='FullTruth' post='1207107' date='Mar 2 2007, 10:15 PM']If the world really was 4 billion years old, the present amount of slowdown the moon provides means the planet would have been going so fast life couldn't exist on it during the so-called times of the dinosaurs.[/quote]No offense, but your knowledge of astronomy is so blatantly lacking, that I probably wouldn't be able to manage to explain how inaccurate that statement is if I tried.

[quote name='Truthseeker777' post='1207108' date='Mar 2 2007, 10:16 PM']You can believe in evolution,but it is not science,it is a religion, a theory invented by men.[/quote]
A religion, by definition, has one or more deities at the top. Evolution does not involve a deity, therefore, not a religion. Also, it IS science - a scientific theory. i.e. science that is not yet absolutely proven true.

I don't think God's word is for private interpretation.
[/quote]Then stop doing so. By looking only to yourself for your understanding of the bible, you're privately interpreting it.

He is just and fair,if we evolved he would have said that.[/quote]
And if he was a trinity, he would have said that too, right? Not everything God has done/said is in the bible.

Do i believe what the bible say or a theory that can't be proven and were cooked up by men? :idontknow:
[/quote]You can't prove the bible either. And, since it was written by men, one could say it was "cooked up by men"

[quote name='Urib2007' post='1207112' date='Mar 2 2007, 10:19 PM']
"The biggest pterosaur flying over the inland sea is Pteranodon. Like all reptiles, it grows throughout its life..." -- Holt Earth Science, 1991 p. 293[/quote]
1. The Pteranodon was NOT the biggest pterosaur out there. Quetzalcoatlus hit 12m on average (with an estimated record size of about 17m), while Pteranodon only hit 9m. Thus, I bring into question the general accuracy of that book you're quoting.

2. Seeing as how the reptiles "grow throughout their lives" according to you, why would any one specific species be the biggest? Wouldn't it be the reptile that lived the longest is the biggest?

3. Along the same lines, why do males of a species tend to be larger than the females, when females of a species tend to live longer? If the females lived longer, wouldn't they be bigger?

4. Also, Pteranodons were NOT dinosaurs, so I don't see how this would help your argument either way.

[quote]It's a simple biological fact that reptiles grow all their life.[/quote]
So NOT true. They grow to a general maximum size and stop, like humans do. Go get a pet lizard (I'd go with chameleon, just cause they're so cool), and meazure it's size once a month. It's growth will most definitely taper off.

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Farsight one

(Only allowed 10 quotes per post, so sorry for the double post)
[quote name='Urib2007' post='1207092' date='Mar 2 2007, 09:56 PM']Ok, first let me clarify your last sentence regarding how "draco refers to any large land or sea serpent or reptile." [b]What do you think a dinosaur is? A mammal? It's a large lizard. What is a lizard? A REPTILE. What is a dinosaur? A REPTILE
There were even fire breathing dragons and the Bible speaks of this.

"Rejoice not thou, whole Palestina, because the rod of him that smote thee is broken: for out of the serpent's root shall come forth a cockatrice, and his fruit shall be a [color="#FF0000"]fiery flying serpent.[/color]" -- Isaiah 14:29

"Out of his (Leviathan) mouth go burning lamps, and sparks of [color="#FF0000"]fire leap out[/color]." -- Job 41:19

"Out of his (Leviathan) nostrils [color="#FF0000"]goeth smoke[/color], as out of a seething pot of cauldron." -- Job 41:20

"His (Leviathan) breath kindleth coals, and a [color="#FF0000"]flame goeth out of his mouth[/color]." -- Job 41:24[/quote]Funny how ALL of those quotes were evidence AGAINST dinosaurs and dragons being one and the same. No dinosaur was ever known to breath fire. Since those quotes mention breathing fire, obviously, they're not talking about dinosaurs.

[quote][size=3]"Behold now behemoth, which I made with thee; he eateth grass as an ox." -- Job 40:15[/size]

Now who is behemoth? Some reference bibles say he could be an elephant or a hippopotamus. No, it cannot be either of those animals. Behemoth was probably a brachiosaurus. There are 13 different types of long necked dinosaurs anyway. Plus, a lot of animals eat grass. Just look at this next verse.[/quote]
1. It is in doubt whether longnecked dinosaurs ate grass at all. Like a giraffe, it would be a lot easier for them to just eat greens from tall trees near their heads.

2. "No, it cannot be either of those animals" Why not? Seriously, provide some evidence.

[quote]"Lo now, [color="#0000FF"]his strength is in his loins[/color], and the force is in the navel of his belly." -- Job 40:16

So, that means the biggest part of him is in his belly.[/quote]
Um...no? Seriously, how does force necessarily equal size?

[quote]"He moveth [color="#0000FF"]his tail like a cedar[/color]: the sinews of his stones are wrapped together." -- Job 40:17

Okay, his tail is like a cedar tree. Have you seen an elephant's tail? or a hippo's tail? Do they look like they have tails resembling cedar trees? I think not.[/quote] How's about it refering to an aquatic "behemoth"? Like a whale? Their tails don't look like a cedar, but they are "powerful" like one, and they were very open to poetic language 2000 years ago.

[quote]"He is the [color="#0000FF"]CHIEF of the ways of God:[/color] he that made him can make his sword approach unto him" -- Job 40:19

Do you think the chief would be an elephant and/or a hippo?[/quote]Isn't the "CHIEF of the ways of God" man? Being that man was made in the image and likeness of God, it makes sense to me.

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' post='1207158' date='Mar 3 2007, 08:02 AM']Evolution is not a religion, its science.

To say that a word that means serpent is a dinosaur to justify some preachers timeline of 6000 years is exactly what you accuse me of - a theory that can't be proven and was cooked up by a man.

The first chapters of Genesis are teaching stories of the origins of mankind. Evolution is not a religion, and in its popular form is certainly not a complete answer, but neither is sticking to a literal 6 day creation and demanding it to be a science book.
Tell me how God invented the world in 6 days, when there were not any days until #3?Remember the first actual "day" didn't occur to day three.

The problem with you is that you think science and religion are diametrically opposed, but that is not a christian idea at all. The God that gave us His inspired Word also gave us a brain, but you check yours at the door. To try to make the Scriptures a science textbook, is to try to turn a cat into a dog, but you demand it anyway. Science tells us how, Scriptures tell us why.
Micro-evolution is a given, macro-evolution is not.
And any theory that the God who gave us a brain and a desire for truth faked science to mislead us is simply not tenable.

To throw all scientific inquiry into archeology and geology away because the bible says 6 days creation is to be as blind as a scientist who looks at all the wonders of nature but doesn't believe in God.[/quote]

You are absolutely right dear.

i realise there is one big difference between you and me.

I believe God when he tells me that he created the world in six days.And i believe He can do that with the snap of a finger.
I believe he created Adam as a grown man on a grown earth beacause He can.

You don't, you don't think God is capable of that,you are questioning The almighty?
That's your choice and you will have to answer to that.

Men faked science,not God.

God Told you what he have done,you choose not to believe him.

You choose to interpret His word simply because you can't find an explenation or understand his creation, you may be smart but i assure you God is smarter.
You believe in evolution, there is no prove for that just a theory and imagination.

I believe in the creation because me creator told me so.

You don't.

That is why you and me will never agree with anything,you have some major issues with what God say.

I don't.

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Farsight one

[quote name='Truthseeker777' post='1207177' date='Mar 3 2007, 12:45 AM']You don't, you don't think God is capable of that,you are questioning The almighty?
That's your choice and you will have to answer to that.[/quote]Of course God can do that. He's an omnipotent being. Way to put words in her mouth.

[quote]God Told you what he have done,you choose not to believe him.[/quote]No, God did not tell. God divinely inspired his words into a book. Words in a book are open to interpretation. You intrepret it one way, we intrepret it another.

[quote]You believe in evolution, there is no prove for that just a theory and imagination.[/quote]There is no proof for God either.

[quote]I believe in the creation because me creator told me so.[/quote]No, you believe because you read it in the bible. Or, are you going to claim that God manifested himself physically to you and told you to believe in the creation?

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[quote name='Farsight one' post='1207175' date='Mar 2 2007, 10:45 PM']How's about it refering to an aquatic "behemoth"? Like a whale? Their tails don't look like a cedar, but they are "powerful" like one, and they were very open to poetic language 2000 years ago.[/quote]

Hmmmm... You obviously didn't read Job 40:15 where it states, "Behold now behemoth, which I made with thee; he eateth grass as an ox."

Now as far as I know, whales don't eat grass like oxen do. Nice try though. :-)

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[quote name='Truthseeker777' post='1207117' date='Mar 2 2007, 10:29 PM']When God told Noah to take one of a kind.That meant a doglike creature and we all understand that from there evolved wolfs ,wild dogs,foxes etc.
same with Horses,zebra's etc.

But they are the same 'Kind' and not a new specie.[/quote]

Thats the kind of evolution I'm talking about, those animals didn't just evolved and didn't completely change, thats why many people believe there is a link between humans and apes or other types.

[quote name='Truthseeker777' post='1207177' date='Mar 3 2007, 12:45 AM']You are absolutely right dear.

I believe God when he tells me that he created the world in six days.[/quote]

So where exactly does it say how long each day is in the bible, i don't see it saying a day is 24 hours anywhere. How do you not know those days were millions of years?

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[quote name='Farsight one' post='1207178' date='Mar 3 2007, 08:54 AM']Of course God can do that. He's an omnipotent being. Way to put words in her mouth.

No, God did not tell. God divinely inspired his words into a book. Words in a book are open to interpretation. You intrepret it one way, we intrepret it another.

There is no proof for God either.

No, you believe because you read it in the bible. Or, are you going to claim that God manifested himself physically to you and told you to believe in the creation?[/quote]

Why don't you come up with something original man?

Are you debating or deflating?

Make an effort to prove something,or at least say something worthwile,its easy to take someone's opinion and make negative statements.

So you think the Bible is just a guideline ?

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Farsight one

[quote name='Urib2007' post='1207181' date='Mar 3 2007, 01:06 AM']Hmmmm... You obviously didn't read Job 40:15 where it states, "Behold now behemoth, which I made with thee; he eateth grass as an ox."

Now as far as I know, whales don't eat grass like oxen do. Nice try though. :-)[/quote]I obviously did read it, as I quoted it. You obviously didn't read my post. What should have been a given, is that he could have been talking about DIFFERENT behemoths. They only had one word for relative back then that was all encompassing to brother, sister, uncle, aunt, etc. It's logical to conclude that they may have had one word for "large animal" back then as well.

[quote name='Truthseeker777' post='1207184' date='Mar 3 2007, 01:08 AM']Why don't you come up with something original man?[/quote]Something unoriginal does not necessarily mean untrue. Nice strawman.

[quote]Are you debating or deflating?[/quote]Am I debating or deflating? You're not even debating. Your attacking my character.

[quote]Make an effort to prove something,or at least say something worthwile,its easy to take someone's opinion and make negative statements.[/quote] I proved many things. I proved you incorrect in some of your science based beliefs. I proved the book you quoted to be unreliable. I also showed that some of your biblical evidence for the existence of dinosaurs was actually counter to your claims.

[quote]So you think the Bible is just a guideline ?[/quote]Of course so. It's a guidebook to life divinely inspired by God. Do you believe it to be more than that?

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Kent Hovind and Jack Chick have a lot in common if that says anything. I would not suggest learning science from Hovind, he has a fundamentalist agenda and does not present science in a professional manner. That circle of folks (see the links on Hovind's website for examples what I mean by 'those folks'), is often guilty of grossly distorting the facts.

Hovind may be an entertaining speaker, but he can hardly be said to have critiqued modern biology, geology, paleontology, astrophysics, bio-chemistry, molecular biology, etc.

I actually enjoy listening to talks like that, but it is wise to take such things with a grain of salt. Unfortunately in the case of this fellow I believe it would be necessary to double check his claims against other sources, and it should be remembered that his brand of biblical fundamentalism is not the Catholic Faith.

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[quote name='Fixxxer' post='1207183' date='Mar 3 2007, 09:07 AM']Thats the kind of evolution I'm talking about, those animals didn't just evolved and didn't completely change, thats why many people believe there is a link between humans and apes or other types.
So where exactly does it say how long each day is in the bible, i don't see it saying a day is 24 hours anywhere. How do you not know those days were millions of years?[/quote]

There's links between many things,after all God created everything.

When you read the book of Enoch,and the book of Enoch is mentioned many times in the bible.
You will read that in one of his visions,one of the angels called URIEL explained to him the works of the heavens.

It is called:[b]The book of the courses of the heavenly luminaries[/b]

in this chapter it states that a year consists out of 365 days.

So it is a fact that a day is a day in the bible.

You can read the book of Enoch online,its really good.
And it debunks evolution completely.

[url="http://www.heaven.net.nz/writings/thebookofenoch.htm"]Book of Enoch[/url]

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[quote name='Farsight one' post='1207165' date='Mar 2 2007, 10:23 PM']I find that hard to believe. Textbooks weren't all that common then, to begin with. And even so, at that point of time, pretty much everyone believed as you do - that the earth was only about 6,000 years old. Putting 70,000 years old in a book would likely get you thrown in jail. Even in the early 1900's, people got in an uproar over the claim that the earth was older. And, on a side note, the 6,000 years old number also fluctuates heavily.[/quote]

Did you get a hold of all of those textbooks to see if they really claimed all of that information? I recommend you check out my facts first before commenting.

[quote name='Farsight one' post='1207165' date='Mar 2 2007, 10:23 PM']You can't prove the bible either. And, since it was written by men, one could say it was "cooked up by men"[/quote]

School textbooks were also written by men, yet people believe everything they say. [/quote]

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[quote name='Laudate_Dominum' post='1207196' date='Mar 3 2007, 01:00 AM']Kent Hovind and Jack Chick have a lot in common if that says anything. I would not suggest learning science from Hovind, he has a fundamentalist agenda and does not present science in a professional manner. That circle of folks (see the links on Hovind's website for examples what I mean by 'those folks'), is often guilty of grossly distorting the facts.

Hovind may be an entertaining speaker, but he can hardly be said to have critiqued modern biology, geology, paleontology, astrophysics, bio-chemistry, molecular biology, etc.

I actually enjoy listening to talks like that, but it is wise to take such things with a grain of salt. Unfortunately in the case of this fellow I believe it would be necessary to double check his claims against other sources, and it should be remembered that his brand of biblical fundamentalism is not the Catholic Faith.[/quote]

Well, Dr. Kent Hovind taught science for 15 years and does have the authority to speak on these topics. He has done numerous debates with evolutionists as well. He is always up to debating with them. You can actually watch his debates online for free on Google Video. Hovind presents a lot of evidence disproving evolution, so of course he's going to have his fair share of enemies. He is a creationist, so of course he's going to support God's Word and that is what the Bible dictates.

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