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Death Certificates On Abortions Proposed


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[quote name='Rod' post='1195829' date='Feb 15 2007, 09:26 AM']
THis is the crux of the matter as with aborted life. Until people (non Catholics) accept that the moment life is created is conception then they will never accept a death certificate for stillborn or aborted life.


Um. There are several Catholics that think abortion is okay, and several non-Catholics that are pro-life. You should be more careful about making this a catholic vs. non-catholic comparison.

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[quote]Um. There are several Catholics that think abortion is okay, and several non-Catholics that are pro-life. You should be more careful about making this a catholic vs. non-catholic comparison.[/quote]

Point taken. Thank you

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Guest enquirer

Hi, I know I haven't posted much (at all really), but I do read with interest a lot of what goes on here.

My immediate thought:

In the US, are death certificates publicly accessible? If so, do you think there would be any problem with people who have had abortions being attacked etc?

I agree with the idea that a life that has been ended should be recognised as such, but will women who have terminated a foetus be at risk? I'm aware that some people take their objections to someone's actions too far - there have been instances of animal protester being killed, so I'm sure the same is possible for women who have had abortions.

Sorry if that hasn't made much sense - currently recovering from the flu!

(edited because I can't use punctuation properly!)

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Theses human beings are being denied every single right of due process and now we push them aside pretending they didn’t even exist, how about we start calling abortion clinics what they really are, death camps. Just like the Nazi that we utterly reject for their “human right violations” but we do exactly the same thing they do, in fact even worse. We make the one place in the whole world that ought to be a haven for children a place of fear, the mother’s womb. Innocent persons committing no crime being denied due rights and every human liberty that an abortionist waves on their banner, it’s disgusting.

I say if we are going to be monsters lets get the children death certificates...

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[quote name='MissScripture' post='1195674' date='Feb 15 2007, 02:20 AM']
This is an interesting idea, but what would keep them from lying? I mean, there's the whole "privacy" issue.
Sort of off topic, if Roe v. Wade is overturned, that wouldn't automatically ban abortion, correct? There would still need to be laws created (or re-created) to explicitly out-law it, right?

I believe that if Roe v. Wade is overturned, the matter goes back to the states, i.e. State X could allow abortion under any or all circumstances, and State Y could restrict abortion under any or all circumstances. What Roe v. Wade does at the Federal level is create a right to privacy that trumps state restrictions by virtue of its being at the Federal level.

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[quote name='kenrockthefirst' post='1196214' date='Feb 15 2007, 03:39 PM']
I believe that if Roe v. Wade is overturned, the matter goes back to the states, i.e. State X could allow abortion under any or all circumstances, and State Y could restrict abortion under any or all circumstances. What Roe v. Wade does at the Federal level is create a right to privacy that trumps state restrictions by virtue of its being at the Federal level.
That's what I thought. Thank you.

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[quote name='Rod' post='1195946' date='Feb 15 2007, 01:08 PM']
After a little research it appears that:
According to web site sources.
That is incorrect however.

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