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Opinions On Birth Control Pills


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Absolutely, totally 100% opposed. I think that the Billings Method is more effective, safer, more moral, and allows for women to deal with medical issues without having to stuff horomones into themselves which are harmful to them, and others.

Not that I have strong opinions ont his ;)

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Plus I think that drug companies get millions of dollars for harming women and society.

AND that they lead to more abortions (in addition to the early abortive facts).

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yup. I agree. and, taking birth control pills SIGNIFICANTLY increases a woman's risk of breast cancer

now, tell a guy to take pills that lower the risk of pregnancy, but that also increase his risk of prostate cancer, and see how many guys take the pills (my guess would be... uummmm... ZERO)

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I commend all of you who oppose birth control pills. That is one thing I'm 100% against. The Catholic Church has always done a good job in opposing this issue.
It's appalling how many women don't know about the dangers of birth control pills.
Birth Control pills possess an extreme amount of side effects. I can't believe the FDA has even approved some of them.
I know many girls take them solely for acne purposes, and I think that's okay as long as they're abstaining from having sexual intercourse.

In the UK, birth control pills are freely given out. You don't even need to pay for them. Most GP's who provide prescriptions for birth control pills have absolutely no clue on what they are giving women.
I think all of this birth control business has something to do with reducing the population. Soon people will be able to get their free birth control pills without a doctor's prescription (in the UK).

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[quote name='Urib2007' post='1205567' date='Feb 27 2007, 07:04 PM']I know many girls take them solely for acne purposes, and I think that's okay as long as they're abstaining from having sexual intercourse.[/quote]

Why is it okay that a woman put her life at risk, with a pill that has such MAJOR side effects for acne treatment?? Who cares if they are having sex or not. The side effects still apply to this female.

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Most antibiotics, foods, pills, etc. have side effects that harm your body and your health.
Most illnesses can be healed with natural products. Did you know aspartame is harmful to your body?
Did you know MSG is harmful to your body? Do you know about the side effects of soy products?

Even vaccines are harmful to your body.

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I agree, contraceptive, especially the pill, is wrong.

I'd like to hear people's opinion on what to do if a doctor attempts to perscibe birth control, say for painful periods or some other condition that they assume birth control is a cure-all for.

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[quote name='Urib2007' post='1205567' date='Feb 27 2007, 08:04 PM']I know many girls take them solely for acne purposes, and I think that's okay as long as they're abstaining from having sexual intercourse.[/quote]

What is she taking. I cant think of an acne situation where there is not an alternative that is not only better for her health, but also not a BCP.

[quote name='Urib2007' post='1205588' date='Feb 27 2007, 08:52 PM']Most antibiotics, foods, pills, etc. have side effects that harm your body and your health.
Most illnesses can be healed with natural products. Did you know aspartame is harmful to your body?
Did you know MSG is harmful to your body? Do you know about the side effects of soy products?

Even vaccines are harmful to your body.[/quote]

Comparatively no. Antibiotics are used in extreme conditions, and their side effects (I assume you mean the killing of good bacteria) is handled in context

Your illness claim is wrong, many times proper nutrition can be a preventative, but say you have erythromyacin resistant bacteria (not very uncommon) you better do more than eat right.

You need to be taking a ridiculous amount of soy for a ridculious amount of time for side effects.

Im not a doctor, but I almost was. Im willing to go back and forth on this sir.

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Archaeology cat

[quote name='The Joey-O' post='1205610' date='Feb 28 2007, 03:41 AM']I agree, contraceptive, especially the pill, is wrong.

I'd like to hear people's opinion on what to do if a doctor attempts to perscibe birth control, say for painful periods or some other condition that they assume birth control is a cure-all for.[/quote]

I was on the pill for severe dysmenorrhea & metomenorraghia. In other words, painful periods and irregular heavy bleeding. The pain could only be controlled with narcotics, and the bleeding was bad enough that I couldn't function some days, and I was quite anaemic. I am now off the pill and trying to figure out the exact cause of these things, as that isn't something they really tried to do before. I was 16 when I went on the pill and didn't know about all the long-term effects (the pill I was on can take 2 years after coming off it to ovulate again, luckily I didn't have that side effect). My doctor did a blood test & ultrasound, but had already made up her mind to put me on the pill. This happens far too often, and I can see how it could be more prevalent in the UK since the pill is free to patients.

As I got older I started investigating more and asking other doctors, but most were unwilling to take me off the pill once I was on it. It took moving to the UK, ironically, to find a doctor that would work with me and give me a non-hormonal medicine. We're still working on it, but I'm so happy to be off the pill and can't imagine going back. Even though it was for medical reasons, I hated being on it and didn't feel like it was fair to my husband. Billings is much better.

As for what to do when your doctor says to do this, do some research, and request all the necessary tests (I believe thyroid, LSH, FH, blood sugar, testosterone are the most common blood tests, but I could be wrong; also request an ultrasound, both regular & vaginal). Make sure your doctor knows you do not want a hormonal treatment if the problem itself is not hormonal. Even then there may be other options. If your doctor knows your opinions, and you come in prepared with information, they're more likely to listen to you. It took me awhile to learn that, unfortunately.

I do, however, recognize some medical conditions that require hormonal therapy. Contraception is not the target, but a side effect, and some are not even on a BCP type of hormone. For example, endometriosis is sometimes linked to estrogen levels, and some form of hormone therapy is sometimes used. I have not known it to actually work, but then I only know 2 people with severe endo. Hopefully doctors will continue doing more research into the causes of these things instead of just finding a band-aid in the form of the pill.

Edited by Archaeology cat
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