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To Larry ("truth")


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  CatholicAndFanatical said:
I agree Tabby. Unfortunatly this is typical prot tactics.

Just remembering what he told me when I first came here. I was telling another poster that I dont KNOW everything (but know enough to debate), and he said since I dont know everything that I didnt know how to debate. (I am paraphrasing).

It is apparent that he made a premature judgement when he said that. Or he was trying to intiminate me because he knew he didnt???

I just think it is rude what he is doing. He asks questions and ask for proof we answer and we give proof, but when it is us asking him....he cops out.

Oh well.

Edited by TABBY
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i have seen that you have been active on this board today. just wondering if you could reply to my most recent post in this thread.

thank you, and God Bless You in your search for Truth,


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  Truth said:
But you Guy say that you don't pray to Mary. Did you just change that, or did I miss something in what you just asked?

You missed something and I feel that I shouldn't bother replying because you won't take anything I say seriosly. I am going to try anyway. I invite you to say a little prayer asking God to open your heart and your mind to his truth.

Your question seemed to be in regards to the Marian devotion known as the rosary. The rosary does not consist of praying to Mary nor does it in any way imply that we see her as divine. It is a form of intercessory prayer whereby we petition Mary to pray for us/loved ones/whatever else might be on our mind and reflect upon the mysteries of Christ. When I went to summer camp when I was little my councilor asked me why I "prayed to Mary". At the time I was intimidated and really didn't know what to say. He used the big business analogy. He asked why I wouldn't just march right up to the top and talk to the guy who was running the show. He would have seen intercessory prayer as bringing your problem or whatever to the clerk in the lobby. Now why I have remembered this for so long is beyond me, but in anycase a witty reply has gradually formed in mind over some years (ok maybe it isn't even witty, but a reply nonetheless). I know if I went into some big office or government building to try and talk to "the boss" I would likely have trouble. This analogy is not so great I will all admit but just bear with me for a sec. Basically what I wnat to say is that your chances are much better if "the bosses" mother is constantly asking him to help you.

I am yet to meet a single person who prays all day. For anyone to continually pray to the father all day is very difficult. Try it for a few days I'm sure you'll agree. Mary, on the other hand, prays all day. She is constantly trying to bring us closer to her son. Now if this is when you start screeming "but Jesus is her son not God" you must take into account that from where I am coming from God is three in one; the father the son and the holy spirit, not 1/3 of each or one one day and another the next, but inherintly three divine persons.

In regards to what you said no we don't pray to Mary. We simply ask her to help us by praying. Yes the rosary is a form of prayer. You may see this as a contradiction so I will try to explain. Throughout the rosary one meditates on the mysteries of Christ (joyful, sorrowful, glorious, or perhaps luminous). This is a good and holy thing in that it brings one closer to Jesus in both his humanity (birth, finding in the temple, agony in the garden) and his divinity (resurrection, annuciation, acension into heaven). I know this is all a little hard to understand but it is what I have come to know and believe through the grace of God.

I hope that helps you a bit in at least understanding somewhat where Catholics might be comming from.



the rosary consists of the apostles creed followed by the Our Father three hail Marys a Glory be then five decades (each decade corresponds to a mystery of the faith and consists of an our father ten hail marys and a glory be) The "Hail Mary" I will now dutifully type out for you so you know just what we saying.

Hail Mary, full of grace the Lord is with you. Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb Jesus. Holy Mary mother of God pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death amen.

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  phatcatholic said:
stiiiiiiillllll waiting larry..............

Yes, you do what you do but it has not bases in Christ work for us. It don't bring us closer to Christ it take you away from Christ. I'm not being mean spiritied but want you all to understand the just of things. We are to serve the Father, through Jesus, by the Holy Spirit. You get so twisted in your church that you miss the big picture. I know what you do and the reason that you do it, I poke fun at it because its the same things that blocked the Jews from see Christ for who he is. Please understand I have spend more time trying to understand and learn about your church because I know its wrong. See If you are 2000 or 10000 years old don't mean that you are right. The Jews faith is other than the Catholic faith, do that make it right. Or is it that you lay claim to Christ that make you right? Don't answer that! The bottom line is that if you are going in the wrong direction to get to a point it take longer to reach it.

The Bottom Line:

We are to focus on the teaching of Christ, for we are the Church. Not, focus on the Church in hope of being lead to Christ. The church/people/diciples of Christ are to go out into the world and share the Good News of Christ. Its not to protect the Cc to defend our faith, because Christ don't need it. The fruit don't fall very far from the tree. I only want to be know as a Christian, because it is from his tree that I claim to be fruit of. You remove the focus Christ when you proclaim Catholic, Baptis, Meth, Luther or anyother tree to have come from. If you still don't get it I can't help you. Please don't mistake conviction for faith and faith for conviction. For you conviction in the teaching of the Catholic church could be your condemnation of your faith in Christ. The same way you faith in Christ, well convict the Cc and condem its teaching.

Eph 5:6Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of such things God's wrath comes on those who are disobedient. 7Therefore do not be partners with them.

Test your faith to be sure that it is from God, through Jesus. You must seek truth and not being on the Oldest team. For Jesus said he would bring a father against his son and a daught againt her mother. That was what he was talking about. You have to take a course that was not of tradition but of faith in Christ and his word. God lead the Apostles by the Holy Spirit and didn't give them anything different from each other because he wanted them to be of one mind and one perpose. No of a single mind and single perpose. If he gave Peter another mind it would defeat the perpose.

Love and peace be unto you.


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  Dave said:
You do realize that is spoken to the apostles, and not promised to the church.

The apostles comprised the first hierarchy of the Church, with Peter as the first Pope. So yes, it applies to the whole Church.

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Kilroy the Ninja

  Truth said:
For you conviction in the teaching of the Catholic church could be your condemnation of your faith in Christ. The same way you faith in Christ, well convict the Cc and condem its teaching.

ummm, What?

This makes absolutely NO sense.

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  TABBY said:

I sure did.

The Church is being identified as the "way" spoken in Isaiah 35:8

I think you are forgetting who the apostles are....

NDE= Near death experience

ECF= Early Church Fathers.

Who do you think the apostles were? The apostles were part of the Church.

Act 9:2, is Saul before he was confronted by Jesus as a Jews keeping with Jews Law condeming anyone that beleive anything other than the Law of Moses. It didn't ID the Cc. It ID people that beleived in Christ. You can't defend the Cc with the Scripture anywhere.

This is not talking about the Cc, its talking about the beleiver in Christ, Kingdom.

But only the redeemed will walk there,

10 and the ransomed of the LORD will return.

They will enter Zion with singing;

everlasting joy will crown their heads.

Gladness and joy will overtake them,

and sorrow and sighing will flee away.

Be careful about how you try to make the Bible out to be talking about the Cc. Is only come up in REV but not by name but deeds.


Excerpted from Compton's Interactive Bible NIV

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Sadly, you miss the point. The Way identified in Scripture is the Catholic Church. Just because people fell away from the the Way, and called what they left something else, it didn't change the Way.

The Church was called The Church for hundreds of years until people left it because they didn't want to follow what the Church has always taught. It seems you refuse to follow simple logic or proper grammar.

The Church is traced back to it's origin through it's deed of consistently teaching the exact same thing oabout Christ's salvation. It's people like you who refuse to honestly see it's deed. It's people like you who tries to hide the Church's consistency to the Truth by leaving it and calling it different names or causing it to name itself to keep it identified seperately from the error of those who abandon it.

People who leave the Church depart the straight and narrow and try to travel to the same goal, but walking in the bramble of ditches beside the road. Come back up to the High road, where the Shepherd is safely guiding the Flock.

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