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The Salesian Sisters


How many of you know of the Salesian Sisters?   

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*** I made the Poll Multiple Choice but did not mean to, so please ONLY PICK ONE ANSWER PER QUESTION! ~ thanks! :blush: )

So, I am entering, God willing, the Salesian Sisters in August, but it seems like hardly anyone around here (the Midwest) knows anything about them. Which is really very sad because they are a totally awesome order. They are very happy and full of joy and ever single one I have met has an awesome sense of humor. :P:

They wear a habit, they live in community, they are very devoted to the Eucharist, Mary, and the Pope (see Don Bosco's dream of the [url="http://www.bosconet.aust.com/2columns.html"][b]Two Pillars[/b][/url] [url="http://catholicgop.blogspot.com/2007/02/don-boscos-dream-of-two-pillars.html"][b]and a shorter version here [/b][/url])

They were founded to be a sign of God's particular love for the young and the poor - two groups often discounted and thought of as having nothing to offer by the world. The Salesian Sisters affirm the dignity of each person, and in the family spirit of the Salesian charism, make everyone feel at home with them. It is really unlike any other order I have visited. Yet, I am a little partial, as I have known the Salesians of Don Bosco for seven years and consider them the greatest influences in my spiritual development.

[url="http://www.salesiansisterseast.org/contacts.htm"][b]Sr Colleen[/b][/url] ([url="http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/index.php?showuser=5118"][b]happynun[/b][/url]) is working on revamping their vocation [url="http://www.salesiansisterseast.org/"][b]website[/b][/url] (hopefully soon!) and she will be at the Here I am Lord Vocation Confrence this weekend! Just look for a cheerful nun in a gray habit - you can't miss her. :topsy:

Does anyone have any ideas to help the Salesian Sisters get the word out about their work? They have a really great DVD which they are eventually going to post online (once they get the quicktime files) and Sr C has been all over the internet... and she travels a lot... but I am sure ya'll have some ideas.... I know there is a lot of creativity here! :saint:

Another PMer is entering at the same time I am and we have I think 5 or 6 total so far for August, but probably more to come. Isn't that AWESOME!? :cool:

Ok, your thoughts, please!

Edited by philosobrat
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I am truly happy for you. This looks a lovely Community..........I am sure that the Sisters are looking forward to you joining them. GOD Bless and Mary Keep...........LOL

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Hellooooo Phatmass...
Just as these Sisters are Philosobrat's Sisters- they are also mine! I've known the Salesian Sisters for nearly my whole life and I, along with Philosobrat and 4 others girls am hoping to enter with them this coming August! I can't wait!.. and it's no lie- this order REALLY is something special, and I'm so glad, and honored, that I'm called to this order! :D:

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I have never met any personally, though have heard much about their community and their joyful spirits. NJ has many that are in the school systems. Of course, here in Virginia, we have few if any communities represented(I am in southwest VA, not near DC).
I believe they just need to continue getting the word out. I have seen the dvd and it is really sweet. They seem to have so many positives, and having two phatmassers on board will really help. You are spreading the word here, which is awesome. I believe word of mouth is important. And as some of the more popular orders are finding out, an informative website is vital. Woman like to know alot before they will even make the initial inquiry.
I wish both of you much happiness!

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That's right... two PMers are becoming Salesian Sisters. We are up to 6 for August. ... Anyone else want to join them? Anyone even slightly interested? Let me know. You can send me a PM if you want. :topsy:

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Oh am SOOO Happy for you!! Thank you for sharing about your order, they look like a beautiful community, and it's great to have one of their sisters adn two of their candidates here, know that I will be praying for all of you and this wonderful community, may god bless you abundantly!!

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Thank you for your prayers!

Yes, I think we are going through that "new Springtime" of JPII now. God is sending us a lot of vocations, but the median age of our sisters is younger than most orders anyway (so its not like we were dying out). We have always had vocations, but God is being especially generous now! :rolleyes: God has been very good to us. Don Bosco wanted us to be called the "Daughters of Mary Help of Christians" (which is our formal name) and told us to imitate Mary in all that we do. God is so amazing; I just love him so much! :saint:

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[quote name='TrueImage' post='1202903' date='Feb 22 2007, 10:51 PM']Salesian priests are temporarily filling in at my college's chaplaincy. I've never met a Salesian sister though.[/quote]

Really? Where are you at? Do you know their names? I might know them. ^_^

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[quote name='the lords sheep' post='1203503' date='Feb 23 2007, 06:38 PM']Do the Sisters change their name when they take the habit?[/quote]

When a Salesian Sister is professed she does not change her name. It has never been our tradition. When St John Bosco founded our Order in Italy religious communities left and right were being suppressed and having their property taken from them.

Don Bosco wanted the Sisters to be able to retain all of their legal rights as citizens, and by keeping their given name this enabled them do to so. ^_^ He was a pretty smart guy!

A PMer send me a private message and asked about debts. Debts, as long as they are student loans, are looked at on an individual basis. They should not be something to bar a woman from pursuing an inquiry into the Salesian Sisters. If you have any questions about that or would like to learn more, please let me know. :D:

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Thank you Sister for your input. I have always felt your community had it all together! And so joyful! Many of the gals on phatmass are so concerened about their debts, and it is good for them to know that not all communities will shut the door on them.

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