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Evolution Is A Hoax!


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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' post='1206913' date='Mar 2 2007, 02:44 PM']Have you dated any human artifacts older than 6000 years?[/quote]
I once considered dating a guy 11 years older than me, but I wouldn't call him an "artifact." Maybe in a few thousand years ...

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Cool beans :). :notworthy2: The neighboring hill here was a trading spot for Indians so I have a box of various arrowheads, knives, scapers and a possible tommahawk head collected from there. Meadowcroft is just two counties from me.:)

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Archaeology cat

[quote name='cmotherofpirl' post='1206929' date='Mar 2 2007, 10:08 PM']Cool beans :). :notworthy2: The neighboring hill here was a trading spot for Indians so I have a box of various arrowheads, knives, scapers and a possible tommahawk head collected from there. Meadowcroft is just two counties from me.:)[/quote]

Cool. I lived in KY, so I dug there first, and visited Cahokia of course. :)

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[quote name='Archaeology cat' post='1206943' date='Mar 2 2007, 05:47 PM']Cool. I lived in KY, so I dug there first, and visited Cahokia of course. :)[/quote]
Lucky :notworthy2:

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[quote name='Fixxxer' post='1206167' date='Feb 28 2007, 10:48 PM']I think believing the earth is only about 6000 years old is pretty stupid, we can prove such things like dinosaur fossils are much older than 6000 years old.[/quote]


Dinosaurs were around when God created the heaven and the earth. That means that Adam and Eve saw dinosaurs. You won't see the term "dinosaurs" in the Bible since that word was invented in 1841 by Sir Richard Owen. The Bible speaks of dinosaurs, but in the Bible they are known as "dragons."
Dragons are mentioned 35 times in the Bible.

Reptiles never stop growing, so imagine having reptiles living in the Garden of Eden. They'd live to be over 900 years old and be really big. Look at how long Noah lived. It wasn't until after the flood when things became much different. So, how did Noah fit them into the Ark? Noah was smart enough to know that you don't have to bring the biggest animals. Noah was 600 years old and very intelligent when he went inside the ark. He brought in baby animals (two of each kind). It's just we are so used to seeing illustrations, paintings, etc. of Noah's Ark with full-grown animals. However, Noah didn't bring in full-grown animals.
He brought in babies because they're smaller, weigh less, eat less, sleep more, tougher, and they'll live longer after the flood in order to produce more offspring.

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[quote name='Urib2007' post='1207004' date='Mar 2 2007, 07:25 PM']Fixxxer,

Dinosaurs were around when God created the heaven and the earth. That means that Adam and Eve saw dinosaurs. You won't see the term "dinosaurs" in the Bible since that word was invented in 1841 by Sir Richard Owen. The Bible speaks of dinosaurs, but in the Bible they are known as "dragons."
Dragons are mentioned 35 times in the Bible.

Reptiles never stop growing, so imagine having reptiles living in the Garden of Eden. They'd live to be over 900 years old and be really big. Look at how long Noah lived. It wasn't until after the flood when things became much different. So, how did Noah fit them into the Ark? Noah was smart enough to know that you don't have to bring the biggest animals. Noah was 600 years old and very intelligent when he went inside the ark. He brought in baby animals (two of each kind). It's just we are so used to seeing illustrations, paintings, etc. of Noah's Ark with full-grown animals. However, Noah didn't bring in full-grown animals.
He brought in babies because they're smaller, weigh less, eat less, sleep more, tougher, and they'll live longer after the flood in order to produce more offspring.[/quote]
You have no proof that dinosaurs were around when God created heaven and earth. The bible does not ever mention dinosaurs. The term "tanin" is mentioned several times, but is translated as sea monster in most bibles.
In the NT the greek term "drakon" and refers to the devil.
Explain how reptiles never stop growing. Are you saying they never die or just keep getting bigger. Both assertions are false. Nowhere does it say Noah brought in baby animals, instead of adults.

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[quote name='RezaLemmyng' post='1206264' date='Mar 1 2007, 09:11 AM']Well I havn't seen you prove with facts that creationism is true and evolution is false either... :getaclue:[/quote]

There have been numerous amounts of carvings found depicting images of dinosaurs, such as the ones found on the old walls of Babylon. According to the book [i]The Rise of Babylon[/i] by Charles Dyer, they found carvings of dragons there. Dragons were also seen on a gate in Babylon. That image can be seen in Vorderaslatisches (I think that's how you spell it) Museum in Berlin.

How did they know about dragons in 600 B.C.?

Nebuchadnezzar even had a dragon in a cage. In 300 B.C. Alexander the Great reported that when he conquered parts of what is now India in 326 B.C., his soldiers were scared by the great dragons that lived in caves.
There are even Roman mosaics illustrating two long necked dragons in the 2nd century A.D. How did the Romans know about dragons in the 2nd century after Christ?

St. George is famous for slaying a dragon in 275 A.D. St. George was martyred for his faith on April 23, 303 A.D. He is the patron saint of England and Portugal.

There are dragon legends from countries all over the world. There's an ancient pottery from the first dynasty of Egypt showing long necked dragons. There's a slate pallette from Heirakonpolis, showing triumph of King Nar-mer (first Pharaoh of a united Egypt) and long necked dragons ([i] The Ancient Near East in Pictures[/i] by Pritchard)

There's a long necked creature found a hippo tusk in a tomb in Inherka, 12th century B.C. in Egypt.
You can see more regarding ancient dinosaur artwork at www.rae.org

Marco Polo lived in China for 17 years around 1271 A.D. and reported that the emperor raised dragons to pull his chariots in parades. Why would he come back and tell a story like that? Maybe because there were dragons. :-)

In 1611, the Chinese emperor appointed the post of a "Royal Dragon Feeder." Books even tell of Chinese families raising dragons to use their blood for medicines and highly prizing their eggs. ([i]The Dragon in China & Japan,[/i] by Devisser, Marinus Willem, 1969)

The city of Nerluc, France was renamed in honor of the "dragon" slain there. It was described as being bigger than an ox and having long, sharp, pointed horns on its head.

The Indians used to carve pictures on the Grand Canyons. There was an Indian pictograph from the Grand Canyon found in the Havasupai Canyon in Grand Canyon. One of the pictures they found was a dinosaur. Now how did the Indians know about dinosaurs? Maybe they hunted them.

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' post='1207011' date='Mar 2 2007, 04:42 PM']You have no proof that dinosaurs were around when God created heaven and earth. The bible does not ever mention dinosaurs. The term "tanin" is mentioned several times, but is translated as sea monster in most bibles.
In the NT the greek term "drakon" and refers to the devil.
Explain how reptiles never stop growing. Are you saying they never die or just keep getting bigger. Both assertions are false. Nowhere does it say Noah brought in baby animals, instead of adults.[/quote]

Of course the Bible doesn't mention "dinosaurs" because like I mentioned earlier, that term was invented in 1841. Dinosaurs were known as dragons in the Bible. When you look at a picture of a dragon, don't they somewhat resemble a dinosaur? Dragons are mentioned 35 times in the Bible.

Open up your Bible and look at these verses:

"Their wine is the poison of [color="#FF0000"]dragons[/color]" - Deut. 32-33

"thou brakest the heads of the dragons in the waters" - Psalm 74:13

If you get a Catholic Bible, you'll find that in the Book of Daniel there's two extra chapters. Daniel 13 & 14. It says, "And there was a [color="#FF0000"]great dragon in that place[/color] and the Babylonians worshipped him." - Daniel 14:22

"And the king said to Daniel: Behold thou canst not say now that is not a living god: adore him therefore." - Daniel 14:23

"And Daniel said: I adore the Lord my God: for he is the living God: but that is no living god." - Daniel 14:24

"But give me leave, O king, and [color="#FF0000"]I will kill this dragon[/color] without sword or club. And the king said, I give thee leave." - Daniel 14:25

"Then Daniel took pitch, and fat, and hair, and boiled them together: and he made lumps, and put them into the [color="#FF0000"]dragon's mouth, and the dragon burst asunder."[/color] - Daniel 14:26

When the dinosaurs got off the ark, they faced a hostile climate. Remember they weren't protected by the firmament anymore. Before the flood they lived to be over 900 years old. Many dinosaurs died from the climate changes within the first few hundred years after the flood.
The average age before the flood was 912. Now it's 70-80 years old. Why? Most likely because of the firmament. The canopy of water that used to protect them was gone. Dinosaurs had two serious problems after the flood:

1) They climate was very different. They just couldn't live long enough to reproduce. Some species totally went extinct.

2) People began hunting them.

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[quote name='Urib2007' post='1207024' date='Mar 2 2007, 07:58 PM']Of course the Bible doesn't mention "dinosaurs" because like I mentioned earlier, that term was invented in 1841. Dinosaurs were known as dragons in the Bible.[/quote]

You have absolutely no proof that dinosaurs and dragons are the same thing.

OT references to the word dragon
2 in Esdras are referring to an attacking army.
2 in Ezekiel are referring to a water animal.
1 in Isaiah is referring to a twisting serpent.
Isaiah 51:9 refers to a dragon, but doesn't define what a dragon is.
Psalm 74 refers to a sea animal again.

Draco refers to any large land or sea serpent or reptile.

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' post='1207040' date='Mar 2 2007, 05:38 PM']You have absolutely no proof that dinosaurs and dragons are the same thing.
OT references to the word dragon
2 in Esdras are referring to an attacking army.
2 in Ezekiel are referring to a water animal.
1 in Isaiah is referring to a twisting serpent.
Isaiah 51:9 refers to a dragon, but doesn't define what a dragon is.
Psalm 74 refers to a sea animal again.

Draco refers to any large land or sea serpent or reptile.[/quote]

Ok, first let me clarify your last sentence regarding how "draco refers to any large land or sea serpent or reptile." [b]What do you think a dinosaur is? A mammal? It's a large lizard. What is a lizard? A REPTILE. What is a dinosaur? A REPTILE
There were even fire breathing dragons and the Bible speaks of this.

"Rejoice not thou, whole Palestina, because the rod of him that smote thee is broken: for out of the serpent's root shall come forth a cockatrice, and his fruit shall be a [color="#FF0000"]fiery flying serpent.[/color]" -- Isaiah 14:29

"Out of his (Leviathan) mouth go burning lamps, and sparks of [color="#FF0000"]fire leap out[/color]." -- Job 41:19

"Out of his (Leviathan) nostrils [color="#FF0000"]goeth smoke[/color], as out of a seething pot of cauldron." -- Job 41:20

"His (Leviathan) breath kindleth coals, and a [color="#FF0000"]flame goeth out of his mouth[/color]." -- Job 41:24

[size=3]"Behold now behemoth, which I made with thee; he eateth grass as an ox." -- Job 40:15[/size]

Now who is behemoth? Some reference bibles say he could be an elephant or a hippopotamus. No, it cannot be either of those animals. Behemoth was probably a brachiosaurus. There are 13 different types of long necked dinosaurs anyway. Plus, a lot of animals eat grass. Just look at this next verse.

"Lo now, [color="#0000FF"]his strength is in his loins[/color], and the force is in the navel of his belly." -- Job 40:16

So, that means the biggest part of him is in his belly. Now let's read this next verse:

"He moveth [color="#0000FF"]his tail like a cedar[/color]: the sinews of his stones are wrapped together." -- Job 40:17

Okay, his tail is like a cedar tree. Have you seen an elephant's tail? or a hippo's tail? Do they look like they have tails resembling cedar trees? I think not.



"His bones are as strong pieces of brass; his bones are like [color="#0000FF"]bars of iron.[/color]" -- Job 40:18

"He is the [color="#0000FF"]CHIEF of the ways of God:[/color] he that made him can make his sword approach unto him" -- Job 40:19

Do you think the chief would be an elephant and/or a hippo?

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Satan had to envision another way to ensnare and mislead God's creation, and what better way than with dinosaurs. He couldn't delude and trick those who lived during the pre-flood era.
After the flood, most of the dinosaurs were either killed by man or died off on their own, so for the next 4,000 years, dinosaurs were rare.
Many species went totally extinct too. Then in 1809, dinosaur bones were found and put together. This was the devil's chance to deceive people and he succeeded in doing so.
If people believe that dinosaurs lived billions of years ago, it will make people question the Bible. Now children are sitting in their classrooms learning about how dinosaurs lived millions or billions of years ago when in fact that's a lie.
Think about it. Since satan is the ruler of the nations, he's going to do whatever it takes to steer people away from trusting God's Word.

[color="#000080"]Today teachers are teaching children and young students that dinosaurs went extinct 65 million years ago. Did you know in 1770 textbooks taught that the earth was 70,000 years old? If you grab a 1905 textbook, you'll read in there that the earth is 2 billion years old.
64 years later in 1969, a textbook says that the earth is 3.5 billion years old. [i]The Minneapolis Tribune[/i] stated on August 25, 1969 that the official age of the earth and moon was 3.5 billion years old.
Today it says 4.6 billion years old.
Did you know the earth is getting older by the rate of 21 million years per year for the last 220 years?
That's 40 years per minute! [/color]

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Truthseeker777 and Urib2007 are right guys.

Science doesn't support it.

If the world really was 4 billion years old, the present amount of slowdown the moon provides means the planet would have been going so fast life couldn't exist on it during the so-called times of the dinosaurs.

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' date='Mar 3 2007, 03:38 AM' post='1207040']
You have absolutely no proof that dinosaurs and dragons are the same thing.

The fact that the Bible mention dragons (and lets face it,anyone thinking of a 'dragon' thinks
of a BIG animal) is 100% more prove that there were dinosaurs then
the absence of the slightest mention of evolution or a big bang in the bible :lol_roll:

There is nothing of that sorts.

You can believe in evolution,but it is not science,it is a religion, a theory invented by men.

Why is there so many lies when it come's to evolution?

The peking man = hoax
the pilkdown man=hoax

These evolutionists were desperate.

I tend to steer away from men and there theories when it comes to chosing
between Gods word and men.

Don't you think it is a better idea to trust in God than in men?

I don't think God's word is for private interpretation.

He is just and fair,if we evolved he would have said that.

But He said very clearly,he created heaven and earth and all thats in it in 6 days.

When anyone take the liberty to say his days was thousands of years,they are in dangerous teritory.

You can sit all day and come up with all kinds of questions.

In the end of the day you still have to choose :unsure:

Do i believe what the bible say or a theory that can't be proven and were cooked up by men? :idontknow:

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' post='1207011' date='Mar 2 2007, 04:42 PM']Explain how reptiles never stop growing. Are you saying they never die or just keep getting bigger. Both assertions are false. Nowhere does it say Noah brought in baby animals, instead of adults.[/quote]

"The biggest pterosaur flying over the inland sea is Pteranodon. Like all reptiles, it grows throughout its life..." -- Holt Earth Science, 1991 p. 293

It's a simple biological fact that reptiles grow all their life.

Regarding bringing in baby animals into the ark instead of big ones, it's common sense. Just ponder about it. If you were going to build an ark and put in two of each animal in it, would you gather all the big animals or the baby ones? God doesn't have to mention that in the Bible.

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[quote name='FullTruth' post='1207107' date='Mar 2 2007, 08:15 PM']Truthseeker777 and Urib2007 are right guys.

Science doesn't support it.

If the world really was 4 billion years old, the present amount of slowdown the moon provides means the planet would have been going so fast life couldn't exist on it during the so-called times of the dinosaurs.[/quote]

Congratulations, Full Truth. You aren't deceived when it comes to the world being billions of years old.

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