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Countdown Entrance Holy Spirit Adoration Sisters -pink Sisters Februar


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Congratulations!!! :clap: That's sooooooo wonderful!!!! What a heavenly place! :sign: We will miss you!! Please keep us discerners in your prayers. God bless you! :blowkiss:

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(Future Sister) Janet,

May God bless you abundantly! Please know how thankful the Church--the WORLD-- is for your witness, as well as the church here in St. Louis.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the HOLY SPIRIT. As it was in the beginning, is now and will be forever. AMEN.

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the lords sheep

May God Bless you! Congratulations! Hopefully I'll be by to see you and pray with you one day!
Please remember us all in your prayers!

In Jesus and Mary,

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Piccoli Fiori JMJ

Congratulations! May the Lord bless you abundantly as you enter into this new life! Remember us in your prayers!
God be praised for your yes. ^_^

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Congratulations. May our Lord bless you abundantly for your courageous answer to follow Him so completely. Please pray for the ones you leave behind, your fellow Phatmassers. :)

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Hello all, well today was my last day working and it was a mix of feelings, I'm so excited and can't wait to be serving our lord in this beautiful communty, but also it's sad to leave my co-workers and the airline that has been my family for several years (I'm a flight attendant), but I will be remembering them always, and my fellow co-workers were SO supportive and it was very neat to see many of their response, our lord is so awesome, for my sharing about my vocation had helped them to open up and talk about their faiths and my pilots last evening were so interested in all of this and were asking me several questions, haha they kept calling me on the itnerphone on the plane and would be like "SO I got some more questions, what's this and this.. etc etc" and it was really great to talk about my future community and my faith (they were not catholic so they were asking about the rosary and such) its' just awesome how our lord works, and I learned many are good catholics and my one gate agent said she used to want to be a nun and when she heard I was entering the convent, she just cried.. and so many of them have just been wonderful and I cried alot when I hugged many of them goodbye.. my supervisor when I was turning in all my stuff, I went to turn in my wings and she said "NO you keep those and remember us always" she's just so sweet and I just will miss my little airline family very much.. they have just all been So incredibly supportive of my vocation and some of them are going to try to make it to my entrance ceremony and will write to me.. and it was kinda a sad feeling to think wow I'm probably never gonna fly again.. or atleast not working the flight... and I did take sometime to enjoy the view from up there... so this was quite an emotional day, but I'm truly greatful to our dear lord for giving me this oppertunity with this wonderful airline!!!

So the rest of my week is going to be busy finalizing everything and getting rid fo what remains in my apartment and spending some time with our dear lord, which I'm So looking foward to ashwenesday mass this eve, it will be my last time to sing in the choir, but I just love ashwenesday and the season of lent!! :) Well Thanks again for all your prayers!!!

FOUR DAYS!!!!!!!!! :yahoo:

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Congratulations...please remember us in prayer!

- Sr. Colleen Clair, FMA
Salesian Sisters of St. John Bosco

Edited by happynun
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My sister, you are so wonderful, our talks over the years, I will miss.

You are a great person, thank you so much!


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Birgitta Noel

Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Your joy is palpable! I wish I could have been on your last flight to see you off!


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[quote name='happynun' post='1201747' date='Feb 21 2007, 04:04 PM']Congratulations...please remember us in prayer!

- Sr. Colleen Clair, FMA
Salesian Sisters of St. John Bosco[/quote]
:welcome: sister!!

And you must be very excited, with you enterance so close!!!

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