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Sabbath Keeping


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[quote name='FullTruth' post='1207391' date='Mar 3 2007, 07:14 PM']Does your church have prayer, fellowship and teaching every single day? That's what God wants of us, for if we love him, we will give it all to him.

And I'm not a part of any religion of men, btw. I'm just a God Chaser.[/quote]

Sure. The Catholic church has daily mass. There are scriptural readings (liturgy of the word) and the "breaking of the bread" (liturgy of the Eucharist). It is something I want to get to many days but I cannot because of school :(. I long for a daily mass. I chase God to the Tabernacle. :)

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[quote name='Sacred Music Man' post='1207407' date='Mar 3 2007, 07:42 PM']Sure. The Catholic church has daily mass. There are scriptural readings (liturgy of the word) and the "breaking of the bread" (liturgy of the Eucharist). It is something I want to get to many days but I cannot because of school :(. I long for a daily mass. I chase God to the Tabernacle. :)[/quote]
But when was the last time you did this, and went out to have a bite to eat with other believers after?

If you don't who sees you honouring the lord.

But if you and a group of people went out of church to somewhere like Wendys after that, and you fellowshipped there, people would see you, and see God's people, and might actually think about God again. If you did, you might actually save someone from death and hell.

I think the best evangelism my old church engaged in was going to Wendys, Burger King, Pizza Hut, and other places. I don't know how many people come to my old church because of we do that.

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Could you show me where it says every day is the Sabbath because our Blessed Lord only refers to one day, and this is contradictory to the argument that Saturday is still the Sabbath? Further, why does Saint Paul address the people on Sunday and then elsewhere in Scripture tell the Christian people to contribute to the Church on Sundays (first day of the week).

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[quote name='Mr.CatholicCat' post='1207553' date='Mar 3 2007, 11:18 PM']Could you show me where it says every day is the Sabbath because our Blessed Lord only refers to one day, and this is contradictory to the argument that Saturday is still the Sabbath? Further, why does Saint Paul address the people on Sunday and then elsewhere in Scripture tell the Christian people to contribute to the Church on Sundays (first day of the week).[/quote]
If the Sabbath is the day the believers come together to worship, fellowship, and break bread - Acts 2:42-47 pretty much clears up what day the Apostles and the believers did that.

[quote name='Acts 2:42-47']And they continued stedfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers. And fear came upon every soul: and many wonders and signs were done by the apostles. And all that believed were together, and had all things common; And sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need. And they, continuing [b]daily[/b] with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart, Praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church [b]daily[/b] such as should be saved.[/quote]

If going listening to the word being preached is the only way one gets saved, than how does God save people daily, unless worship and reading of the word is daily, which makes the day of Worship every single day of the week, according to scripture.

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This verse is at best referring to Daily Mass (which Catholics do take advantage of) but it makes no reference to the Sabbath. Further one does not respond to the inquiry concerning what Saint Paul the Apostle writes about the other day (singular) of rest that our Lord spoke of.

If every day is the Sabbath day then no day of the week can we perform business, work, or do anything other than worship God. In this thought process the world would be constantly be committing sin for even our Lord in referring to another Sabbath (day of rest) certainly was referring to a day of rest. So the argument is completely alien to the Sacred Scriptures and to the Early Church Fathers.

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[quote name='FullTruth' post='1207514' date='Mar 3 2007, 10:34 PM']But when was the last time you did this, and went out to have a bite to eat with other believers after?

If you don't who sees you honouring the lord.

But if you and a group of people went out of church to somewhere like Wendys after that, and you fellowshipped there, people would see you, and see God's people, and might actually think about God again. If you did, you might actually save someone from death and hell.

I think the best evangelism my old church engaged in was going to Wendys, Burger King, Pizza Hut, and other places. I don't know how many people come to my old church because of we do that.[/quote]

I don't eat at fast food restaurants. In fact, I've become a 'vegetarian' if you may, but I eat fish still. I do have a great fellowship with many true Catholic friends. We are part of a youth ministry which goes out through our diocese and acts as a witness to Christ TOGETHER. It's hard for me personally to do it a lot because my mother does not agree with me becoming so faithfully Catholic. She follows a false prophet (ie Sylvia Browne). I try and bring witness to all aspects of life when I can. I fail at times but I try. I do not wish to do this alone because I can not. I am a weak person who needs to see Jesus in other people, the Tabernacle, good writing and other things to be fervent (I just watched the Lord of the Rings trilogy this weekend again so I'm all pumped :). You will hear from me a lot). Please watch where you throw your words upon people because you may have words thrown back. In summary, I bear witness in public, my friends bear witness in public, we spend quality time together and we celebrate the Sabbath on Sunday because it has been such a way for so long. :):)

[quote name='FullTruth' post='1207604' date='Mar 4 2007, 01:40 AM']If the Sabbath is the day the believers come together to worship, fellowship, and break bread - Acts 2:42-47 pretty much clears up what day the Apostles and the believers did that.
If going listening to the word being preached is the only way one gets saved, than how does God save people daily, unless worship and reading of the word is daily, which makes the day of Worship every single day of the week, according to scripture.[/quote]

The new Testament was not compiled until around 350AD. Therefore they would have been reading the Old Testament and listened to ORAL teachings on Jesus. We still have some transcripts and epistles today (like early bishops from 100AD, etc). People worshiped every day of the week, but it was not a perpetual Sabbath. Nothing would get done then.

Ironically, the 'extra' Catholic books in the Old Testament were the scriptures used to convert people to Christianity. Just a bit of food for thought...

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[quote name='Sacred Music Man' post='1208146' date='Mar 4 2007, 09:49 PM']I don't eat at fast food restaurants. In fact, I've become a 'vegetarian' if you may, but I eat fish still. I do have a great fellowship with many true Catholic friends. We are part of a youth ministry which goes out through our diocese and acts as a witness to Christ TOGETHER. It's hard for me personally to do it a lot because my mother does not agree with me becoming so faithfully Catholic. She follows a false prophet (ie Sylvia Browne). I try and bring witness to all aspects of life when I can. I fail at times but I try. I do not wish to do this alone because I can not. I am a weak person who needs to see Jesus in other people, the Tabernacle, good writing and other things to be fervent (I just watched the Lord of the Rings trilogy this weekend again so I'm all pumped :). You will hear from me a lot). Please watch where you throw your words upon people because you may have words thrown back. In summary, I bear witness in public, my friends bear witness in public, we spend quality time together and we celebrate the Sabbath on Sunday because it has been such a way for so long. :):)
The new Testament was not compiled until around 350AD. Therefore they would have been reading the Old Testament and listened to ORAL teachings on Jesus. We still have some transcripts and epistles today (like early bishops from 100AD, etc). People worshiped every day of the week, but it was not a perpetual Sabbath. Nothing would get done then.

Ironically, the 'extra' Catholic books in the Old Testament were the scriptures used to convert people to Christianity. Just a bit of food for thought...[/quote]
Sacred Music Man, you sound like my kind of person. :)

BTW, when you go out with your Catholic Friends and publically acknowledge your faith, you are worshipping that day, a day that isn't the Sabbath, because you are showing forth the praises of him who brought you out of darkness into his marvelous light. I bet you didn't think of that in that way before, did you?

Keep the fellowship up. It's good for you. If only I could find a good friend I could fellowship everyday with.

I don't know anything about Sylvia Brown. After I started my walk with God, I usually stayed away from such non-sense. I stayed away from a lot of non-sense. I was so bold, once upon a time, where I wouldn't even listen to Trinitarian preachers. The Kenneth Copelands, and Pat Robinsons who are leading humanity astray weren't part of my spiritual diet. I don't hold the same opinion of all trinitarians anymore though. There's plently of trinitarians in heaven, as there are oneness believers. God only wants you to read the bible with the guidence of the holy ghost and submitt yourselves to what you read. I'm sorta inbetween now. I see there is 3 in heaven, but one person is the three, not three persons in the one. This is not the thread to discuss that, because it is really just the flipping of some words. I think of the holy trinity as the one person who is in the three, and the unholy trinity as the Anti-Christ, the Beast, and the False Prophet.

What I recommend to you SMM is to rebuke all the demons in your house your mother has allowed in there through the teachings of Sylvia Brown in the name of Jesus Christ, especailly any that has attached itself to you. If you don't think you can do that, rebuke it with the truth. All Believers will be able to cast demons out in his name. It doesn't have to be a priest.

On the the Sabbath arguement, the Sabbath is not so much as a day you don't do any work in. I think of the Sabbath as the rest we get from acknowledging the Saviours act of grace, because we don't worry about our salvation anymore. Imagine that assurance. Going to bed, and you don't have to worry if you're going to heaven or not. How many people sit up and worry all their lives away? We then ask the lord for his will for our lives and we go out with faith and confidence that the lord is with us as we submitt to his will for our lives.

Which day you choose to take off to rest from your physical toils is up to you. If Sunday is good for you, go for it. If Saturday is good for you, go for it as well. The Apostles acknowledged both as a day of rest, so lets acknowledge both as well, if you can. But the real rest comes from Jesus Christ's death on the cross. The death of the old, and the rebirth of the new.

I just choose to honour the Seventh-Day Sabbath. That doesn't mean I won't honour Sunday either.

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[quote][b]Deuteronomy 5:12-15[/b]
"Observe the day of the sabbath, to sanctify it, as the Lord thy God hath commanded thee. Six days shalt thou labour, and shalt do all thy works. The seventh is the day of the sabbath, that is, the rest of the Lord thy God. [b][u]Thou shalt not do any work therein[/u][/b], thou nor thy son nor thy daughter, nor thy manservant nor thy maidservant, nor thy ox, nor thy ass, nor any of thy beasts, nor the stranger that is within thy gates: that thy manservant and thy maidservant may rest, even as thyself. Remember that thou also didst serve in Egypt, and the Lord thy God brought thee out from thence with a strong hand, and a stretched out arm. Therefore hath he commanded thee that thou shouldst observe the sabbath day."
[url="http://www.drbo.org/chapter/05005.htm"]http://www.drbo.org/chapter/05005.htm[/url][/quote]You write that every day is the Sabbath day because of Christ, which is unfounded in Scripture that has been shown here several times over again. If this were true this law of no work on the Sabbath would still hold true (not to mention the other laws spoken of elsewhere). So every day cannot be the Sabbath day and simply because you worship God on other days of the week does not make it the Sabbath, this is completely alien to the scriptures and it is the first time I have ever heard such a silly idea (I don’t hear many new ideas so that surprising).[quote][b]Hebrews 4:8-9[/b]
"For if Jesus had given them rest, he would never have afterwards spoken of [u][b]another day[/b][/u]. There [u]remaineth therefore a day [/u][b][u]of rest for the people of God[/u][/b]."
[url="http://www.drbo.org/chapter/65004.htm"]http://www.drbo.org/chapter/65004.htm[/url][/quote]Saint Paul the Apostle through Saint Luke the Apostle teaches us that our Blessed Lord says there is another day of rest (other than the seventh day) meaning that there is a change of Sabbaths. There is a New Covenant, New Law, New Sacrifice, New Priesthood, and new centering points of faith so it makes sense that the Sabbath would change. But notice that twice this day is in the singular, not plural. Meaning that Sunday which is spoken of over and over, the first day of the week (being the day of the resurrection, the ascension, decent of the Holy Spirit, the day Saint John witnesses the mass in Heaven, and so on) and then it writes that it is the day they break bread. It is clear that in this the new Sabbath is Sunday (in the singular) for our Blessed Lord spoke of “A” day of rest not “many” days of rest. So not every day is a Sabbath. Simple as that.

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