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April 21 2005
New York TImes

David Hollinger

It would appear as something from a science fiction movie, but perhaps aliens do exist. On April 10th while Matthew Lalonde and his wife Betty Lalonde were driving to work they could not help but notice a large unusual rock on their normal route. "Immediatly we stepped out and began to notice the strange imprints in the rock," Betty stated to the Times. It apperaed as if the rock had carvings in a basic language resembling modern day Galeic. It was taken to the University of Phoenix for further study and was confirmed it was composed of Xenion-Prophate an elemnetial subject, pecuilar because it is not found on Earth. Upon breaking the rock appart a fossil became more visible and evident. Dr. T. Kelsh PHD GS who led the University of Phoenix team studying the rock notes "It is quite extraordinary that such a fossil exists on an extr-terrestial rock. Upon our conclusions at the University of Phoneix by all our geological staff we can confrim with little doubt that the rock most likely have fallen onto our planet from an outside source, whether that be in the form of a metorite or other such means." In regards to the idea of intelligent life outside of the planet Earth Dr. Kelsch states "This single artificat strongly points to the concept of intellegent life outside of the planet Earth. Both the fossil but primarily the fundemental language on the outside of the rock strongly points to some form of capable intellegence and knowledge". After the study produced by the University of Phoenix the Government of the United States has taken possesion of the rock under the Alien Objects Act , which states that any extra terrestial item seized within the Government's jurisdiction automatically becomes the property of the United States Governement. Until then speculation will only continueand it may be decades until we finally understand the mystery behind this single space rock.

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Of course there is life on other planets! Don't you know that God lives on a planet around Kolob? And that when we die we will each have our own planet and be Gods? Populated with our children? If you didn't know that, you must not be Mormon. See here for details:

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